Atlanta REIA Meeting Updates

Tue, April 28th @ 6:30PM – Peachtree City, GA
Peachtree City EPIC Group
How to Invest in Real Estate
Without Paying Taxes

with Special Guest, Scott Maurer
April 28th, 6:30PM, Green Ginger Asian Fusion
200 Market Place Connector, Peachtree City, GA

Scott MaurerCome join us at our next Peachtree City EPIC Group meeting on Tuesday, April 28th at 6:30PM at the Green Ginger Asian Fusion Restaurant located at 200 Market Place Connector in Peachtree City, GA. Our special guest speaker will be Scott Maurer, Director of Business Development for Advanta IRA. Scott will be sharing his expertise on how to use a self-directed IRA to invest in real estate and grow your wealth tax free.

Many investors don’t know that it’s even possible to use retirement funds when investing in real estate. Most IRA accounts are invested with banks and brokerage firms who do not allow for this type of investment within their portfolios, but IRS regulations certainly allow for many types of alternative investments. Self-directed IRAs allow individuals to use their IRA funds to purchase rental property, rehabs/flips, private mortgages, tax liens, and much, much more. By using a self-direct IRA, an investor can utilize this “new” bucket of cash to acquire assets that they can better control and thus drive better returns to their IRA. Best of all, the gains from these investments go back to the IRA without any tax implications.

At the meeting you will learn:

  • What types of accounts are eligible to be self-directed
  • How you can move money from current IRA custodians without worrying about tax implications
  • What the rules are pertaining to prohibited transactions and disqualified persons
    (In short, what you can’t do with your self-directed IRA)
  • How the process works from contract to closing, and how the earnings come back to the IRA on a tax-deferred or tax-free basis
  • How to obtain “checkbook control” over your IRA for the purpose of real estate investing
  • And Much, Much More!

Scott has worked for Advanta since 2006, and is a frequent speaker on the topic of self-directed IRAs and using retirement funds to invest in real estate and other alternative assets. Scott is also an attorney and a member of The Florida Bar.

Late Nite Networking After EPIC Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA EPIC meeting (after 9PM), we will be hanging out at the Green Ginger Asian Fusion Restaurant for Late Nite Networking, also known as the “Meeting After the Meeting.” So please come eat, drink, network and have fun with like-minded investors and real estate professionals as we hang out late into the night!

About the Atlanta REIA EPIC Group

Atlanta REIA EPIC GroupThe EPIC Group, which stands for “Education, Properties, Income and Community”, is a Peachtree City Real Estate Investing Group that is all about buy and hold real estate investing, long term income and building your net worth. The meeting takes place at the Green Ginger Asian Fusion Restaurant located at 200 Market Place Connector in Peachtree City, GA. The host for this event is Donna Littleton, Broker & CEO of Solutions Realty Network, and her husband Chris Littleton. There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members and currently no charge for non-members as well.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, April 27th @ 6:30PM – Marietta, GA
Atlanta REIA Wild Wild West
STOP Throwing CA$H in the Trash!
Become a Transaction Engineer!

with Leslie Mathis
April 27th, 6:30PM, Cherokee Cattle Company
2710 Canton Rd, Marietta, GA

Leslie MathisOur next Atlanta REIA West meeting is Monday, April 27th at 6:30PM at the Cherokee Cattle Company located at 2710 Canton Rd in Marietta. There is no charge for this meeting for Atlanta REIA Members. Guests and Non-Members can pay $10.00 at the door.

Are you finding yourself stuck with doing only wholesale deals? Excited about real estate, yet you don’t have money or credit to buy? Are you doing everything you know to do to structure deals so you can maximize your profits, yet things just aren’t coming together for you? Then you need to be at Wild West on Monday, April 27th at 6:30PM as Leslie Mathis shows you how to structure deals like a PRO!

Here’s what you’ll learn…

  • The MUST HAVE info you need from your seller
  • How to make creative offers that meet a seller’s needs
  • How to structure deals you’re throwing in the trash to make Big Fat Checks come out of them
  • And much, much more!

You’ll get a big jump start on structuring creative deals that get you PAID NOW, AND build your wealth! You don’t want to miss this one!

5 Days & 4 Nights in CancunWIN A FREE CARIBBEAN VACATION FOR TWO!: All participants who attend the Atlanta REIA West Meeting will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a *Complimentary Caribbean Vacation for TWO and other great door prizes! *You must be present at the meeting to win. The Caribbean vacation does not include transportation, taxes, upgrades, etc.

Late Nite Networking After West Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA West meeting (after 9PM), you are encouraged to hang around and join us for Late Nite Networking also held at Cherokee Cattle Company. So please come eat, drink, network and have fun with like-minded investors and real estate professionals as we hang out late into the night!

West Meeting Agenda*
6:30PM: Networking, Food Ordering & introductions
7:00PM: Welcome, Announcements & Upcoming Events
7:25PM: Haves & Wants
7:45PM: Feature Presentation with Leslie Mathis
9:00PM: Drawings for Prizes & Giveaways
9:05PM: Late Nite Networking

*Please Note: West Meeting agenda is subject to change.

About the Atlanta REIA West Group

Atlanta REIA WestThe Atlanta REIA West Monthly Meeting is an Atlanta REIA Subchapter led by Leslie Mathis this is held on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:30PM at the Cherokee Cattle Company restaurant located at 2710 Canton Road in Marietta, GA. Atlanta REIA Members can attend for FREE and guests for $10.00. Show up at 6:30PM to eat and network before the meeting officially starts at 7:00PM. Buying your own meal is optional but highly recommended and greatly appreciated since the Cherokee Cattle Company allows us to use their meeting room. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the event.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, May 4th at 5:00 PM in Norcross, GA
Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Meeting
& Vendor Trade Show
May 4th @ Atlanta Unity, Norcross, GA
How To Become the LEADER in Your Market and Gain
“Instant Celebrity Status”
with Expert Marketer, TC Bradley

Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge. This month,
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.

TC BradleyAtlanta REIA is excited to announce that TC Bradley will be our special guest speaker this month at our main monthly meeting on Monday, May 4th at 5PM at Atlanta Unity located at 3597 Parkway Lane in Norcross, GA. TC will be teaching how YOU can become a leading expert in your field and dominate your market, backed by the credibility of being a #1 best-selling author!

Credibility is extremely important to establish in the real estate investing business. With Google now easily within everyone’s reach, it is even more important to establish yourself as someone who knows what they are doing and to set yourself apart from the rest of your competitors. How great would it be to be able to confidently tell a seller to search for your name and for them to be able to see that you are considered to be a leading expert and #1 best-selling author in your field? Surely anyone can write a book, find a publisher, and promote their book around the clock so that it lands on #1 best seller lists right? That sounds like a lot of work…

This video is from TC and our friends at Florida Gulf Coast REIA

TC will show you how to streamline that process and establish instant credibility almost overnight! A process that used to take years to accomplish, TC can now accomplish in just a few short months. TC has cracked the media code and can help your business soar to new heights and make a lot more money with just a few simple strategies. TC can also help you and your business achieve national recognition through media outlets such as, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and He will also get your news releases syndicated with dozens of top media sites such as ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX affiliates.

“My media clients NEVER compete on price and always charge premium pricing for their services…people today want to do business with the LEADER the EXPERT AUTHORITY and that is what I deliver” – TC Bradley


Monday evening, TC Bradley, Founder of, will be sharing the details on how YOU can become a Co-Author of a Best Selling Book within the next 60 – 90 days! That’s right, less than 90 days!

A Co-Author book is where you supply 1 chapter of a book and still enjoy the benefits of being a Co-Author of a Best Selling book, and ALL the benefits that come with that.

Best Selling AuthorBecoming a Published Author not only separates you from the “competition”, but becoming a Best Selling Author puts you in another Universe…

  • Clearly establishes your AUTHORITY and LEADERSHIP
  • Never compete on pricing again with your competition!
  • Charge higher fees!
  • Opens up speaking opportunities
  • Clients and prospective clients view you differently.
  • Media exposure possibilities increase.

Best Selling BookUse the Best Selling Book that you are a Co-Author of as the coolest business card on the planet! TC’s clients send their books to prospective clients for a HUGE impact! TC will also share how a ghost write can interview you and write your own chapter for you!

Please Note: Book space is limited and already filling up, and we have already had several express an interest in participating, so you do not want to miss this meeting!

TC will also address how to be seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and other big name authority media websites to further enhance your Leadership Credibility.

What some of T.C’s clients are saying:

“TC Bradley is a man of his word. When he says he will do something you, can mark his word, it will be done and done with the utmost highest level of integrity and professionalism. Working with TC during our most recent #1 Amazon Best Selling Book Campaign was an awesome experience. TC definitely operates on a very high level and expects every book he publishes to be a Best Seller because he is playing on the highest levels of perfection and really would not settle for less. There is no doubt that we will be doing many more books with TC and we have absolutely no hesitation in referring his services to anyone that wants to work with the best! Without a doubt, TC is a man of greatness that will bring out the greatness in all that work with him.” ~ Stephanie & Jon Iannotti, 2 time – Amazon #1 Best Selling Authors

“3 Words: This Guy Delivers. Whether it is creating a business website, promotional video, or making his client a best-selling author, TC Bradley will tell you what he is going to do for you and then he does it. I would recommend TC’s marketing services for any serious entrepreneur or business.” ~ Matthew Fitzharris, Attorney at The Law Offices of Matthew J. Fitzharris

“I have since traveled around the world doing seminars and billing 10 Million + per year average. In one seminar, attended by 240 people, I closed 1 Million Dollars in sales in one day, truly, earning the title, “The Million Dollar Closer!” This simply was not going to happen without TC Bradley’s intervention in my life. He single handedly put me on the map, I listened to him and ran with it, to the bank. TC is impeccable with his work, his word, and his being.” ~ Stephen J. Young, Million Dollar Closer

You won’t want to miss your chance to hear TC speak about this exciting opportunity!

We look forward to seeing you Monday night at the Atlanta REIA Meeting on May 4th at 5PM at Atlanta Unity located at 3597 Parkway Lane in Norcross, GA.


*Meeting Day Agenda
5:00 pm: Meeting-Before-the-Meeting
5:00 pm: Vendor Trade Show & Networking
6:15 pm: Updates & Announcements
6:30 pm: Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session
7:00 pm: Networking Break
7:20 pm: Vendor Door Prizes & Giveaways
7:30 pm: Main Presentation with TC Bradley
9:30 pm: Late Nite Networking at Three Dollar Cafe

5 Days & 4 Nights in CancunWIN A 4 NIGHT STAY IN CANCUN: All participants who attend the Atlanta REIA Meeting will entered into a drawing for a chance to win a *Complimentary 5 Day, 4 Night Stay in Cancun! *You must be present at the meeting to win. Giveaway does not include dining, transportation, transfers, taxes, upgrades, etc.

*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.

5:00 PM in Main Meeting Room
The Meeting Before the Meeting
Marketing to Potential Off Market Buyers, Sellers & Private Lenders
with Chuck Phillips

Chuck PhillipsWe are excited to announce that Chuck Phillips with CRS Data will be the guest speaker at this month’s Meeting Before the Meeting. Chuck will be showing us how to use CRS Data’s proprietary software to find and organize all the important property information you need so you can make informed decisions in all your real estate investing transactions. CRS Data is a leading consolidator of information gleaned from public records provides data to MLS Services, Realtors, Appraisers, Banks/Lenders, Government Agencies, as well as investors.

  • Where do you find off market properties?
  • How do you get in touch with people who don’t know they want to sell?
  • How do you become the only buyer?
  • How do you get contact information on a vacant property?
  • Where do you get the information to become the neighborhood expert?
  • Where do you get a mailing list of absentee owners?
  • How do you get a list of owners of multiple properties?
  • And much much more.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to save yourself TONS of time researching properties and marketing to potential buyers, sellers and private lenders. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

5:00 PM in the Main Lobby
Monthly Vendor Trade Show

Dylon Ross with XfinityAt 5:00 PM in the Main Lobby, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting. See a full list of our vendors and sponsors below as they are added.

Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.

6:15 PM in the Main Meeting Room
What’s Happening at Atlanta REIA

Dustin GriffinStarting at 6:15 PM, Dustin Griffin kicks off the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting with updates and announcements. Dustin covers what’s happening at Atlanta REIA in the upcoming weeks and months such as upcoming workshops, webcasts, special events, members benefits and much more! Be sure to be in the main meeting room at 6:15 PM for your chance to be one of the first to receive a printed copy of The Profit Newsletter while supplies last.

6:30 PM in the Main Meeting Room
Haves & Wants Marketing Session

Joe ThompsonAt approximately 6:30 PM, Joe Thompson will be hosting the Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session which gives our members the opportunity to quickly market deals they HAVE and to find deals they WANT. We also give our business members the opportunity to get up and say a few words about their businesses. Members who want to participate in the Haves & Wants Marketing Session must bring your flyers and get to the meeting early to get on Joe’s list of participants.

9:30 PM @ Three Dollar Cafe, 6050 Peachtree Pkwy, Norcross
Late Nite Networking at Three Dollar Cafe

Three Dollar CafeAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting, we will be reconvening at Three Dollar Cafe located at 6050 Peachtree Pkwy #100 in Norcross, GA at 9:30 PM for the Late Nite Networking and the “Meeting-After-The-Meeting”!

There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members or guests to attend Late Nite Networking at the Three Dollar Cafe, so bring a friend and head on down to Late Nite Networking! Just be sure you order food and beverages from the cafe and please tip their wait staff generously.

Participating Meeting Vendors & Sponsors
Meeting Vendors & Sponsors
Reserve a Vendor Table Here

Networth Realty of Atlanta, LLCNetworth Realty of Atlanta, LLC – A licensed, full-service residential wholesale brokerage that specializes in finding quality wholesale properties and making them available to you. Read More>>

American IRAAmerican IRA – The American IRA mission is to provide the highest level of customer service in the self-directed retirement industry.
Read More>>

Halperin Lyman, LLCHalperin Lyman, LLC – A transactional real property law firm devoted to providing the full spectrum of non-litigation related real estate legal and consulting services to its clientele. Read More>>

Goldmine Properties, Inc.Goldmine Properties, Inc. – As Atlanta’s first full service real estate wholesaler, we offer wholesale property at 65% loan to value, with financing available. Purchase price and repairs are 65% of certified after repaired appraisal. Read More>>

Air Conditioning Experts, Inc.Air Conditioning Experts, Inc. – For all your air conditioning services throughout Atlanta, contact Air Conditioning Experts. We have all the training and experience necessary to ensure the success of your home cooling system.

Advanta IRA AdministrationAdvanta IRA Administration – With the help of your local Advanta IRA staff, use your IRA to invest in assets you know, understand and control, such as real estate, notes & mortgages, private placements, and much more! Read More>>

Lima One Capital, LLCLima One Capital, LLC – A fully capitalized, direct lender for residential real estate investors and homebuilders. We are fully capitalized and our team prides itself on closing loans quickly for our clients. Read More>>

CRS DataCRS Data – We offer comps from the MLS & FSBO’s, custom searches, property tax records, interactive maps, sales & mortgage info, real estate valuations, mailing lists & more. Read More>>

Atlanta Carpet ServicesAtlanta Carpet Services, Inc. – Providing carpet, wood, vinyl, and tile, ACS is dedicated to every aspect of your floor covering needs from initial consultation to the sale and follow-up services. Read More>>

Fuller Center for Housing of Greater AtlantaFuller Center for Housing of Greater Atlanta – A faith-driven, Christ-centered, non-profit organization dedicated to providing adequate shelter for people in need in the Greater Atlanta area. Read More>>

Caged N LLC

Gateway Acquisitions Group LLC

Farmers Insurance Sandy Springs – The Derrick Agency

American Family Insurance, Robin Mitchell Agency – Kimberly Dooley

Atlanta REIA Wild West Group

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, April 21st @ Noon in Decatur, GA
The Onsite Renovation Group
Meets Tuesday, April 21st at NOON
576 John Wesley Dobbs Ave, Atlanta 30312

Onsite Renovation GroupThis Month on Tuesday, April 21st at NOON at 576 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30312, the Onsite group will meet at a property where we have been doing a new construction. We have seen this project at previous meetings when the house was in different phases. It is very exciting to say the house is finished! Join us Tuesday to see the beautiful new home. The project is in the Old Fourth Ward, which is a neighborhood that has suddenly become hot because of the proximity to the Beltline and the Ponce City Market development in the historic Sears building. Don’t miss this meeting that should prove to be a very informative discussion about tearing down a house and building a new construction.

Aaron McGinnisThe Onsite Renovation Group, led by Aaron McGinnis of Craftbuilt Properties, is an educational and networking group that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes inside the I-285 perimeter and the in-town neighborhoods. The purpose of this group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property. The Onsite Renovation Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month. There is currently no charge to attend this meeting.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, April 21st @ 7:00 PM in Sandy Springs, GA
The Atlanta Wholesalers Group
Meets Tuesday, April 21st at 7PM
Hudson Grille, 6317 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs, GA
Buyers – They Come In Many Flavors For Your Deals!
with Frank Iglesias

Please RSVP on if you have a meetup account.

Atlanta Wholesalers GroupBuyers… some of your best friends as a wholesaler!

You have to have them since you need someone to wholesale too. But they come in so many flavors.

Some want this, some want that. Some want it all. Some are happy with the basics. Some of them don’t want the kitchen sink and some of them expect two sinks. Some of them say your numbers are high, some say they are low. Some love your deals, some don’t. Some want rehabs, some want cash flow.

And on and on and on it seems are the reasons why they buy or don’t buy.

At this meetup, let’s get them in some buckets so as you go into your deals, you know who your target Buyer is and arguably as important, who it is not.

We will also talk about how to work with Buyers to get them to make offers so that if you don’t have a deal but do have an interested Buyer, you have the opportunity to create one.

Also in our last meeting deal analysis, we had some interesting deals with some more unique points so bring yours and let’s talk about them on the big screen.

And do bring your deals! There are active Buyers such as myself in the room looking for deals to buy each and every month. Many wholesale deals and transactional loans have come out of the group so come expecting to make money!

Frank IglesiasMy name is Frank Iglesias. Come join us on Tuesday, April 21st at 7PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs as we network, do what is now our standard deal analysis at every meeting and then we will dive into our topic for the evening!

This Atlanta Wholesalers group is primarily for wholesalers who are serious about the business and not just “trying” Real Estate out. Frank started this group to work with other wholesalers who are serious about building their business using the utmost of honesty and integrity. We are looking forward to exploring how we can grow together in our local market. We hope you will join us!

Please RSVP on if you have a meetup account.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Thu, April 23rd @ 11:30 AM in Sandy Springs, GA
Commercial & Multi-Family Group
How to Secure Funding for Your Multi-Family & Commercial Deals!
With Special Guest, Doug Martin

Bill Ham & Steve Brown This month at the Commercial & Multi-Family Real Estate Group, we will have one of the best commercial lending brokers, Doug Martin, as our main speaker. Doug will show you how to get a loan for duplexes, quads, apartments, and other commercial deals. Doug has been the President of Commercial Lending Outlet since 2004. He primarily focuses on multi-family financing for 5+ units to 300+ units. He has financing available for loan amounts from $100,000 to $5M+. If you have an income producing commercial property, Doug has financing available for you and he will show you how to secure it.

Also, as time permits, Steve Brown will share information about these 3 items from his tool box:

  1. Flex Option – Control a property for $10 that will allow you to flip or buy
  2. Master Lease Option – A lease of an apartment complex with an option to buy or flip with little or no money down and time to increase the value or walk
  3. Release of Liability – Protect your assets from your tenants suing you

Commercial & Multi-Family Real Estate GroupThe Atlanta REIA Commercial & Multi-Family Real Estate Group is an educational, networking and call to action subgroup, led by Steve Brown and Bill Ham that is designed to help real estate investors take their investments to the next level by successfully investing in commercial real estate. You will meet the experts and the behind the scenes players in the game of commercial real estate investing. Come join us and learn to invest in commercial real estate for fun and extreme profits.

The group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at the 5 Seasons Brewing located at 5600 Roswell Rd (map). Please note that the Commercial & Multi-Family Real Estate Group meets just prior to the Have’s and Wants Meeting which is from 1:30 PM until 3:30 PM. So please come enjoy both of these back to back meetings and get the most out of your day!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Thur, April 16th @ 6PM – Atlanta, GA
New Group Meets TONIGHT for 1st Time!
Atlanta Intown Investors Club
Buy, Sell, Trade, Network, Q&A
This Group is All About Doing Deals!
April 16th, 6PM at Wrecking Bar Brewpub
Bring Your Deals, Biz Cards & Flyers
Atlanta REIA Members & Non-Members Welcome!

Atlanta Intown Investors ClubTONIGHT at 6PM is the soft launch of the new Atlanta Intown Investors Club at the Wrecking Bar BrewPub which was rated at the #1 Best Bar in Atlanta by Atlanta Magazine. The Wrecking Bar has great food (see sample menu) and great beer they brew in house.

This meeting is all about doing deals, having fun and exchanging ideas and knowledge with other like-minded real estate investors, entrepreneurs and professionals. It is like an “open mic night” for people who love doing real estate deals.

There will be haves and wants (buy, sell, trade), shameless commercials from our vendors, and Questions & Answers. This entire meeting is based on audience participation… YOUR PARTICIPATION!

Atlanta REIA Members and Non-Members are welcome. There is no charge for our first meeting. Bring your deals, business cards, flyers and brochures and come join us as we soft launch this new meeting TONIGHT!

Please RSVP on if you have a meetup account.

The Atlanta Intown Investors Club is a new Atlanta REIA Subgroup run by Dustin Griffin and Maggie Groholski that meets for the first time on Thursday, April 16th at 6PM at the Wrecking Bar BrewPub in Atlanta, GA. Our mission and focus is to provide an open forum for real estate investors and industry professionals to network and have direct access to hot real estate deals. The group is all about doing more deals! This forum will be totally member-centric. Its content and value is derived from our members actively participating and networking with each other during the meeting.

Wrecking Bar BrewpubWe will not be pitching products from the front of the room. Instead, this is your meeting to pitch your properties, products and services; voice your real estate wants and needs; and participate in open discussions of real estate questions and issues. We will strive to remain a forum for investors to do deals and learn and seek advice from your peers and trusted industry professionals. The more you attend and participate, the more deals you’ll do and, the smarter we all become.

Wrecking Bar BrewpubMeetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at from 6PM – 9PM in the Cellar Meeting Room of the Wrecking Bar BrewPub located at 292 Moreland Ave NE in Atlanta, GA. Dinner will be available to order as will a varying array of beers and cocktails. Join us for the meeting as well as dinner to support our local businesses. As always we will socialize after the meeting in the main pub area.

Event Agenda*
6:00 pm: Arrival, Ordering Food and Beverages, Networking
6:30 pm: Introductions
7:00 pm: About the Intown Group, Announcements
7:30 pm: Buy / Sell / Trade / Commercials / Q&A Sessions
9:00 pm: After Meeting Social for Networking

*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change since this is our first meeting.

5 Days & 4 Nights in CancunWIN A 4 NIGHT STAY IN CANCUN: All participants who attend the Intown Meeting will have a chance to win a *Complimentary 5 Day, 4 Night Stay in Cancun! *You must be present at the meeting to win. The Giveaway does not include dining, transportation, airfare, transfers, taxes, upgrades, etc.

Late Nite Networking After Intown Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of our Atlanta Intown Investors Club Meeting, we will be hanging out a the at the Wrecking Bar Brewpub for “Late Nite Networking” to socialize and build stronger relationships. So come and join us for the Atlanta Intown Meeting and be prepared to stay late and network and have fun with like minded real estate investors, marketers and other professionals late into the evening!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Thur, April 16th @ 6PM – Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Intown Investors Club
Buy, Sell, Trade, Network, Q&A
This Group is All About Doing Deals!
April 16th, 6PM at Wrecking Bar Brewpub

Atlanta Intown Investors ClubThe Atlanta Intown Investors Club is a new Atlanta REIA Subgroup run by Dustin Griffin and Maggie Groholski that meets for the first time on Thursday, April 16th at 6PM at the Wrecking Bar BrewPub in Atlanta, GA. Our mission and focus is to provide an open forum for real estate investors and industry professionals to network and have direct access to hot real estate deals. The group is all about doing more deals! This forum will be totally member-centric. Its content and value is derived from our members actively participating and networking with each other during the meeting.

Wrecking Bar BrewpubWe will not be pitching products from the front of the room. Instead, this is your meeting to pitch your properties, products and services; voice your real estate wants and needs; and participate in open discussions of real estate questions and issues. We will strive to remain a forum for investors to do deals and learn and seek advice from your peers and trusted industry professionals. The more you attend and participate, the more deals you’ll do and, the smarter we all become.

Wrecking Bar BrewpubMeetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at from 6PM – 9PM in the Cellar Meeting Room of the Wrecking Bar BrewPub located at 292 Moreland Ave NE in Atlanta, GA. Dinner will be available to order as will a varying array of beers and cocktails. Join us for the meeting as well as dinner to support our local businesses. As always we will socialize after the meeting in the main pub area.

5 Days & 4 Nights in CancunWIN A 4 NIGHT STAY IN CANCUN: All participants who attend the Intown Meeting will have a chance to win a *Complimentary 5 Day, 4 Night Stay in Cancun! *You must be present at the meeting to win. The Giveaway does not include dining, transportation, airfare, transfers, taxes, upgrades, etc.

Late Nite Networking After Intown Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of our Atlanta Intown Investors Club Meeting, we will be hanging out a the at the Wrecking Bar Brewpub for “Late Nite Networking” to socialize and build stronger relationships. So come and join us for the Atlanta Intown Meeting and be prepared to stay late and network and have fun with like minded real estate investors, marketers and other professionals late into the evening!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Wed, April 15th @ 6:30PM – Buford, GA
Atlanta REIA North Meeting
Researching Properties & Marketing to Off Market Sellers
with Chuck Phillips
April 15th, 6:30PM
1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D, Buford, GA


Chuck PhillipsWe are excited to announce that Chuck Phillips with CRS Data will be the guest speaker at this month’s Atlanta REIA North Meeting. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15th at 6:30PM located at 1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D, Buford, GA. Chuck will be showing us how to use CRS Data’s proprietary software to find and organize all the important property information you need so you can make informed decisions in all your real estate investing transactions.

CRS Data is a leading consolidator of information gleaned from public records provides data to MLS Services, Realtors, Appraisers, Banks/Lenders, Government Agencies, as well as investors.

Chuck has worked with Courthouse Retrieval System (CRS) for over 11 years. He has worked with all types of individuals from Investors, Realtors, Mortgage Companies, Banks, Surveyors, and Developers on how to utilize public record information. He is licensed to teach “Using Public Records to Enhance Your Business” by the Tennessee Realtors Association in TN. Public records can be used to answer the following questions:

  • Where do you find off market properties?
  • How do you get in touch with people who don’t know they want to sell?
  • How do you become the only buyer?
  • How do you get contact information on a vacant property?
  • Where do you get the information to become the neighborhood expert?
  • Where do you get a mailing list of absentee owners?
  • How do you get a list of owners of multiple properties?
  • And much much more.

Public records are free to look at from state or county sites using the program provided by that organization. Most of the time all you can obtain is the Owners Name, Address, Tax Information, Parcel Number, Year/Effective Year Built, Lat/Long Information if the county has GIS maps, etc. The program from CRS, with the various Search Filters, allows you to sift through this data to arrive at the results you would like. If you are looking for out of state owners with a certain type of improvement, square footage, year built in a certain zip/street, this program can filter out that information. If you need a home with an existing mortgage, this information can be found.

All of this is public information, but the Engine CRS has with the various filters makes it very easy to find and export to Excel for marketing purposes. If you find a home and need to know the comps around the home, this can easily be found based on date, distance, and time of sale. This is another feature any investor needs depending on the type of exit strategy they have for the property.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to save yourself TONS of time researching properties! RSVP Now to secure your seat. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Late Nite Networking After North Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA North Meeting (after 9:30 PM), we will be reconvening at the Tannery Row Ale House located at 554 W Main St in historic downtown Buford, GA for the “Meeting after the Meeting”. We may arrive late if the Atlanta REIA North Meeting runs late. So please come eat, drink, network and have fun with us as hang out late into the night!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Thu, April 9th @ 11:30AM – Sandy Springs, GA
Small Business Group (SBG)
Creative Financing
with Joe Thompson
April 9th, 11:30AM, 5 Seasons Brewing,
Sandy Springs, GA

Joe ThompsonCome be part of the Small Business Group on Thursday, April 9th at 11:30AM at the 5 Seasons Brewing at the Prado located at 5600 Roswell Rd #21 in Sandy Springs where Joe Thompson will be sharing his valuable insights on Creative Financing and other alternatives for funding your real estate deals.

Haves and Wants Meeting After SBG

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of our Small Business Group Meeting, plan to stick around for Joe Thompson’s Haves and Wants Meeting. The Haves and Wants Meeting, led by Joe Thompson, is a weekly real estate investor brainstorming and deal making jam session. They meet EVERY Thursday (except major holidays) from 1:30PM till approximately 3:30PM.

About the Small Business Group (SBG)

Small Business Group (SBG)The Atlanta REIA Small Business Group (SBG) is an educational and networking group for real estate entrepreneurs and small business owners, led by Karen Bershad, that meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month, once per quarter, at 11:30AM at the 5 Seasons Brewing located at 5600 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs, Georgia.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, April 13th @ 6:30PM – Hudson Grille, Sandy Springs, GA
All Inclusive Marketing (AIM) Group
How to Automate Your Marketing by Using Virtual Assistants
with Russ Hiner
April 13th, 6:30PM, Hudson Grille, Sandy Springs, GA


Russ HinerOur next All Inclusive Marketing (AIM) Group Meeting is Monday, April 13th at 6:30PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs. There is no charge for this meeting for Atlanta REIA Members. Guests and Non-Members can pay $20.00 at the door or RSVP Online for $15.00.

AIM is excited about April’s monthly meeting. A good friend, a great marketer, and a successful, active investor, Russ Hiner will be our special guest speaker.

I respect Russ a lot for his knowledge, creativity and ability to make a deal out of almost nothing. He has owned real estate in 9 different states and has coached/mentored investors across the United States.

Russ has gone to the school of hard knocks many times. The tuition alone has made him value wisdom and others’ experience. He has experienced doing deals that were very profitable and exciting. These deals allowed him to achieve the goals and dreams he had set out for himself. Russ has learned that this stuff works…and a lot of what doesn’t work.

Russ is an active real estate investor, wholesaler, coach and mentor. He will share with us how to use Virtual Assistants (VAs) that you pay less than $3.00 an hour to get your marketing done for you. He will also share:

  • How to get paid more and do less!
  • How to find properties you can wholesale!
  • Where to find them from!
  • What part of business you should be doing!
  • Who to hire so they can get the work you do not want to do done for you!
  • Who to delegate almost everything to!
  • Delegate your marketing and make lead generation a breeze!
  • And much, much more!

We all have a limited amount of time to live our life. Why not maximize the event? Why not spend your time with people who will put large deposits into your bank account and delegate the details to others?

When you attend this exciting and dynamic presentation by Russ Hiner, you will receive a system to hire a virtual assistant to make your life easier and simpler. By you delegating your short comings to another individual, they will do it better and faster. They will love you because you are allowing them to have their dream of a fun job and learn how to do real estate.

If you are over worked and under paid, then come and learn how to get paid more and do less. Learn how you can start achieving your goals of spending time with your family, doing the fun stuff, and getting the hard stuff done through others that you will pay $3.00 or less per hour. Russ will even give you a hand out of potential VAs for you to hire!

When you have made the decision to get out of your JOB or supplement your income, then this is the place to get solid, real life systems. You don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to hear Russ speak on Monday night at AIM!


Rock's BookEARLY BIRD BONUS: I love to reward be around action takers. In my opinion, you are an action taker just by attending this event. I also love people who take action early! As a special bonus this month for all “early birds,” I am offering the following:

  1. A digital copy of my book, “The Dynamic 6,”
  2. A digital copy of my book, “Go Mobile Now Or Die!”
  3. 30 point marketing audit of your business, $250 value to everyone

This is a must attend event! We will meet at our usual location at the Hudson Grille at 6:30PM and be there until 9:00PM and then hang out and have our Late Nite Networking. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting! Read More→

Wed, April 1st at 6:00 PM in College Park, GA
Atlanta REIA South & The Multi-Family Investing Group
Finding Off Market Commercial Properties for Sale

Russ HinerAtlanta REIA South Monthly Meeting will take place on April 1st at 6:00pm at Club E Atlanta located at 3707 Main Street, College Park, GA (map). Our guest presenter this month will be Russ Hiner. The meeting will be on “Finding Off Market Commercial Properties For Sale”. This Meeting is being co-hosted by Atlanta REIA South and The Multi-Family Investing Group and will be on locating commercial and multi-family properties and marketing to their owners.

Russ Hiner has spent 30 years reaching his goals and becoming a real estate expert. He has worked with Rich Dad and Russ Whitney as a mentor for 13 years. He has actively played the real estate game including working every day doing wholesale deals, rehabs, lease options, rentals, notes and private lending on commercial properties.

At the meeting, Russ Hiner will be discussing:

  • How to find great opportunities to buy Apartment Buildings.
  • Easy methods to finding deals in the Commercial Market.
  • Creative ways to get owners to call you.
  • Finding low cost, higher value properties.
  • How to get started by focusing on great deals and avoiding losers.
  • And much, much more!

Here is what you will achieve by the end of this meeting … You will walk out with 7 ways to locate sellers and a solid plan on how to find great opportunities to purchase “off market” commercial properties. This will be a great opportunity for our Single Family Investors to get a glimpse at the exciting world of Multi-Family and Commercial Investing.

The Atlanta REIA South Monthly Meeting, led by Reggie Jackson and Gordon Catts, is held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM at Club E Atlanta located at 3707 Main Street, College Park, GA.

The Multi Family Investing Focus Group Meeting, led by Carla Gamper and Gordon Catts has NEW Date, Time and Meeting location. The group will be meeting on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM at Club E Atlanta located at 3707 Main Street, College Park, GA.

There is currently a $10 cover charge for everyone who attends which includes a light meal. Show up at 6:00 PM to eat and network before the meeting begins. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the event.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!