Atlanta REIA Meeting Updates

Wed, July 15th @ 6:30PM – Buford, GA
Atlanta REIA North Meeting
Understanding Consumer Credit and How to Get Your Buyers Qualified
with Hurdis Broach
July 15th, 6:30PM
1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D, Buford, GA


Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Atlanta REIA NorthWe are excited to announce that this month at the Atlanta REIA North monthly meeting, our special guest speaker will be Hurdis Broach from The Barrington Financial Group, Inc. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 15th at 6:30PM located at 1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D, Buford, GA. . At the meeting, Hurdis will be teaching us about credit and how his company can help your potential buyers qualify for institutional financing in order to cash you out.

Where do you go to get a lease option buyer or an owner finance buyer qualified to get a conventional mortgage and cash you out? With the Mortgage Meltdown in the last few years, there are a huge number of folks who cannot currently qualify for a mortgage because of poor credit. These same people may be able to qualify in a few years with some help and guidance. Come hear from an expert in this arena as he discusses credit, how it impacts the marginal borrower, and how to resolve their issues. For more than 20 years, Hurdis has been working with lenders and attorneys to help their clients understand and improve their credit issues.

Founded in 1992 and incorporated in 1997, The Barrington Financial Group, Inc is a mortgage consulting company that specializes in assisting banking and mortgage lending institutions with their prospective home buyers who are having difficulty in qualifying for a mortgage. With over 30 years of experience in the banking, mortgage, collection, and credit industry, they have assisted well over 3,000 clients with obtaining their mortgages over the past 23 years.

The Atlanta REIA North meeting is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30PM at 1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D, Buford, GA.. Atlanta REIA members can attend this meeting for FREE and guests and non-members can pay just $10 at the door OR pre-register online for only $5! Plan to get there early at 6PM to eat and network before the meeting begins. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Late Nite Networking After North Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA North Meeting (after 9:30PM), we will be reconvening at the Tannery Row Ale House located at 554 W Main St in historic downtown Buford, GA for the “Meeting after the Meeting”. We may arrive late if the Atlanta REIA North Meeting runs late. So please come eat, drink, network and have fun with us as hang out late into the night!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Wed, July 1st @ 6PM – College Park, GA
Atlanta REIA South & The Multi-Family Investing Group
Let’s Celebrate Our Nation’s Independence with a Barbeque and Discuss Becoming Financially Independent Through Real Estate
July 1st at 6PM, Club E Atlanta
3707 Main Street, College Park, GA

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members and Guests Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Mark & Anne LackeyThis month we are all in for a special treat! Come join us at the Atlanta REIA South / Multi-Family Commercial Investing Group as we celebrate Independence Day on Wednesday, July 1st at 6PM at Club E Atlanta located at 3707 Main Street in College Park, GA. We are going to kick off the evening with a barbeque as we network with other great like-minded individuals. Then, as a special treat, Mark and Anne Lackey are excited to come join us and share their story about how they become financially independent through real estate investing and how YOU CAN TOO! We will also have Ernie Eden with Ernie Eden Realty, a Multi-Family Broker there who will give us an economic briefing on the Atlanta apartment market.

Mark and Anne Lackey use systems within the real estate empire they have worked hard to build. They will be sharing those systems with us and how they use them. Dreams of retiring from your current job and enjoying collecting “mailbox money” doesn’t have to stay a dream. The Lackey’s will help show you how to make that a reality.

At the meeting you will learn about…

  • How to get your real estate investing career off the ground at lightning speed…and make big profits
  • How to leave your J-O-B (Just Over Broke) that you don’t enjoy and never look back
  • How to buy 4 houses within your first month
  • How to put a team together that will run your business for you and allow you to be “hands off”
  • And much, much more!

Mark and Anne Lackey are well known around Atlanta and across the nation as Real Estate Investors, Authors, Speakers and Educators, as well as realtors. Mark and Anne’s work, play and life are all about Real Estate. In late 1999, while working a J.O.B. in Corporate America, Mark and Anne made the decision to start a real estate investing career and they have never looked back. Their first month in the business, they purchased 4 rental homes and still own all 4 today as high cash flowing rentals Today, they own and manage close to forty residential properties in their own portfolio, and manage 185 rentals for other investors. Each year they find, fix-up and flip for a good profit four to six properties. As of the Fall 2014, they have written three books (2 became #1 best sellers in hours!) in the area of Real Estate Investing. “Rent and Grow Rich”, “Robin Hood is not Dead”, and “Multiply Yourself” are all available on Amazon. They have a great reputation throughout the nation.

Don’t miss out on what is sure to be a wonderful event! Please RSVP on Meetup if you have a Meetup account so that we can get an accurate headcount. See you there!

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members and Guests Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

The Atlanta REIA South monthly meeting, led by Reggie Jackson and Gordon Catts, is held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6PM at Club E Atlanta located at 3707 Main Street, College Park, GA.

The Multi Family Investing Focus Group Meeting, led by Carla Gamper and Gordon Catts has NEW Date, Time and Meeting location. The group will be meeting on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6PM at Club E Atlanta located at 3707 Main Street, College Park, GA.

There is currently a $15 cover charge for everyone who attends the meeting which is payable at the door and includes the barbeque. Get there at 6:00PM to eat and network before the meeting begins. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Make sure to bring your deals and your haves, wants, and needs to the meeting. See you there!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, July 6th at 5:00 PM in Norcross, GA
Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Meeting
& Vendor Trade Show
July 6th @ Atlanta Unity, Norcross, GA
How to Find, Fix, & Flip Your Way Into Massive Profits
with Special Guest, Don DeRosa

Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge. This month,
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.


Don DeRosaThe real estate market is on fire right now. There are so many money making opportunities right around every corner. Do you know this but don’t know where to get started to claim your profits? Have you already gotten started but need an extra bump to kick things into higher gear? Don’t sit back and watch all your friends get rich flipping houses. Get in on the action and get your house flipping business making the money that you deserve.

Don’t miss the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting on Monday July 6th at 5PM, where our special guest speaker, Don DeRosa, will be teaching all about rehabbing houses for massive profits. The meeting will take place at Atlanta Unity located at 3597 Parkway Lane in Norcross, GA. During his presentation, Don will teach you all about…

  • Where to get started
  • How to get the biggest “bang for your buck”
  • How to evaluate deals based on repair costs
  • How to find and manage good contractors
  • How to protect yourself from being taken advantage of
  • How much rehab you should do to a house
  • How to evaluate what repairs to be done
  • And much, much, more!

About Don DeRosa

Don is a seasoned investor who has completed many of his own profitable rehabs. Don is also a mentor and has taught many other investor how to successfully complete their own. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to get your house flipping business up and going quickly. You will learn a great deal of information about the entire rehab process. All this is happening at the Atlanta REIA main meeting on Monday, July 6th at 5PM at Atlanta Unity located at 3597 Parkway Lane in Norcross, GA.

As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend the event at no charge and Non-Members can Register Online for $20 or pay $25.00 at the door. Be sure to bring your business cards and flyers and join us for an evening of real estate deals, vendors, networking, education and fun! See you there!

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.


*Meeting Day Agenda
5:00 pm: Meeting-Before-the-Meeting with Gordon Catts
5:00 pm: Vendor Trade Show & Networking
6:15 pm: Updates & Announcements
6:30 pm: Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session
7:00 pm: Networking Break
7:20 pm: Vendor Door Prizes & Giveaways
7:30 pm: Main Presentation with Don DeRosa
9:30 pm: Late Nite Networking at Three Dollar Cafe

*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.

5 Days & 4 Nights in CancunWIN A 4 NIGHT STAY IN CANCUN: All participants who attend the Atlanta REIA Meeting will entered into a drawing for a chance to win a *Complimentary 5 Day, 4 Night Stay in Cancun! *You must be present at the meeting to win. Giveaway does not include dining, transportation, transfers, taxes, upgrades, etc.

5:00 PM in Main Meeting Room
The Meeting Before the Meeting
Online Due Dilligence Using GSCCCA
with Gordon Catts

Gordon CattsPlease join us for the “Meeting-Before-The-Meeting” on Monday, July 6th at 5:00 PM at Atlanta Unity in the Main Meeting Room where Gordon Catts will be teaching us all the useful information that can be found on the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority (GSCCCA) website.

Gordon will be teaching us about where to find deeds for properties, what PT61 is and why we should care, how to find out approximately what a seller owes on their mortgage and much more. Don’t miss learning about this great resource we have available to us in Georgia.

5:00 PM in the Main Lobby
Monthly Vendor Trade Show

Dylon Ross with XfinityAt 5:00 PM in the Main Lobby, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting. See a full list of our vendors and sponsors below as they are added.

Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.

6:15 PM in the Main Meeting Room
What’s Happening at Atlanta REIA

Dustin GriffinStarting at 6:15 PM, Dustin Griffin kicks off the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting with updates and announcements. Dustin covers what’s happening at Atlanta REIA in the upcoming weeks and months such as upcoming workshops, webcasts, special events, members benefits and much more! Be sure to be in the main meeting room at 6:15 PM for your chance to be one of the first to receive a printed copy of The Profit Newsletter while supplies last.

6:30 PM in the Main Meeting Room
Haves & Wants Marketing Session

Joe ThompsonAt approximately 6:30 PM, Joe Thompson will be hosting the Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session which gives our members the opportunity to quickly market deals they HAVE and to find deals they WANT. We also give our business members the opportunity to get up and say a few words about their businesses. Members who want to participate in the Haves & Wants Marketing Session must bring your flyers and get to the meeting early to get on Joe’s list of participants.

9:30 PM @ Three Dollar Cafe, 6050 Peachtree Pkwy, Norcross
Late Nite Networking at Three Dollar Cafe

Three Dollar CafeAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting, we will be reconvening at Three Dollar Cafe located at 6050 Peachtree Pkwy #100 in Norcross, GA at 9:30 PM for the Late Nite Networking and the “Meeting-After-The-Meeting”!

There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members or guests to attend Late Nite Networking at the Three Dollar Cafe, so bring a friend and head on down to Late Nite Networking! Just be sure you order food and beverages from the cafe and please tip their wait staff generously.

Participating Meeting Vendors & Sponsors
Meeting Vendors & Sponsors
Reserve a Vendor Table Here

Networth Realty of Atlanta, LLCNetworth Realty of Atlanta, LLC – A licensed, full-service residential wholesale brokerage that specializes in finding quality wholesale properties and making them available to you. Read More>>

American IRAAmerican IRA – The American IRA mission is to provide the highest level of customer service in the self-directed retirement industry.
Read More>>

Halperin Lyman, LLCHalperin Lyman, LLC – A transactional real property law firm devoted to providing the full spectrum of non-litigation related real estate legal and consulting services to its clientele. Read More>>

Goldmine Properties, Inc.Goldmine Properties, Inc. – As Atlanta’s first full service real estate wholesaler, we offer wholesale property at 65% loan to value, with financing available. Purchase price and repairs are 65% of certified after repaired appraisal. Read More>>

Lima One Capital, LLCLima One Capital, LLC – A fully capitalized, direct lender for residential real estate investors and homebuilders. We are fully capitalized and our team prides itself on closing loans quickly for our clients. Read More>>

The Small Business AdvisorThe Small Business Advisor – A full service small business consulting firm specializing in QuickBooks with a wide variety of specialized services, trainings and products for small businesses. Read More>>

Craftbuilt, Inc.Craftbuilt, Inc. – We are a Metro Atlanta design-build construction firm specializing in whole-structure renovations, restorations, and new construction. No matter what the situation, we are up to the challenge! Read More>>

CRS DataCRS Data – We offer comps from the MLS & FSBO’s, custom searches, property tax records, interactive maps, sales & mortgage info, real estate valuations, mailing lists & more. Read More>>

Georgia Home DealsGeorgia Home Deals – Jack Kudron of Georgia Home Deals offers professional counseling on buying, selling, renovating and refinancing investment properties. He also offers a wide variety of wholesale and lease/option deals. Read More>>

Air Conditioning Experts, Inc.Air Conditioning Experts, Inc. – For all your air conditioning services throughout Atlanta, contact Air Conditioning Experts. We have all the training and experience necessary to ensure the success of your home cooling system.

DirectBuy of AtlantaDirectBuy of Atlanta – We are a private members-only buying club that gives you huge buying power by eliminating mark-up and the middleman, saving you thousands of dollars and up to 50% or more over retail and online sales prices. Read More>>

Atlanta Carpet ServicesAtlanta Carpet Services, Inc. – Providing carpet, wood, vinyl, and tile, ACS is dedicated to every aspect of your floor covering needs from initial consultation to the sale and follow-up services. Read More>>

Fuller Center for Housing of Greater AtlantaFuller Center for Housing of Greater Atlanta – A faith-driven, Christ-centered, non-profit organization dedicated to providing adequate shelter for people in need in the Greater Atlanta area. Read More>>

Secured Investment Lending

Gateway Acquisitions Group LLC

Synergy Financial Partners

Farmers Insurance – Sandy Springs

Caged N LLC

American Family Insurance, Robin Mitchell Agency

Flipology with Ramon Tookes

Farmers Insurance Sandy Springs

Real Estate Works 4 U (La Gaylia Appleby)

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Thur, June 18th @ 6PM – Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Intown Investors Club
Buy, Sell, Trade, Network, Q&A
This Group is All About Doing Deals!
June 18th, 6PM at Wrecking Bar Brewpub
Bring Your Deals, Biz Cards & Flyers
Atlanta REIA Members & Non-Members Welcome!

Atlanta REIA Members & Guests Please RSVP on

Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account. Non-Members can attend at No Charge.

Atlanta Intown Investors ClubThe Atlanta Intown Investors Club is a new Atlanta REIA Subgroup led by Dustin Griffin and Maggie Groholski that meets on Thursday, June 18th at 6PM at the Wrecking Bar BrewPub in Atlanta, GA. Our mission and focus is to provide an open forum for real estate investors and industry professionals to network and have direct access to hot real estate deals. The format for this meeting is totally member-centric. It’s content and value is derived from our members and guests actively participating and networking with each other during the meeting.

Wrecking Bar BrewpubThis meting is all about transacting and doing deals. You will have the opportunity to pitch your properties, products, and services; voice your real estate haves and wants; and participate in open discussions of real estate questions and concerns. We will not be pitching products from the front of the room. We will strive to remain a forum for investors to do deals and learn and seek advice from your peers and trusted industry professionals. The more you attend and participate, the more deals you’ll do and, the smarter we all become.

Wrecking Bar BrewpubMeetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6PM – 9PM in the Biergarten Room of the Wrecking Bar BrewPub located at 292 Moreland Ave NE in Atlanta, GA. Dinner will be available to order as well as a wide variety of beers and cocktails. Join us for the meeting as well as dinner to support the brewpub. Stop by the valet station for FREE Valet Parking or FREE Parking Passes to park across the street

5 Days & 4 Nights in CancunWIN A 4 NIGHT STAY IN CANCUN: All participants who attend the Intown Meeting will have a chance to win a *Complimentary 5 Day, 4 Night Stay in Cancun! *You must be present at the meeting to win. The Giveaway does not include dining, transportation, airfare, transfers, taxes, upgrades, etc.

Atlanta REIA Members & Guests Please RSVP on

Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account. Non-Members can attend at No Charge.

Late Nite Networking After Intown Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of our Atlanta Intown Investors Club Meeting, we will be hanging out a the at the Wrecking Bar Brewpub for “Late Nite Networking” to socialize and build stronger relationships. So come and join us for the Atlanta Intown Meeting and be prepared to stay late and network and have fun with like minded real estate investors, marketers and other professionals late into the evening!

Wed, June 17th @ 6:30PM – Buford, GA
Atlanta REIA North Meeting
Understanding Credit and How to Get Your Buyers Qualified
with Hurtis Broach
June 17th, 6:30PM
1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D, Buford, GA


Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Unfortunately Hurtis Broach of the The Barrington Financial Group, Inc was not present at our meeting on Wed, June 17th. Fortunately we had Don DeRosa, Gordon Catts and Kimberly Dooley of speak and still had a great meeting and Late Nite Networking as well. Thank you all who participated.

Atlanta REIA NorthWe are excited to announce that this month at the Atlanta REIA North monthly meeting, our special guest speaker will be Hurdis Broach from The Barrington Financial Group, Inc. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 17th at 6:30PM located at 1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D, Buford, GA. At the meeting, Hurdis will be teaching us about credit and how his company can help your potential buyers qualify for institutional financing in order to cash you out.

Where do you go to get a lease option buyer or an owner finance buyer qualified to get a conventional mortgage and cash you out? With the Mortgage Meltdown in the last few years, there are a huge number of folks who cannot currently qualify for a mortgage because of poor credit. These same people may be able to qualify in a few years with some help and guidance. Come hear from an expert in this arena as he discusses credit, how it impacts the marginal borrower, and how to resolve their issues. For more than 20 years, Hurtis has been working with lenders and attorneys to help their clients understand and improve their credit issues.

Founded in 1992 and incorporated in 1997, The Barrington Financial Group, Inc is a mortgage consulting company that specializes in assisting banking and mortgage lending institutions with their prospective home buyers who are having difficulty in qualifying for a mortgage. With over 30 years of experience in the banking, mortgage, collection, and credit industry, they have assisted well over 3,000 clients with obtaining their mortgages over the past 23 years.

The Atlanta REIA North meeting is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30PM at 1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D, Buford, GA.. Atlanta REIA members can attend this meeting for FREE and guests and non-members can pay just $10 at the door OR pre-register online for only $5! Plan to get there early at 6PM to eat and network before the meeting begins. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Late Nite Networking After North Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA North Meeting (after 9:30PM), we will be reconvening at the Tannery Row Ale House located at 554 W Main St in historic downtown Buford, GA for the “Meeting after the Meeting”. We may arrive late if the Atlanta REIA North Meeting runs late. So please come eat, drink, network and have fun with us as hang out late into the night!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, June 22nd @ 6:30PM – Marietta, GA
Atlanta REIA Wild Wild West
How to Create a Perpetual Money Machine
with Joey English
June 22nd, 6:30PM, Cherokee Cattle Company
2710 Canton Rd, Marietta, GA

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Joey EnglishAre you sick and tired of working your fingers to the bone, only to tell your family, “No we can’t afford this or that?” Are your children or grandchildren being raised by strangers in a daycare, because both parents work just trying to keep your heads above water or trying to get the things that you and your family want and deserve? Are you tired of your J-O-B (Just Over Broke) eating up precious hours of your life, rather than doing something that you enjoy and making real money so you can get your life back? Have you tried investing “your way” and just can’t seem to get where you want to go?

If any or all of those sound like you, then you have to be at the June WILD WILD WEST EVENT on Monday, June 22nd at 6:30pm at the Cherokee Cattle Company located at 2710 Canton Rd in Marietta, to hear Joey English, who has created a Perpetual Money Machine. Joey is an expert on building a money machine from the ground up! In a few short years, Joey has truly created a Perpetual Money Machine, and hold on to your hats because he is going to share with you, exactly what he did and how he did it.

At the meeting you will learn…

  • How Joey and his wife Ashley got started in 2010 and what they did step by step to create a Perpetual Money Machine
  • How you can have the Freedom to do the things in life that matter most to you. Joey’s wife Ashley is now able to be at home with their two children. She has been able to be with them since they were born, and Joey still manages to have “free time” to be a father and a husband.
  • The systems Joey has in place, to be able to do over 50+ deals and how he manages at least 7 of his own rehabs/flips each year and does it efficiently.
  • How to leave a legacy for your loved ones, using Joey’s e-z to use techniques
  • And Much, Much, More!

This is truly an evening that you don’t want to miss. Do whatever it takes to get to this event, it will change your life and set you on the right track to achieving your dreams. Wear your cowboy hat or cowboy boots and receive and extra ticket for our raffle. Saddle up partners and we will see you at this life changing event!

5 Days & 4 Nights in CancunWIN A FREE CARIBBEAN VACATION FOR TWO!: All participants who attend the Atlatna REIA West Meeting will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a *Complimentary Caribbean Vacation for TWO and other great door prizes! *You must be present at the meeting to win. The Caribbean vacation does not include transportation, taxes, upgrades, etc.

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Late Nite Networking After West Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA West meeting (after 9PM), you are encouraged to hang around and join us for Late Nite Networking also held at Cherokee Cattle Company. So please come eat, drink, network and have fun with like-minded investors and real estate professionals as we hang out late into the night!

West Meeting Agenda*
6:30PM: Networking, Food Ordering & introductions
7:00PM: Welcome, Announcements & Upcoming Events
7:25PM: Haves & Wants
7:45PM: Feature Presentation with Joey English
9:00PM: Drawings for Prizes & Giveaways
9:05PM: Late Nite Networking

*Please Note: West Meeting agenda is subject to change.

About the Atlanta REIA West Group

Atlanta REIA WestThe Atlanta REIA West Monthly Meeting is an Atlanta REIA Subchapter led by Leslie Mathis this is held on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:30PM at the Cherokee Cattle Company restaurant located at 2710 Canton Road in Marietta, GA. Atlanta REIA Members can attend for FREE and guests for $10.00. Show up at 6:30PM to eat and network before the meeting officially starts at 7:00PM. Buying your own meal is optional but highly recommended and greatly appreciated since the Cherokee Cattle Company allows us to use their meeting room. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the event.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
OnSite Group NOT Meeting in June
The Onsite Renovation Group
Will NOT be Meeting for the Month of June
We Are Looking Forward to Seeing You in July!

Aaron McGinnisThe Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG), led by Aaron McGinnis of Craftbuilt Properties, is an educational and networking group that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes inside the I-285 perimeter and the in-own neighborhoods. The purpose of this group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property. The Onsite Renovation Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month. There is currently no charge to attend this meeting.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, June 23rd @ 6:30PM – Peachtree City, GA
Peachtree City EPIC Group
Legal Entities: Why We Need Them and How to Use Them to Cover Your ASSets
with Special Guest, Joe Thompson
June 23rd, 6:30PM, Green Ginger Asian Fusion
200 Market Place Connector, Peachtree City, GA

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Joe ThompsonWe are excited to announce that Joe Thompson will be our special guest speaker this month at the Peachtree City EPIC Group. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 23rd at 6:30PM at the Green Ginger Asian Fusion Restaurant located at 200 Market Place Connector in Peachtree City, GA. Joe will be teaching us all about legal entities and why we need them.

Using the right entity can mean the difference between losing a single house or losing every single thing that you own. It is critical in this sue-happy world we live in, to know about the different entity structures and how to use each one to your benefit. Joe Thompson knows all about legal entities and will be sharing with us some invaluable information that could help to make or break you.

Don’t miss this meeting where you will learn about…

  • Why it is so important to have different legal entities
  • How can different entities benefit your income
  • How different entity structures can impact your taxes
  • Which entities are best for different forms of asset protection
  • How to use an entity to transfer rights to a property
  • And so much more!

If you are involved in any type of real estate transactions, this is not the meeting to miss. Joe will be helping each of us to determine which entity structures are best suited to meet each of our own individual needs. He will also teach us how to set up the entities as well as how to main them. You will leave the meeting with a great deal of knowledge about legal entities and how to use them in your investing business.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Late Nite Networking After EPIC Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA EPIC meeting (after 9PM), we will be hanging out at the Green Ginger Asian Fusion Restaurant for Late Nite Networking, also known as the “Meeting After the Meeting.” So please come eat, drink, network and have fun with like-minded investors and real estate professionals as we hang out late into the night!

About the Atlanta REIA EPIC Group

Atlanta REIA EPIC GroupThe EPIC Group, which stands for “Education, Properties, Income and Community”, is a Peachtree City Real Estate Investing Group that is all about buy and hold real estate investing, long term income and building your net worth. The meeting takes place at the Green Ginger Asian Fusion Restaurant located at 200 Market Place Connector in Peachtree City, GA. The host for this event is Donna Littleton, Broker & CEO of Solutions Realty Network, and her husband Chris Littleton. There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members and currently no charge for non-members as well.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, June 8th @ 7:00PM – Hudson Grille, Sandy Springs, GA
All Inclusive Marketing (AIM) Group
7 Ways To Find 7 Deals In 7 Days
Become a Marketing Machine and the “Go To” Person in Your Market for Doing Deals
with Rateb “Rock” Shukoor

June 8th, 7:00PM, Hudson Grille, Sandy Springs, GA

Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge.
Guests Pay $15 Online or $20 at the Door. RSVP Now!

Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Rock ShukoorOur next All Inclusive Marketing (AIM) Group Meeting is Monday, June 8th at 7:00PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs.

Do you have all the leads you could ever need?

Do you want to lean how to find deals that others are looking for and cannot find?

Marketing has been one of my strong suites and I am very proud of the results I have produced over the years from most of my campaigns. It is time to showcase my guerrilla marketing skills and show you how to find at least one deal a day.

Yes, I said ONE deal a day. I will show you 7 ways to find 7 deals in 7 days, and find all the deals you need as well.

I will be sharing with you everything you need to know about how to find deals quickly and with using very little money, if any at all. If you have a phone and have access to a computer, you are in business.

I will explain the whole process: the small but vital details, where to find deals, how to find the sellers and how to stay focused in order to find one deal a day.

Here are the items I will share with you:

  • Where to find deals
  • How to sell them in a flash
  • What market to choose
  • Where to get the list of prospects
  • What kind of properties to focus on
  • Where to get the money from for these deals (Only if you need them)
  • How to partner with me to use a list of over 6,000 cash buyers
  • And much, much more

EARLY BIRD BONUS: I believe in rewarding action takers and entrepreneurs that are willing to do what it takes in order to change their lives or have the desire to get better at what they are already doing. Therefore, I will offer some bonuses. As a special bonus this month for all “early birds,” I am offering the following:

Rock's Book

  1. A digital copy of my book, “Extraordinary Results by Ordinary Investors”
  2. A digital copy of my new book, “The Dynamic 6”
  3. Marketing audit of your business or consulting, $250 value

This is a must attend event! We will meet at our usual location at the Hudson Grille at 7:00PM and be there until 9:00PM and then hang out and have our Late Nite Networking. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

AIM Meeting Agenda*
6:30PM: Arrival, Seating, Ordering Food & Networking
7:00PM: Welcome, Introductions & Announcements
7:30PM: Main Presentation with Rock Shukoor
8:30PM: Meeting Wrap Up
9:00PM: Late Nite Networking for Real Estate Investors & Marketers

*Please Note: AIM Meeting agenda is subject to change.

Late Nite Networking After AIM Meeting

Late Nite NetworkingAfter the conclusion of our All Inclusive Marketing Meeting, we will be hanging out at the Hudson Grille for “Late Nite Networking” to socialize and build stronger bonds. So come and join us for the AIM Meeting and be prepared to stay late and network and have fun with like minded real estate investors, marketers and other professionals late into the evening!

About the All Inclusive Marketing (AIM) Group

All Inclusive MarketingThe Atlanta REIA All Inclusive Marketing (AIM) Group (formerly known as the “I Love Marketing” group) is a new networking and educational meeting led by Rock Shukoor and Dustin Griffin for like-minded real estate investors and small business owners who enjoy marketing and are interested in taking their business to the next level through creative marketing techniques.

AIM is for people who want to get together, learn and discuss marketing challenges, strategies and opportunities. Although many of the examples we cover at the meetings will be geared towards real estate investors, the techniques and strategies learned can easily be applied to any business. AIM meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, June 15th @ 6:30PM in Sandy Springs, GA
The Beginning Investors Group
Finding, Funding, Fixing & Flipping Houses for Beginners
with Special Guest, Don DeRosa

Members Attend for FREE and Guests for $15 Online or Pay $20 at the Door.
Guests can join Atlanta REIA for Only $100/year and Attend for FREE!


Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Don DeRosaThis month at the Beginning Investors Group (BIG), we are excited to have our good friend and local real estate investing expert, Don DeRosa, as our special guest speaker. Don will be teaching us the basics of rehabbing houses for big profits. The meeting will take place on Monday, June 15th at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs.

Are you new to real estate and the thought of purchasing an ugly house that needs lots of work terrifies you? Maybe the thought of a rehab is exciting to you, but you haven’t actually followed through with it yet because you fear that you do not have enough knowledge about funding and fixing houses to take that plunge. Rehabbing houses can mean BIG PAYCHECKS, but they can also come with VERY EXPENSIVE LESSONS if you don’t know what you are doing.

Please join us this month at BIG as Don helps to take away the guesswork behind what it takes to quickly and profitably rehab houses.

At the meeting, Don will teach us…

  • What to look for in a rehab property
  • How to evaluate what rehab is needed in a property during your pre-purchase inspection
  • How to determine what you should fix and what you should not
  • Where you can get the biggest “bang for your buck”
  • How to estimate repair costs
  • Should you do the repair yourself or hire someone else to do it for you?
  • How to pick a good contractor
  • And much, much more!

Don DeRosa has successfully completed many of his own rehab projects. He is also an author, teacher, coach, and national speaker. Don has trained thousands of new and experienced investors alike and helped them build their wealth in real estate. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an expert.

And that’s just the beginning….Don will be teaching a 2 Day Rehabbing 101 Workshop in July where he will teach you much more detailed information about rehabbing and even take you out to SHOW you some rehab projects in progress. This is an amazing opportunity to get some practical, HANDS-ON education into how to successfully rehab houses.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account.

Late Nite Networking After BIG Meeting

Hudson GrilleAfter the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA BIG Meeting (after 9:00PM), we will be hanging out at the Hudson Grille for Late Nite Networking also known as the “Meeting After the Meeting”. Stick around, have some dessert, a drink, network and have fun with like-minded investors and real estate professionals as we hang out late into the night!

Event Agenda*
6:30 pm: Networking, Haves and Wants & Introductions
7:00 pm: Information & Upcoming Events
7:30 pm: Prizes and Giveaways
7:35 pm: Main Presentation with Special Guest Speaker, Don DeRosa
9:05 pm: Closing Comments & Late Nite Networking

*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.

If you become an Atlanta REIA member before midnight, June 14th, you may attend this BIG Meeting at no charge as well as other great Atlanta REIA Meetings, plus get great discounts on other Atlanta REIA Workshops.

About the Beginning Investors Group (BIG)

Beginning Investors GroupBIG is an educational and networking special interest group, hosted by Dustin Griffin for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to start investing again. The entire purpose of this group is to educate and inspire new investors working on their “first deal” and help new again investors get their “next deal”. Please join us on the 3rd Monday of each month at Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, June 16th @ 7:00PM in Sandy Springs, GA
The Atlanta Wholesalers Group
Do You Need a Huge Market to Wholesale Successfully?
Not if You are This Guy…

with Special Guest, Rodrigo Afanador
June 16th, 7PM, Hudson Grille
6317 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs, GA

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
if you have a meetup account. Non-Members can also attend at No Charge

Rodrigo AfanadorHere in Atlanta, we are blessed to have more opportunities to do deals than most places. With a population of more than 5 million, opportunity lies everywhere. However, it is extremely difficult to actually DO deals everywhere. So, we take our maps and carve out our small areas. Those small areas still easily have a population of a couple hundred thousand people though.

What if you could leverage the knowledge of someone who is doing deals consistently with a target area of under 20,000 people? Rodrigo Afanador does just that and is very excited to share with us this month at the Atlanta Wholesalers group meeting on Tuesday, June 16th.

Rodrigo is a good friend of mine and does his wholesaling in Asheville, North Carolina. While Asheville has 80,000 people compared to Atlanta’s 5M+, Rodrigo still takes his target market down to around 15,000 – 20,000 people for 80-90% of his business. He is also a newer investor who hasn’t been doing this for too terribly long, but has gone full time now and is creating his own success story each and every day.

Rodrigo has a valuable story because each and every one of us can relate to at least some part of it. We all were new investors at one point or may still be a newer investor and he has taken the plunge into doing this full time like so many of us also have or hopefully plan to be able to do.

I know that you will learn a great amount of information from hearing Rodrigo speak with us about how he gets his business done in a market where most people would say “there aren’t enough houses to find deals.” His knowledge is abundant. His story is inspirational. And his efforts are greatly rewarding.

You won’t want to miss Rodrigo share his story and learn his tricks for success. Come ready to do business while you are here as well.

My name is Frank Iglesias. Come join us on Tuesday, June 16th at 7PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs as we network, do what is now our standard deal analysis at every meeting and then we will dive into our topic for the evening! See you there!

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on

Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on

if you have a meetup account. Non-Members can also attend at No Charge

About Atlanta Wholesalers

Atlanta Wholesalers GroupThis Atlanta Wholesalers group is primarily for wholesalers who are serious about the business and not just “trying” Real Estate out. Frank started this group to work with other wholesalers who are serious about building their business using the utmost of honesty and integrity. We are looking forward to exploring how we can grow together in our local market. We hope you will join us!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, June 2nd @ 6:30PM – Golden Corral, Cumming, GA
Mountain REIA
Learn How to Cash in on the Changing Market with Paper!
with Special Guest, Joe Varnadore
June 2nd, 6:30PM, Golden Corral, Cumming, GA

Joe VarnadoreReal estate investors today are facing a changing market place. New regulations, historical lawsuits and settlements, along with a still sluggish economy have affected the supply and demand of real property in a significant way. These profound effects will set the course of real estate investing for the next several years. Real estate investors will have to adjust their approach to real estate as yesterday’s strategies and techniques will not yield the same result in the future. Come out on June 2nd to Mountain REIA at 6:30PM at Golden Corral located at 2025 Market Place Blvd, Cumming, GA to learn all about paper from Joe Varnadore

Today’s legislation is pushing banks to refinance existing loans while also putting restrictions on new loans. Other laws are making it more expensive for banks to foreclose and to hold foreclosed properties. In another huge move, new Fannie and Freddie actions have incentivized banks to sell more troubled loans rather than foreclose. These changes have led to a massive supply of troubled, non-performing notes.

Joe will discuss all these changes and how you can capitalize on this market as an investor in addition to teaching you…

  • Why the Note Business is the Hottest Topic in Real Estate Today!
  • How to Use Notes to Find Great Real Estate Deals!
  • How to Turn $100 into $100,000 or More Tax Free in Your IRA!
  • Why it is Easier to Flip Notes than to Flip Houses!
  • Why The Banks, HUD, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Have Stopped Foreclosing on Low Price Band Properties (Value Less Than $125,000)!
  • How to Become a Note Buyer with as Litte as $100!
  • How to earn 10% commissions from seller financing without using any of your own money!
  • How to make huge commission on commercial and other large notes!
  • And Much, Much More!

Joe Varnadore began investing in his first property at the age of 19. Joe quickly learned the importance of using creative financing to make the deal work. Since then, Joe has created, brokered, bought, and sold more than 10,000 real estate notes on both residential and commercial properties. As an author, speaker, and trainer for the past 25 years, he believes that there has never been a greater opportunity for real estate investors to use non-performing notes to acquire properties and seller financing to cash out.

Atlanta REIA Membes Please RSVP on

Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on

if you have a meetup account. Non-Members can also attend at No Charge

About Mountain REIA

Mountain REIAMountain REIA is a new real estate investors association being formed by Gordon Catts and Richard Benthal that will be meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM at the Golden Corral located at 2025 Market Place Blvd in Cumming, Georgia. This group is an educational and networking group that brings in local, active investors and to provide information and education in a low or no-sales environment. This group is open to everyone, so please come join local real estate investors to network, share information, and interact with local and regional experts. Please be prepared to patron the restaurant, enjoy the networking, and the outstanding information!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!