Atlanta REIA Meeting Updates
Learn How to Manage Your Property Manager at EPIC on May 16, 2017
Posted on May 9, 2017 bywith Chris Littleton
of Solutions Realty Network Inc.
May 16th, 6:30PM, Flat Creek Country Club
100 Flat Creek Rd, Peachtree City, GA 30290
Come Join Us for COMPLIMENTARY Appetizers!
Property management can be a rewarding and sometimes a bewildering experience.There are so many moving parts it can be hard to manage or remember everything that needs to be done. This is one of the reasons the EPIC Group exists. To relay great information to better manage your properties. Join us this Tuesday, May 16th at 6:00PM (3rd Tuesday) at the Flat Creek Country Club located at 100 Flat Creek Rd, Peachtree City, GA.The EPIC Group is hosted by successful real estate entrepreneurs Donna Littleton, Broker & Co-Owner of Solutions Realty Network, and her husband Chris Littleton. There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members and currently no charge for not-yet members as well.
This month, Chris Littleton, of Solutions Realty Network Inc. will share his expertise with Managing Your Property Manager.
Chris will share:
- The Ins and Outs for Home, Apartment & Commercial Property Management
- Understanding your Manager’s Responsibilities
- Things to Look for and Ask when Hiring a Manager
- Make Your Life Simple & Free with Good Management
- How To Choose the Most Effective Manager
- And more including answers to all your questions!
Come Out on Tuesday, May 16th and every 3rd Tuesday of Each Month. You are sure to meet some great individuals and make lasting connections that will help propel your business in the right direction. We look forward to seeing you there!
Meeting Agenda*
- 6:00PM: Networking, Haves and Wants & Introductions
- 7:00PM: Information, Upcoming Events & Market Update (Chris & Donna)
- 7:20PM: Main Presentation with Chris Littleton
- 8:30PM: Closing Comments & Last Minute Networking
Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
Atlanta REIA Meets on May 1, 2017 on Notebuying with Donna Bauer
Posted on April 24, 2017 by& Vendor Trade Show
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge. This month,
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
We are excited to announce that Donna Bauer will be our special guest trainer this month at Atlanta REIA on Monday, May 1st at 5:00 PM at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia located at 4355 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA. Whether you are a conservative investor or a risk taker, buying notes puts you in control of your real estate transactions and your personal wealth planning.
Donna Bauer, nationally known as The Original NoteBuyer®, is one of the nation’s most recognized subject matter experts on Discounted Notes, Seller Financing, and Distressed Mortgages. For over two decades, Donna’s exclusive strategies have produced stunning results regardless of economic conditions.
As thousands of successful investors have discovered, Donna’s approach to real estate investing is brilliantly suited to today’s unique market and the shift toward alternative forms of financing.
During her 90 minute presentation, Donna will teach you how to…
- Create quick cash and long term cash flow with 3 Basic Note Buying Strategies—WITHOUT your own cash or credit
- Evaluate 4 critical areas before buying a note
- Create an ‘ultra safe’ deal, even in a down market
- Buy ‘part of a note’ for super high returns and safety
- Create SMART seller financing for maximum cash out later
- Buy and sell properties WITHOUT ever needing a bank
Plus, you’ll learn how to:
- Use defaulted bank loans as a backdoor to acquiring properties well below market value
- Use defaulted bank loans to create super high yields by modifying the mortgage and allowing the homeowner to stay in the house — a real win/win!
Donna will be quick to tell you that in her life time, she has never seen so many amazing opportunities with notes. With deals galore in the market place and bank financing hard to come by, seller financed notes have once again become the rage. This creates an awesome opportunity in the secondary market to make huge profits without all of the hassles of the proverbial “tenants, trash and toilets,” not to mention without using your own cash or credit. There’s no doubt, buying and selling other people’s seller-financed notes is the quickest, easiest, safest way to CASH IN on today’s fantastic real estate market!
Donna began her note buying career over 25 years ago in search of a vehicle that would offer her financial security without sacrificing cherished time with her four children. Working from her dining room table, as she began closing discounted note deals across the country, she realized that she had found a gold mine! Now, with well over a thousand deals under her belt, her peers consider her to be the foremost subject matter expert on note buying, while her students acclaim her as being a gifted, inspiring mentor.
If you are serious about building wealth in today’s real estate market, you don’t want to miss this presentation! RSVP Now!
As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend the event at no charge and Non-Members can Register Online for $20 or pay $25.00 at the door. Be sure to bring your business cards and flyers and join us for an evening of real estate deals, vendors, networking, education and fun! See you there! RSVP Now!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.
WIN A 4 NIGHT STAY IN CANCUN: All participants who attend the Atlanta REIA Meeting will entered into a drawing for a chance to win a *Complimentary 5 Day, 4 Night Stay in Cancun! *You must be present at the meeting to win. Giveaway does not include dining, transportation, transfers, taxes, upgrades, etc.
with Don DeRosa
Are you spending money on marketing and not getting any deals? Are you able to take any lead and make a deal out of it? Do you know how to make multiple offers that actually get accepted? Are you using technology to your advantage? If the answer is “NO” to these questions then you MUST attend this subgroup meeting.
Would you like to learn how to structure deals so you can buy houses with little or none of your own cash and none of your own credit? 15 hours a week… That’s all you need! Imagine… taking any seller lead and being able to create a winning deal out of it… Making thousands of dollars where you thought there were none. No more wasted marketing dollars. No more wasted phone calls. No more wasted time.
Join Don DeRosa at the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup on Monday, May 1st from 5PM to 6PM at the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting at the Doubletree where he will be teaching about a wide variety of topics each month. Don will teach you about the state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work – so you can work less and spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.
Some topics Don will be teaching about include:
- Using Apps on your iPad or other mobile device to evaluate deals on the go
- Creative Techniques such as Wrap Around Mortgages, Sandwich Lease Options, Subject-To, Seller Financing, and more
- How to be a transaction engineer.
- How to be a problem solver.
- And so much more…
Bring your deals and Don will walk through them step-by-step and he’ll show you how to easily evaluate the lead, determine your exit strategy, structure the deal, negotiate with the seller, and get the paperwork done in a snap.
Its an amazing time to be a real estate investor. Don’t look back 5 years from now and wish you had acted. Learn how to buy right… Learn to Make More and Work Less, Right Now!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
At 5:00 PM in the Main Lobby, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting. See a full list of our vendors and sponsors below as they are added.
Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Starting at 6:15 PM, Dustin Griffin kicks off the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting with updates and announcements. Dustin covers what’s happening at Atlanta REIA in the upcoming weeks and months such as upcoming workshops, webcasts, special events, members benefits and much more! Be sure to be in the main meeting room at 6:15 PM for your chance to be one of the first to receive a printed copy of The Profit Newsletter while supplies last.
At approximately 6:30 PM, Joe Thompson will be hosting the Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session which gives our members the opportunity to quickly market deals they HAVE and to find deals they WANT. We also give our business members the opportunity to get up and say a few words about their businesses. Members who want to participate in the Haves & Wants Marketing Session must bring your flyers and get to the meeting early to get on Joe’s list of participants.
Taco Mac Perimeter
After the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting, we will be reconvening at 9:30 PM at Taco Mac Perimeter located at the Perimeter Place, 1211 Ashford Crossing, Atlanta, GA for the Late Nite Networking and the “Meeting-After-The-Meeting”! There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members or guests to attend Late Nite Networking, so bring a friend and head on down to Late Nite Networking and have a cold brew with us! Just be sure you order food and beverages from the restaurant and please tip their wait staff generously. When you get there, be sure to look for Joe Thompson who will be leading our Late Nite Networking.
American IRA – The American IRA mission is to provide the highest level of customer service in the self-directed retirement industry.
Read More>>
Goldmine Properties, Inc. – As Atlanta’s first full service real estate wholesaler, we offer wholesale property at 65% loan to value, with financing available. Purchase price and repairs are 65% of certified after repaired appraisal. Read More>>
Advanta IRA Administration – With the help of your local Advanta IRA staff, use your IRA to invest in assets you know, understand and control, such as real estate, notes & mortgages, private placements, and much more! Read More>>
Secured Investment Lending – A licensed direct mortgage lender specializing in non-traditional hard money loans for non-owner occupied buy/fix sell properties or rental properties throughout the GA and FL. Read More>> – The nation’s leading online real estate marketplace, having sold over $34 billion in real estate assets.’s mission is to provide the most trusted online real estate marketplace, making transactions easier and more transparent. Read More>>
Equitable Consulting – Investors, wether you have a short term or long term plan, “fix & flip” or “buy & hold”, individual units or entire portfolios, Equitable Consulting is your resource at every step. Read More >>
Networth Realty of Atlanta, LLC – A licensed, full-service residential wholesale brokerage that specializes in finding quality wholesale properties and making them available to you. Read More>>
CRS Data – We offer comps from the MLS & FSBO’s, custom searches, property tax records, interactive maps, sales & mortgage info, real estate valuations, mailing lists & more. Read More>>
Legal Shield
FundSource Financial
7 Ways To Find 7 Deals In 7 Days at Wild West Group on April 24, 2017
Posted on April 24, 2017 by7 Ways To Find 7 Deals In 7 Days
with Rock Shukoor
April 24th @ 6:30PM, Cherokee Cattle Company,
2710 Canton Rd, Marietta, GA
No Charge for Atlanta REIA Members, Guests $10 at the Door.
Whether you’re a new investor or seasoned pro, finding good deals is essential to the success of your business. The ability to find deals is an absolute must, and marketing is the key to doing so! Rock will show you how at our Wild West Meeting on April 24th!
At this meeting, you will learn:
- How to find the owners of vacant properties
- Where to find sellers and then buyers for the same deals
- Where to get your comps from and what is a good comp
- Answers to Your Questions and much more!
Rock has worked as an investor, consultant, mentor and coach in the field of real estate for more than 10 years. He frequently speaks at investment conferences and has been interviewed and consulted by other real estate investors and promoters. He started acquiring properties at age 28, and has become an expert in residential single-family homes. He’s a big believer of multiple streams of income and believes that marketing is the life and blood of your business.
RSVP Now and join us for this Wild West Real Estate Meeting at 6:30pm on Monday, April 24th at The Cherokee Cattle Company at 2710 Canton Rd. in Marietta. Come join us for this fun, informative event. See Y’all There!
Atlanta REIA Members can attend for no charge and guests for $10.00. Show up at 6:30 PM to eat and network before the meeting officially starts at 7:00 PM. Buying your own meal is optional but highly recommended and greatly appreciated since the Cherokee Cattle Company allows us to use their meeting room.
There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring
your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the event.
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
Why Wholesaling & Why Now with Mr. Tycoon at on April 26, 2017
Posted on April 24, 2017 bywith Mr. TyCoon on April 26th @ 7PM on GoToWebinar
No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests
Who Attend Online via!
Please be sure to join us at the Beginning Investors Group Online on Wednesday, April 26th at 7:00PM ET with Mr. TyCoon will be teaching our members and guests “Why Wholesaling & Why Now?!.
You’ve probably hear that wholesaling houses is all about “finding bargain properties and passing them along to bargain hunters at a great price”. You’ve probably also heard that “you make your money in real estate when you buy”. At the meeting, Mr. Tycoon is going to show you “when you wholesale houses, you make your money – in cash – before you buy!” He’s also going to show you why finding bargain properties is probably the most important skill you can ever possibly learn as a real estate investor.
You’ll learn:
- What is means to wholesale a house
- How wholesaling can be done with very little money, training and absolutely no cred
- How to wholesale houses part time and make a full time income
- And answers to your questions and much more!
Mr. Tycoon will teach strategies that will enable you to…
- Pay off all your debt and past due bills
- Start building (or re-building) your retirement account so you never have to work about running out of money during retirement
- Quit your job and live your life in freedom
- How to get on the fast track to wealth
Wahid Shakur, aka “Mr. Tycoon”, is an internationally renowned Motivational Speaker, Personal Development Coach, Investment Real Estate Guru and Entrepreneur of Success. Mr. Tycoon is legendary for his “tough but fair” deal-making and negotiation skills. His bestselling book, “Success Is Not A Secret, It’s A System,” extracts the lessons he learned on the road to building his successful real estate investment company and personal fortune, and is the “must-have” guidebook to achieving financial and personal success.
Join us on Wednesday April 26th and learn how to get started wholesaling houses or how to take your existing wholesaling business to the next level. You do not want to miss out on this career changing information! We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
TO ATTEND ONLINE: 7:00PM Start Time. To attend the Beginning Investors Group Online via your PC, smart phone or tablet, Register Here for the Meeting on and you will be emailed login instructions for the event.
Once you get your Webinar Confirmation Email, you can login on about 5-10 minutes prior to the 7PM start time to reserve a spot using your PC, Mac, Tablet or Smart Phone. You can download the GoToWebinar App here on iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a BRAND NEW Registration Link for 2017. Even if you have registered for BIGO prior to Feb 2017, you must re-register using this NEW Registration Link for 2017 or you won’t be able to attend any of the upcoming BIGO webinars.
Bring Your Deals and Let’s Make a Deal on April 26, 2017
Posted on April 24, 2017 byLet’s Make a Deal!
with Don DeRosa, Barry Beers & Guest Panelists on April 26th @ 6:30PM at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs, GA
No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests
The Let’s Make A Deal (LMAD) group is back with an ALL NEW format that is all about making deals happen! Let’s Make a Deal is subgroup of the Atlanta REIA that will meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 1:00PM and the 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd NE, Sandy Springs, GA (map). This group is all about making deals happen at the meeting which means Buying, Selling and Trading Wholesale Deals and Creative Real Estate Deals before, during and after the meeting!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
Each month we will have a 3-4 person panel who will quickly pre-screen your deals and decide if they want to buy them from you on the spot. If someone on the panel wants your deal, you can have it under contract before you leave the meeting. If everyone on the panel passes on your deal, you can make it available to the entire audience. If we don’t have time to present your deal to the panel and the audience, after the meeting is over there will be plenty of time to network with other buyers and sellers and share your deals.
Your Property Flyers – In order to analyze your deals quickly, please put as much the following information on your Property Flyers as possible:
- High, Average and Low After Repair Value (ARV)
- Asking Price
- How Much is Owed on the Property?
- Amount of Monthly Mortgage Payments on the Property and the Interest Rate
- If Behind on Payments, How Much?
- Repairs Needed and Estimated Cost of Repairs
- Annual Taxes
- Annual Insurance Amount
- Property Details such as Bedrooms, Baths, Square Feet, Year Built, Construction etc
- Seller Situation and Reason for Selling
- Photos of Property
Here is our schedule which is subject to change from time to time, especially around the holidays. Be sure to check our calendar for the most update dates and times.
- 1st Wednesday at 1:00PM at Hudson Grille
- 2nd Wednesday at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille
- 3rd Wednesday at 1:00PM at Hudson Grille
- 4th Wednesday at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille
If you are a new or experienced investor looking looking to buy or sell houses, this group is for YOU! Be sure to bring your deals, property flyers, business cards, contracts and Let’s Make a Deal!
You can also join our Let’s Make a Deal Facebook Group and post your deals here:
Learn to Wholesale Cheap Government Houses at BIG on April 17, 2017
Posted on April 17, 2017 bywith Mark Jackson on Mon, Apr 17th at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs
Join us at the Beginning Investors Group on Monday, April 17th at 6:30PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs, GA, with Mark Jackson and discover the “Secret” to getting all you ever wanted out of life via real estate investing.
Mark has been buying Government Houses for over a decade. At BIG, Mark will be revealing the “3 Success Tips” to make Huge Profits on Government Houses each and every time.
If you have ever wanted to:
- Be rid of your J.O.B.
- Have more Time to enjoy Life
- Put Way More Money in the Bank
- Take that Dream Vacation
…then this is you ideal chance to break out of the rat race!
There are some amazing changes taking place in real estate right now and MJ is going to reveal each of them on Monday, April 17th.
If you want more out of life this year, this is the perfect time to get started before you get too busy chasing somebody else’s dream. Start achieving your dreams right now!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
The Beginning Investors Group (BIG) is an educational and networking group for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to get back in the game.
As always, Atlanta REIA Member can attend the meeting at no charge and not-yet-members can RSVP Online for $15 or pay $20 at the door.
Onsite Meets on April 18, 2017 at 2 of Mike Cherwenka’s Rehabs
Posted on April 17, 2017 byHands-On Learning “Onsite” at Real Renovation Projects
Tuesday, April 18th at NOON
3 & 5 Gertrude Pl NW, Atlanta, GA
Please join us on Tuesday, April 18th at NOON for the Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG), hosted by Don DeRosa and Dustin Griffin, to learn all about finding, funding, fixing, and flipping houses for big profits. This month’s meeting will be held at two of Mike Cherwenka’s properties located at 3 & 5 Gertrude PL NW, Atlanta, GA.
The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) is an educational and networking group that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes. The purpose of the group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property.
The Onsite Renovation Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month. As always, there is no charge for Atlanta REIA members to attend. Guests & Non-Members can RSVP Online for Only $15 or pay $20 at the door.
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
EPIC Meets on April 18, 2017 on Protecting Your Assets
Posted on April 17, 2017 byRisk Management For Investors
with John Vamer
of Sovereign Risk Solutions LLC
April 18th, 6:30PM, Flat Creek Country Club
100 Flat Creek Rd, Peachtree City, GA 30290
Come Join Us for COMPLIMENTARY Appetizers!
The mission of the EPIC Group is to provide a platform for success in Real Estate Investing through Education, Properties, Income and a Community (EPIC) of like minded investors. EPIC is held on Tuesday, April 18th at 6:30PM (3rd Tuesday) at the Flat Creek Country Club located at 100 Flat Creek Rd, Peachtree City, GA.The EPIC Group is hosted by successful real estate entreprenuers Donna Littleton, Broker & Co-Owner of Solutions Realty Network, and her husband Chris Littleton. There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members and currently no charge for non-members as well.
This month’s speaker is John Vamer, Founder and President of Sovereign Risk Solutions LLC. John has spent decades refining his knowledge of the insurance industry. His hunger for education has made him an expert in Risk Management and his entrepreneurial spirit has secured him as an accomplished business owner.
John will be covering:
- The Importance of Tight Contracts and Procedure
- How to Hold Title on Investment Properties
- Who You Should Work With on Risk and HOW
- What Is Going On With Insurance World for Investors
- How To Get The Most Cost Effective Protection
- And more including answers to all your questions!
Come Out on Tuesday, April 18th and every 3rd Tuesday of Each Month. You are sure to meet some great individuals and make lasting connections that will help propel your business in the right direction. We look forward to seeing you there!
Meeting Agenda*
- 6:30PM: Networking, Haves and Wants & Introductions
- 7:00PM: Information, Upcoming Events & Market Update (Chris & Donna)
- 7:20PM: Main Presentation with Special Guest Speaker
- 8:30PM: Closing Comments & Last Minute Networking
Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
Let’s Make a Deal Meets April 18, 2017 for Lunch
Posted on April 17, 2017 byLet’s Make a Deal!
with Don DeRosa, Barry Beers & Guest Panelists on April 18th @ 1PM at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs, GA
No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests
The Let’s Make A Deal (LMAD) group is back with an ALL NEW format that is all about making deals happen! Let’s Make a Deal is subgroup of the Atlanta REIA that will meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 1:00PM and the 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd NE, Sandy Springs, GA (map). This group is all about making deals happen at the meeting which means Buying, Selling and Trading Wholesale Deals and Creative Real Estate Deals before, during and after the meeting!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
Each month we will have a 3-4 person panel who will quickly pre-screen your deals and decide if they want to buy them from you on the spot. If someone on the panel wants your deal, you can have it under contract before you leave the meeting. If everyone on the panel passes on your deal, you can make it available to the entire audience. If we don’t have time to present your deal to the panel and the audience, after the meeting is over there will be plenty of time to network with other buyers and sellers and share your deals.
Your Property Flyers – In order to analyze your deals quickly, please put as much the following information on your Property Flyers as possible:
- High, Average and Low After Repair Value (ARV)
- Asking Price
- How Much is Owed on the Property?
- Amount of Monthly Mortgage Payments on the Property and the Interest Rate
- If Behind on Payments, How Much?
- Repairs Needed and Estimated Cost of Repairs
- Annual Taxes
- Annual Insurance Amount
- Property Details such as Bedrooms, Baths, Square Feet, Year Built, Construction etc
- Seller Situation and Reason for Selling
- Photos of Property
Here is our schedule which is subject to change from time to time, especially around the holidays. Be sure to check our calendar for the most update dates and times.
- 1st Wednesday at 1:00PM at Hudson Grille
- 2nd Wednesday at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille
- 3rd Wednesday at 1:00PM at Hudson Grille
- 4th Wednesday at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille
If you are a new or experienced investor looking looking to buy or sell houses, this group is for YOU! Be sure to bring your deals, property flyers, business cards, contracts and Let’s Make a Deal!
You can also join our Let’s Make a Deal Facebook Group and post your deals here:
Haves & Wants Meets on April 20, 2017
Posted on April 17, 2017 byThurs, April 20th at 1:30PM
5 Seasons Brewing, 5600 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs
Hosted by Joe Thompson
Haves and Wants is a weekly investor networking and deal making lunch meeting hosted by Joe Thompson and held every Thursday at 5 Seasons Brewing at the Prado from 1:30 PM till approximately 3:00 PM. This group has been meeting for over 9 years and is all about networking, sharing information, doing deals and making money right now. Be sure to bring lots of your business cards and flyers and be prepared to promote your business and/or your haves, wants and deals with our group. If you are a real estate player or want to be, this is one weekly meeting you don’t want to miss!
5 Seasons Brewing is located at 5600 Roswell Rd (map) inside the Perimeter at the “Prado” in Sandy Springs. The all natural, organic food at the 5 Seasons is excellent and the hand-crafted beer is even better! Come out and eat, drink, network and share your deals with us! There is no charge to attend this meeting for Atlanta REIA Members or guests. Please come early and stay late. We would love to have you!
Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
Atlanta Intown Investors Group Meets April 20, 2017
Posted on April 17, 2017 byThis Group is All About Doing Deals!
April 20th, 6:30PM at Wrecking Bar Brewpub
Bring Your Deals, Biz Cards & Flyers
Atlanta REIA Members & Non-Members Welcome!
The Atlanta Intown Investors Club is an Atlanta REIA Subgroup led by Maggie Groholski that meets on Thursday, April 20th at 6:30PM at the Wrecking Bar BrewPub in Atlanta, GA. Our mission and focus is to provide an open forum for real estate investors and industry professionals to network and have direct access to hot real estate deals. The format for this meeting is totally member-centric. It’s content and value is derived from our members and guests actively participating and networking with each other during the meeting.
This meeting is all about transacting and doing deals. You will have the opportunity to pitch your properties, products, and services; voice your real estate haves and wants; and participate in open discussions of real estate questions and concerns. We will not be pitching products from the front of the room. We will strive to remain a forum for investors to do deals and learn and seek advice from your peers and trusted industry professionals. The more you attend and participate, the more deals you’ll do and, the smarter we all become.
Meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6:30PM – 9PM in the Cellar Room of the Wrecking Bar BrewPub located at 292 Moreland Ave NE in Atlanta, GA. Dinner will be available to order as well as a wide variety of beers and cocktails. Join us for the meeting as well as dinner to support the brewpub. Stop by the valet station for COMPLEMENTARY Valet Parking or COMPLEMENTARY Parking Passes to park across the street
Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
Learn Why Wholesaling & Why Now with Mr. Tycoon at Atlanta REIA on April 3, 2017
Posted on March 27, 2017 by& Vendor Trade Show
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge. This month,
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
We are excited to announce that Mr. Tycoon will be our special guest trainer this month at Atlanta REIA on Monday, April 3rd at 5:00 PM at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia located at 4355 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA. At the meeting, Mr. Tycoon will be teaching our members and guests “Why Wholesaling & Why Now?!”
You’ve probably hear that wholesaling houses is all about “finding bargain properties and passing them along to bargain hunters at a great price”. You’ve probably also heard that “you make your money in real estate when you buy”. At the meeting, Mr. Tycoon is going to show you “when you wholesale houses, you make your money – in cash – before you buy!” He’s also going to show you why finding bargain properties is probably the most important skill you can ever possibly learn as a real estate investor.
During his 90 minute presentation, Mr. Tycoon will teach you…
- What it means to wholesale a house
- How wholesaling can be done with very little money, training and absolutely no cred
- How to wholesale houses part time and make a full time income
- Answers to your questions and so much more!
Mr. Tycoon will teach strategies that will enable you to…
- Pay off all your debt and past due bills
- Start building (or re-building) your retirement account so you never have to worry about running out of money during retirement
- Quit your job and live your life in freedom
- How to get on the fast track to wealth
Wahid Shakur, aka “Mr. Tycoon”, is an internationally renowned Motivational Speaker, Personal Development Coach, Investment Real Estate Guru and Entrepreneur of Success. Mr. Tycoon is legendary for his “tough but fair” deal-making and negotiation skills. His bestselling book, “Success Is Not A Secret, It’s A System,” extracts the lessons he learned on the road to building his successful real estate investment company and personal fortune, and is the “must-have” guidebook to achieving financial and personal success. Read more about Mr. Tycoon >>
Come spend 90 minutes with Mr. Tycoon at the Atlanta REIA Meeting on Monday, April 3rd at 5:00 PM and learn how to get started wholesaling houses or how to take your existing wholesaling business to the next level. You do not want to miss out on this career changing information! We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend the event at no charge and Non-Members can Register Online for $20 or pay $25.00 at the door. Be sure to bring your business cards and flyers and join us for an evening of real estate deals, vendors, networking, education and fun! See you there! RSVP Now!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.
WIN A 4 NIGHT STAY IN CANCUN: All participants who attend the Atlanta REIA Meeting will entered into a drawing for a chance to win a *Complimentary 5 Day, 4 Night Stay in Cancun! *You must be present at the meeting to win. Giveaway does not include dining, transportation, transfers, taxes, upgrades, etc.
with Don DeRosa
Are you spending money on marketing and not getting any deals? Are you able to take any lead and make a deal out of it? Do you know how to make multiple offers that actually get accepted? Are you using technology to your advantage? If the answer is “NO” to these questions then you MUST attend this subgroup meeting.
Would you like to learn how to structure deals so you can buy houses with little or none of your own cash and none of your own credit? 15 hours a week… That’s all you need! Imagine… taking any seller lead and being able to create a winning deal out of it… Making thousands of dollars where you thought there were none. No more wasted marketing dollars. No more wasted phone calls. No more wasted time.
Join Don DeRosa at the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup on Monday, April 3rd from 5PM to 6PM at the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting where he will be teaching about a wide variety of topics each month. Don will teach you about the state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work – so you can work less and spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.
Some topics Don will be teaching about include:
- Using Apps on your iPad or other mobile device to evaluate deals on the go
- Creative Techniques such as Wrap Around Mortgages, Sandwich Lease Options, Subject-To, Seller Financing, and more
- How to be a transaction engineer.
- How to be a problem solver.
- And so much more…
Bring your deals and Don will walk through them step-by-step and he’ll show you how to easily evaluate the lead, determine your exit strategy, structure the deal, negotiate with the seller, and get the paperwork done in a snap.
Its an amazing time to be a real estate investor. Don’t look back 5 years from now and wish you had acted. Learn how to buy right… Learn to Make More and Work Less, Right Now!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
At 5:00 PM in the Vendor Room, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting. See a full list of our vendors and sponsors below as they are added.
Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Starting at 6:15 PM, Dustin Griffin kicks off the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting with updates and announcements. Dustin covers what’s happening at Atlanta REIA in the upcoming weeks and months such as upcoming workshops, webcasts, special events, members benefits and much more! Be sure to be in the main meeting room at 6:15 PM for your chance to be one of the first to receive a printed copy of The Profit Newsletter while supplies last.
At approximately 6:30 PM, Joe Thompson will be hosting the Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session which gives our members the opportunity to quickly market deals they HAVE and to find deals they WANT. We also give our business members the opportunity to get up and say a few words about their businesses. Members who want to participate in the Haves & Wants Marketing Session must bring your flyers and get to the meeting early to get on Joe’s list of participants.
Taco Mac Perimeter
After the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting, we will be reconvening at 9:30 PM at Taco Mac Perimeter located at the Perimeter Place, 1211 Ashford Crossing, Atlanta, GA for the Late Nite Networking and the “Meeting-After-The-Meeting”! There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members or guests to attend Late Nite Networking, so bring a friend and head on down to Late Nite Networking and have a cold brew with us! Just be sure you order food and beverages from the restaurant and please tip their wait staff generously. When you get there, be sure to look for Joe Thompson who will be leading our Late Nite Networking.
American IRA – The American IRA mission is to provide the highest level of customer service in the self-directed retirement industry.
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The Small Business Advisor – A full service small business consulting firm specializing in QuickBooks with a wide variety of specialized services, trainings and products for small businesses. Read More>>
Advanta IRA Administration – With the help of your local Advanta IRA staff, use your IRA to invest in assets you know, understand and control, such as real estate, notes & mortgages, private placements, and much more! Read More>>
Secured Investment Lending – A licensed direct mortgage lender specializing in non-traditional hard money loans for non-owner occupied buy/fix sell properties or rental properties throughout the GA and FL. Read More>> – The nation’s leading online real estate marketplace, having sold over $34 billion in real estate assets.’s mission is to provide the most trusted online real estate marketplace, making transactions easier and more transparent. Read More>>
Equitable Consulting – Investors, whether you have a short term or long term plan, “fix & flip” or “buy & hold”, individual units or entire portfolios, Equitable Consulting is your resource at every step. Read More >>
Networth Realty of Atlanta, LLC – A licensed, full-service residential wholesale brokerage that specializes in finding quality wholesale properties and making them available to you. Read More>>
Angel Oak Prime Bridge – A direct hard money lender headquartered in Atlanta. We provide renovation/construction loans for investors and builders to purchase and renovate residential properties. Read More>>
Goldmine Properties, Inc. – As Atlanta’s first full service real estate wholesaler, we offer wholesale property at 65% loan to value, with financing available. Purchase price and repairs are 65% of certified after repaired appraisal. Read More>>
Halperin Lyman, LLC – A transactional real property law firm devoted to providing the full spectrum of non-litigation related real estate legal and consulting services to its clientele. Read More>>
Lima One Capital, LLC – A fully capitalized, direct lender for residential real estate investors and homebuilders. We are fully capitalized and our team prides itself on closing loans quickly for our clients. Read More>>
CRS Data – We offer comps from the MLS & FSBO’s, custom searches, property tax records, interactive maps, sales & mortgage info, real estate valuations, mailing lists & more. Read More>>
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