Archive for February, 2017
Beginning Investors Group Meets February 20, 2017 with Roger Blankenship
Posted on February 15, 2017 bywith Roger Blankenship on Mon, Feb 20th at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs
Choose your Strategy, Find the Money, Find a Deal, Get it Done, Repeat.
With hundreds of real estate investors in the Atlanta market, solid investment properties are getting harder and harder to find. But they are there — you just have know where, when, and how often to look for them.
Join us at the Beginning Investors Group on Monday, February 20th at 6:30PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs, GA, where Roger Blankenship is going to tell you how you can prosper even in a challenging situation that is the current Atlanta market.
In this talk he is going to reveal secrets he usually only shares with his students and consulting clients. Whatever your situation — whether you have money, a little money, or no money, whether you have training or not, there is an opportunity waiting for you. Everyone’s circumstances are different. There’s no shame in admitting concerns or fears that have been holding you back.
Roger is going to address them and show you how to conquer them. You’ll hear on TV infomercials or radio ads about someone’s training or proven system or step by step method. Roger is going to show you that while systems and methods can certainly help you out, they are NOT the key. The key is YOU. The magic is not in the system. The magic is in YOU. And he’s going to give YOU both the strategy and the nudge you need.
This is why Roger is going to break it down for you. You’ll learn:
- How to Select a Strategy that works for you
- How to know when the best time is to find great deals on properties.
- How to understand the different avenues available to you for real estate investment
- Where to go to find the best properties
- Steps to start marking money in the next 30 days
- And answers to your questions and much more!
You will leave this event knowing what your next step(s) should be. Stop reading, studying, analyzing, and thinking — Get the Party Started!
The Property Protege Group Starts for 2017
Posted on February 15, 2017 byStarts TONITE, Feb 15 at 7PM at
1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Ste D, Buford, GA
& On Facebook Live
PPG Members, join Don DeRosa on TONITE, Wed, Feb 15h at 7PM at 1960 Skylar Hill Dr, Suite D in Buford, GA as we kick off our next Property Protégé Group (PPG) training series to jump start your real estate investing business in 2017. If you are unable to attend the meeting tonite in person, we are also streaming the meeting via Facebook Live for PPG Members only at our new PPG Facebook Group.
If you are NOT a PPG Member and are interested in becoming a better, more profitable investor, those of us in PPG are here to help. PPG was created for new investors or existing investors who want to take their investing to the next level. PPG is an annual paid private group coaching program that meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7PM. The first part of the meeting is educational and the second part is where we evaluate your deals and decide if they are a deal or no deal.
If NOT a PPG member and are interested in joining the PPG program, we invite you to attend our first meeting as our guest at no charge so you can check it out. NON-PPG Members, Please RSVP here to attend at no charge. We look forward to seeing you there!
At PPG, we will be coving topics such as:
- How to locate properties and motivated sellers
- How to pre-screen sellers and properties
- How to analyze deals
- How to determine repair costs
- How to determine property value before and after repair
- How to construct multiple offers
- How to present and negotiate your offers
- How to put properties under contract and complete the paperwork
- Where to find the money to fund your deals
- How to find buyers and sell houses fast
- Wholesaling and how it works
- Buying & selling pretty houses with creative terms
- Finding deals with the most profit potential
- How to avoid pitfalls and minimize risk
- How to find leads on your mobile device
- How to automate and systematize your business using mobile technology
- And much more!
If you would like to take your investing business to the next level this year, don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the Property Protégé Group!
Onsite Renovation Group Meets in Kennesaw on February 21, 2017
Posted on February 15, 2017 byHands-On Learning “Onsite” at Real Renovation Projects
Tuesday, February 21st at NOON
5990 Due West Rd NW, Kennesaw, GA
Please join us on Tuesday, February 21st at NOON for the Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) to learn all about finding, funding, fixing, and flipping houses for big profits. This month’s meeting will be held at one of Don DeRosa’s renovation projects located at 5990 Due West Rd NW, Kennesaw, GA which is a very large estate that needs lots of work and updating. Come join us onsite this month, see how the how Don will large home and turn it into a profitable deal.
The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) is an educational and networking group that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes. The purpose of the group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property.
The Onsite Renovation Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month. As always, there is no charge for Atlanta REIA members to attend. Guests & Non-Members can RSVP Online for Only $15 or pay $20 at the door.
Surviving the Tenant Landlord Act in 2017 at EPIC on Feb 21, 2017
Posted on February 15, 2017 bywith Attorney James Clifton
February 21st, 6:30PM, Flat Creek Country Club
100 Flat Creek Rd, Peachtree City, GA 30290
Come Join Us for COMPLIMENTARY Appetizers!
The mission of the EPIC Group is to provide a platform for success in Real Estate Investing through Education, Properties, Income and a Community (EPIC) of like minded investors. EPIC is held on Tuesday, February 21st at 6:30PM (3rd Tuesday) at the Flat Creek Country Club located at 100 Flat Creek Rd, Peachtree City, GA.The EPIC Group is hosted by successful real estate entreprenuers Donna Littleton, Broker & Co-Owner of Solutions Realty Network, and her husband Chris Littleton. There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members and currently no charge for non-members as well.
This month’s speaker is James Clifton, the founding member of The Clifton Law Firm, LLC. His areas of focus are real estate, landlord/tenant, foreclosure, probate, wills, trusts, and estates. In addition to his various state licenses in GA, FL, CA & TX, Mr. Clifton is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court.
He will be covering:
- Reviewing the law & changes.
- How the laws affect you.
- Law requirements for the property.
- Compliance issues for you.
- Surviving move-in and move out of tenants.
- And more including answers to all your questions!
“As an Attorney, I look forward to sharing my past experiences, which will help you work through major problems and issues with regards to landlords and tenants. I hope to see you there!” ~ James Clifton
You are sure to meet some great individuals and make lasting connections that will help propel your business in the right direction. We look forward to seeing you there!
Meeting Agenda*
- 6:30PM: Networking, Haves and Wants & Introductions
- 7:00PM: Information, Upcoming Events & Market Update (Chris & Donna)
- 7:20PM: Main Presentation with Special Guest Speaker
- 8:30PM: Closing Comments & Last Minute Networking
Come Out on Tuesday, February 21st and every 3rd Tuesday of Each Month. You are sure to meet some great individuals and make lasting connections that will help propel your business in the right direction. We look forward to seeing you there!
Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
Learn to Generate Leads Online and Invest Virtually at the Beginning Investors Group Online with Duncan Wierman
Posted on February 15, 2017 bywith Duncan Wierman on February 22nd @ 7PM on GoToWebinar
No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests
Who Attend Online via!
PLEASE NOTE: This is a BRAND NEW Registration Link for Feb 2017. Even if you have registered for BIGO in the past, you must re-register using this NEW Registration Link for Feb 2017 or you won’t be able to attend any of the upcoming BIGO webinars.
Do you need more motivated buyer and seller leads in order to do more profitable deals? If so, be sure to join us at the Beginning Investors Group Online on Wednesday, February 22nd at 7:00PM ET where our special guest speaker, Duncan Wierman, also known as “Mr. Lead Generation”, who is one of the nation’s foremost Marketing Strategists for real estate investors will teach you “Extreme Online Lead Generation & Virtual Real Estate Investing”!
Duncan is a full time investor in Greenville, South Carolina. His business revolves around automated systems so he can do less work and make more money. He has used internet marketing and automated internet systems for attracting buyers, sellers, and investors have allowed him to do over 300 deals a year without leaving his desk!
After doing real estate investing the hard way, Duncan finally swore to himself that he’d had enough. He then invested serious time and money into using systems that would pay off in less aggravation, more time, and more profits! He became an expert in finding motivated sellers, hungry buyers, and private lenders through the Internet.
Forget investing the old fashioned way. Let technology do the heavy lifting! Duncan will show you how to make HUGE profits in today’s real estate market by combining real estate investing knowledge with the power of the internet and technology!
You will learn at BIG Online…
- How to earn unlimited income by working just 3-5 hours each week
- Have motivated sellers and hungry buyers coming to YOU instead of spending hours trying to reach them
- Use the Internet as a tool that will do 93% of your work
- Use the exclusive software that I’ve developed to effortlessly generate massive profits on every transaction
- How to literally flip deals from seller to buyer in as little as 2 hours
- Have hundreds of investor/buyers knocking on your door in as little as 2 weeks after you start using my system
- How you can negotiate deals at home and in your spare time
- How you can FLIP Foreclosures with no cred, no money down, and no risk to you or your personal finances
- How you can flip a property ANYWHERE, even if that property is 2000 miles away
- How you can run your entire business from your home computer VIRTUALLY!
- And much, much more!
TO ATTEND ONLINE: 7:00PM Start Time. To attend the Beginning Investors Group Online via your PC, smart phone or tablet, Register Here for the Meeting on and you will be emailed login instructions for the event.
Once you get your Webinar Confirmation Email, you can login on about 5-10 minutes prior to the 7PM start time to reserve a spot using your PC, Mac, Tablet or Smart Phone. You can download the GoToWebinar App here on iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a BRAND NEW Registration Link for Feb 2017. Even if you have registered for BIGO in the past, you must re-register using this NEW Registration Link for Feb 2017 or you won’t be able to attend any of the upcoming BIGO webinars.
The Beginning Investors Group Online (The “Big O” or BIGO) is an new online educational group that currently meets on the 4th Wednesday for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to get back in the game.
Each month, we will be bringing in local and national real estate experts to teach new investors how to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market. The entire purpose of this group is to help new investors get their first deal and help new again investors get their next deal.
The ALL NEW Let’s Make a Deal Group Starts on March 1, 2017
Posted on February 15, 2017 byLet’s Make a Deal!
with Don DeRosa, Barry Beers & Dustin Griffin on March 1st @ 1:30PM at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs, GA
No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests
The Let’s Make A Deal (LMAD) group is back with an ALL NEW format that is all about making deals happen! Let’s Make a Deal is subgroup of the Atlanta REIA that will meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 1:30PMand the 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd NE, Sandy Springs, GA (map). This group is all about making deals happen at the meeting which means Buying, Selling and Trading Wholesale Deals and Creative Real Estate Deals before, during and after the meeting!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
Each month we will have a 3-5 person panel who will quickly pre-screen your deals and decide if they want to buy them from you on the spot. If someone on the panel wants your deal, you can have it under contract before you leave the meeting. If everyone on the panel passes on your deal, you can make it available to the entire audience. If we don’t have time to present your deal to the panel and the audience, after the meeting is over there will be plenty of time to network with other buyers and sellers and share your deals.
Here is our schedule which is subject to change from time to time, especially around the holidays. Be sure to check our calendar for the most update dates and times.
- 1st Wednesday at 1:00PM at Hudson Grille
- 2nd Wednesday at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille
- 3rd Wednesday at 1:00PM at Hudson Grille
- 4th Wednesday at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille
If you are a new or experienced investor looking looking to buy or sell houses, this group is for YOU! Be sure to bring your deals, property flyers, business cards, contracts and Let’s Make a Deal!
You can also join our Let’s Make a Deal Facebook Group and post your deals here:
Roger Blankenship
Posted on February 15, 2017 byRoger Blankenship is the “Flipping America Guy.” He’s host of the nationally syndicated real estate show, “Flipping America,” author, educator, motivational and inspirational speaker, and business leader. He is a member of several professional real estate organizations and is part of the Forbes Magazine Real Estate Council.
Roger is a unique and visionary leader with a broad background in corporate and nonprofit leadership and a lifelong history of entrepreneurial ventures. His corporate career gave him a strong background in staff development, cost management, process evaluation and work-flow improvements. His skills in curricular design, strategic planning and vision-casting have allowed him to help many companies develop new approaches and new products. He has a track record for innovation, creativity, flexibility, and continual process improvement in a wide range of situations. Read More→
Learn How to ACT On or REACT To Any Deal with Jon & Stephanie Iannotti at Atlanta REIA on March 6, 2017
Posted on February 15, 2017 by& Vendor Trade Show
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge. This month,
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
We are excited to announce that Jon & Stephanie Iannotti will be our special guest trainers this month at Atlanta REIA on Monday, March 6th at 5:00 PM at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia located at 4355 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA. Jon & Steph will be teaching us about how his CATS can help YOU do more deals by giving you the tools needed to structure profitable transactions that others would normally pass on.
CATS?!?!… No, we are not referring to his kitty cats… Jon and his wife Stephanie have created a real estate system they call CATS (Complete Agreeable Terms System). The CATS system is currently helping ordinary, everyday investors become extraordinary investors by giving them the tools they need to do deals that 99% of other investors don’t even realize are deals. Deals that are upside down. Deals where the seller wants full price and all cash. Deals where the seller is behind on payments. All types of deals you might normally throw in the trash.
Knowledge is the key and what you don’t know about how to structure creative transactions can definitely hurt your wallet. Imagine knowing how to take a lead most other investors would toss away and turn it into a profitable deal that could make you thousands in a very, very short period of time!
During his 90 minute presentation, Jon will teach you how to…
- Make money without using your own cred, money or contractors
- Turn a dud of a deal into a profitable deal
- What to do when a seller wants full retail and all cash
- Profit from houses that are upside down
- Do as many deals per month as you desire
- Make a minimum of $10,000 per deal
- Get the benefits of ownership without actually owning the house
- Put your entire business on “Cruise Control”
- All this and much, much more!
- Answers to your questions and more!
Jon and his wife Stephanie have over 30 years combined Real Estate investing and teaching experience. They have over 3000 creative deals under their belt and are considered some of the best in the industry.
Jon and Stephanie created ACT (Agreeable Contract Terms System) for when the seller says “Yes” to terms. They created REACT (Reverse Engineered Agreeable Contract Terms) when the seller says “No” to terms and wants full retail value and all cash.
They have now combined these two systems into CATS (the Complete Agreeable Terms System) to have best of both worlds. Now they can make offers that have a high likelihood of being accepted on any of the leads that come across their desk and you can too!
Come spend 90 minutes with Jon at the Atlanta REIA Meeting on Monday, March 6th at 5:00 PM where they will explain how to turn seemingly dead property leads into profitable deals. You certainly will not want to miss out on this career changing information! We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend the event at no charge and Non-Members can Register Online for $20 or pay $25.00 at the door. Be sure to bring your business cards and flyers and join us for an evening of real estate deals, vendors, networking, education and fun! See you there! RSVP Now!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.
WIN A 4 NIGHT STAY IN CANCUN: All participants who attend the Atlanta REIA Meeting will entered into a drawing for a chance to win a *Complimentary 5 Day, 4 Night Stay in Cancun! *You must be present at the meeting to win. Giveaway does not include dining, transportation, transfers, taxes, upgrades, etc.
with Don DeRosa
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
This is an AMAZING TIME TO BUY real estate. But whether you’re going to buy bank-owned houses, foreclosures, or short sales for pennies on the dollar, you need CASH to do it. And given the tight credit market, Private Money is the KEY to taking advantage of the amazing deals out there in the market today. If you have all the private funds you need, you can buy all the houses you want. But you need to know HOW! And asking someone to lend you money is almost never a comfortable conversation.
Join Don DeRosa at the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup on Monday, March 6th from 5PM to 6PM at the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting at the Doubletree where he will share how to get all the private money you need to buy all the houses you want in this market.
He’s going to share some of his tips – like the 15 second ‘infomercial’ he gives when someone asks him “What do you do?” – which inevitably leads to a conversation on Private Lending. But, as you’ll see, Don never asks them for money. The conversation leads to THEM ask HIM about how THEY can lend HIM money. Yes, it really works. And when you leave, you’ll know the exact words to say to a potential lender. Hope to see you there!
At 5:00 PM in the Vendor Room, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting. See a full list of our vendors and sponsors below as they are added.
Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Starting at 6:15 PM, Dustin Griffin kicks off the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting with updates and announcements. Dustin covers what’s happening at Atlanta REIA in the upcoming weeks and months such as upcoming workshops, webcasts, special events, members benefits and much more! Be sure to be in the main meeting room at 6:15 PM for your chance to be one of the first to receive a printed copy of The Profit Newsletter while supplies last.
At approximately 6:30 PM, Joe Thompson will be hosting the Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session which gives our members the opportunity to quickly market deals they HAVE and to find deals they WANT. We also give our business members the opportunity to get up and say a few words about their businesses. Members who want to participate in the Haves & Wants Marketing Session must bring your flyers and get to the meeting early to get on Joe’s list of participants.
Taco Mac Perimeter
After the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting, we will be reconvening at 9:30 PM at Taco Mac Perimeter located at the Perimeter Place, 1211 Ashford Crossing, Atlanta, GA for the Late Nite Networking and the “Meeting-After-The-Meeting”! There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members or guests to attend Late Nite Networking, so bring a friend and head on down to Late Nite Networking and have a cold brew with us! Just be sure you order food and beverages from the restaurant and please tip their wait staff generously. When you get there, be sure to look for Joe Thompson who will be leading our Late Nite Networking.
American IRA – The American IRA mission is to provide the highest level of customer service in the self-directed retirement industry.
Read More>>
The Small Business Advisor – A full service small business consulting firm specializing in QuickBooks with a wide variety of specialized services, trainings and products for small businesses. Read More>>
Advanta IRA Administration – With the help of your local Advanta IRA staff, use your IRA to invest in assets you know, understand and control, such as real estate, notes & mortgages, private placements, and much more! Read More>>
Secured Investment Lending – A licensed direct mortgage lender specializing in non-traditional hard money loans for non-owner occupied buy/fix sell properties or rental properties throughout the GA and FL. Read More>>
Halperin Lyman, LLC – A transactional real property law firm devoted to providing the full spectrum of non-litigation related real estate legal and consulting services to its clientele. Read More>> – The nation’s leading online real estate marketplace, having sold over $34 billion in real estate assets.’s mission is to provide the most trusted online real estate marketplace, making transactions easier and more transparent. Read More>>
Equitable Consulting – Investors, wether you have a short term or long term plan, “fix & flip” or “buy & hold”, individual units or entire portfolios, Equitable Consulting is your resource at every step. Read More >>
Networth Realty of Atlanta, LLC – A licensed, full-service residential wholesale brokerage that specializes in finding quality wholesale properties and making them available to you. Read More>>
Angel Oak Prime Bridge – A direct hard money lender headquartered in Atlanta. We provide renovation/construction loans for investors and builders to purchase and renovate residential properties. Read More>>
Goldmine Properties, Inc. – As Atlanta’s first full service real estate wholesaler, we offer wholesale property at 65% loan to value, with financing available. Purchase price and repairs are 65% of certified after repaired appraisal. Read More>>
Lima One Capital, LLC – A fully capitalized, direct lender for residential real estate investors and homebuilders. We are fully capitalized and our team prides itself on closing loans quickly for our clients. Read More>>
CRS Data – We offer comps from the MLS & FSBO’s, custom searches, property tax records, interactive maps, sales & mortgage info, real estate valuations, mailing lists & more. Read More>>
Legal Shield
Atlanta Flooring Design Centers
ACT / REACT Workshop with Jon & Stephanie Iannotti on March 11, 2017
Posted on February 15, 2017 byLearn How to ACT On or REACT To Any Deal That Comes Across Your Desk
Jon & Stephanie Iannotti
Join us at the ACT / REACT Workshop on Saturday, March 11th at 9:00 AM at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA with Jon & Stephanie Iannotti to learn how CATS can teach you to structure profitable transactions with every lead that comes across your desk, especially the ones that most other investors would immediately throw in the trash. During this full day workshop, Jon Iannotti will expand on the concepts he was only briefly able to talk about Monday night at the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting.
Jon & Stephanie will teach you specifically how to…
- Work with sellers to give them what they want and still profit
- Structure win-win situations with over-leveraged properties
- Turn a unprofitable dead deal into a profitable done deal
- Make a minimum of $10,000 on every deal you do
- Be able to work with sellers who want all cash and full retail
- Profit from houses that are upside down
- Do as many deals per month as you desire
- Get the benefits of ownership without actually owning the house
- Put your entire business on “Cruise Control”
- Answer your questions and more!
Whether your seller says “Yes” to terms or “No” to terms, you will be able to structure the deal to where you will be able to make money and your seller will be happy too. Jon and Stephanie have over 3000 creative deals under their belt and are considered some of the best in the industry. Through the ever-changing ups and downs, they have modified their techniques to meet the needs of the market and have continued to thrive and prosper.
Come spend the day with Jon & Stephanie at the ACT / REACT Workshop on Saturday, March 11th at 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM where they will explain how to turn seemingly dead property leads into profitable deals. You certainly will not want to miss out on this life changing information!
PLEASE NOTE: Early registration expires on Wednesday, March 8th at midnight and tuition will increase. Non-Members who join Atlanta REIA between February 25th – March 6th, 2017 can attend the workshop for NO CHARGE. Also, Atlanta REIA Members who renew their membership for an additional year between February 25th – March 6th, 2017 can attend the workshop for NO CHARGE as well. When joining Atlanta REIA or renewing your membership, please indicate that you want to attend the workshop at no charge. You can join Atlanta REIA at
Jump-Start Your Real Estate Investing Business 3-Day Boot Camp
Posted on February 14, 2017 by
Real Estate Investing Business in 2017!
3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA
Don DeRosa is teaching this 3-Day Jump-Start Boot Camp to help get his Coaching Students, Property Protégé Group Members, our REIA Members’ real estate investing business up and running and growing quickly. If you are a new investor or a “new again” investor and really want to make the most of your real estate investing career in 2017, this is a 3-day training boot camp you don’t want to miss!
Day #1 is How to Jump-Start Your Wholesaling Business. On Day #1, Don will teach you how to find distressed, ugly properties and to wholesale them to other “fix and flip” and “buy and hold” investors for nice chunks of fast cash, often in 30 days or less. Read More>>
Day #2 is How to Jump-Start Your Creative Real Estate Investing Business. On Day #2, Don will teach you the “Pretty House” side of the business and how to buy nice houses, in nice neighborhoods with none of your own cash or credit for fast cash up front, monthly cash flow and often huge backend profits. Read More>>
Day #3 is How to Jump-Start Your High Tech Homebuying Business. On Day #3, Don will teach you how to use the latest technology such as PCs, Smart Phones, Tablets and other hardware, software, apps and gadgets to operate, systematize and automate your real estate investing business so you will be leaps and bounds ahead of your competition. Read More>>
Don’t miss this great opportunity to Jump-Start Your Real Estate Investing Business and learn how to buy pretty houses without your own money or credit, how to wholesale distressed properties for fast cash and how to operate and automate your real estate investing business using technology! This exciting and cutting edge training is designed to get your real estate investing business up and running and profitable fast. Register Now and don’t miss out!
You can also purchase any of these 3 events separately or get more detailed information about each event using the links below.
- Day 1: Jump-Start Your Wholesaling Business (Distressed Houses)
- Day 2: Jump-Start Your Creative Real Estate Investing Business (Pretty Houses)
- Day 3: Jump-Start Your High Tech Homebuying Business (Using Technology to Operate and Automate Your Business)
Sign up for all 3 Days of the Jump-Start Your Real Estate Investing Business Boot Camp!
The Profit Newsletter February 2017 Edition
Posted on February 6, 2017 byThe February 2017 Edition of The Profit Newsletter, the official newsletter of the Atlanta Real Estate Investors Alliance, is now available for download. There are 48 pages this month full of upcoming meetings, workshops, webcasts, educational articles and other valuable information for your real estate investing pleasure and success. Download it and check it out!
The Profit is Atlanta REIA’s digital, interactive newsletter for serious real estate investors delivered as an Adobe PDF file to read on your PC, Mac, Smart Phone, iPad or other mobile ready devices. Many of the articles and ads in The Profit contain many hyperlinks you can click to get more information online! The high res version of The Profit is “print ready” for those who want to print the newsletter on their home or business printer.
Be sure to Subscribe to The Profit by Email or Subscribe to The Profit by Text so you don’t miss a single issue.
Hungry Buyers Should Not Equal Taking Advantage of Them
Posted on February 6, 2017 byI have heard it 100 times over…
That wholesaler, fill in the name, totally ripped me off. False rehab costs, false appraisals, false inspection reports, false ARV…and on and on.
Last month we talked about experienced wholesalers. This month, let’s flip it over to the new Buyers. They are new, excited and hungry. And they are prime targets to get taken advantage of by some wholesalers. Unfortunate as it is, there are wholesalers that are less than credible. I have seen quite a bit of less than ideal advertisements. Some examples: Read More→