Atlanta REIA Meeting Updates
Property Protege Group Open House in Atlanta on February 15, 2018
Posted on February 13, 2018 byProperty Protégé Group
Group Coaching for Real Estate Investors
February 15th at 7PM-10PM
3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA
Attend Your 1st Meeting at No Charge
Are you wanting to learn how to invest in real estate but don’t know where to begin, how to really crank things up or don’t want to do it alone?
If so, please join us Thursday, February 15th at 7PM (special meeting date due to Valentines Day) at the Property Protege Group Open House hosted by Don DeRosa and Dustin Griffin at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND your first meeting at no charge, but please arrive on time.
The Property Protege Group (PPG) is a private coaching group led by Don and Dustin that meets in-person in Atlanta, GA or on Facebook Live for PPG Members that cannot attend in-person. The first part of the meeting is educational and the second part is where we evaluate your deals and decide if they are a deal or no deal.
If you are interested in becoming a better, more profitable investor, those of us in PPG are here to help! PPG was created for new investors or existing investors who want to take their investing to the next level and beyond with the help of others!
If you are interested in joining the PPG program or learning more about the group, we invite you to attend your first meeting at no charge as our guest in Atlanta at 7PM so you can check us out. We look forward to seeing you there!
At PPG, we will be coving topics such as:
- How to locate properties and motivated sellers
- How to pre-screen sellers and properties
- How to analyze deals
- How to determine repair costs
- How to determine property value before and after repair
- How to construct multiple offers
- How to present and negotiate your offers
- How to put properties under contract and complete the paperwork
- Where to find the money to fund your deals
- How to find buyers and sell houses fast
- Wholesaling and how it works
- Buying & selling pretty houses with creative terms
- Finding deals with the most profit potential
- How to avoid pitfalls and minimize risk
- How to find leads on your mobile device
- How to automate and systematize your business using mobile technology
- And much more!
If you would like to take your investing business to the next level, don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the Property Protégé Group!
Learn How to Become a Real Estate Millionaire with Tolla Cherwenka at BIG on February, 19, 2018
Posted on February 13, 2018 bywith Tolla Cherwenka
This is absurd given one simple truth: Becoming a millionaire is simple. Becoming a Millionaire is…simple? Really? It’s true, yes, BUT not easy.
So, you want to learn how to become a millionaire? “Wanting” is never enough. Especially when you want to know how to become a millionaire. A lot of people want to become millionaires. To join the millionaire club:
You don’t need an MBA.
You don’t need to go to Harvard.
You don’t need to come from a rich family.
You don’t have to be exceptionally smart.
You don’t have to know the right people.
What you DO NEED is to join me, Tolla Cherwenka, at the Beginning Investors Group (BIG) on Monday, February 19th at 6:30PM at the Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs. I have one goal if you attend and that is for you to become a millionaire!
I don’t talk about my net worth very often, but I crossed the $1,000,000 net worth level when I turned 25 years old. At this event, I will discuss…
- The 3 Pillars of Wealth
- The Cherwenka’s “secret sauce” to how to find distressed house deals (bird dog and wholesalers)
- How to make money with no money
- How to successfully fix and flip
- Wealth strategies
- How to speed up the wealth timeline
- Answers to your questions and much more!
Join us on Monday, February 19th at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs. You may not walk out a millionaire, but you will have the know-how to become one! RSVP Now & Join Us at BIG!
The Beginning Investors Group (BIG) is an educational and networking group for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to get back in the game.
BIG is hosted by Dustin Griffin who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts to teach new investors how to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market.The entire purpose of the group is to help new investors get their first deal and help new again investors get their next deal.
This is a “dinner” group and we kindly request that you buy dinner and/or drinks since the Hudson Grille allows us to meet there. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the meeting for discussion.
As always, Atlanta REIA Member can attend the meeting at no charge and not-yet-members can RSVP Online for $15 or pay $20 at the door.
Onsite Renovation Group Meets on February 20, 2018 in Lawrenceville, GA
Posted on February 13, 2018 byCome See Completed
Lawrenceville Project!
Tuesday, Feb 20th at NOON
312 Kings Hill Ct, Lawrenceville, GA
Atlanta Area Renovation Projects
Please join us on Tuesday, Feb 20th at NOON for the Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG), hosted by Don DeRosa and Dustin Griffin, to learn all about finding, funding, fixing, and flipping houses for big profits right here in the Atlanta Metro Area at an active job site.
This month’s Onsite Renovation Group will be held at a property being renovated by Chrissy Griffin located at 312 Kings Hill Ct, Lawrenceville, GA.
This Onsite Case Study Project was a vacant, run-down, overgrown, hoarder house, full of junk that we visited back in August 2017.
This house is now completely rehabbed and staged with ALL NEW EVERYTHING. Come out and see how Chrissy has transformed this old house into a charming, modern day home with a more open floor plan. At Onsite, Chrissy will share many of the lessons learned on this full rehab project.
See more After Repair Photos.
The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) is an educational and networking group that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes. The purpose of the group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property.
Wholesalers, bring your deals! We could be your next buyer!
Lenders, bring your money! We could be your next borrower!
Agents, Contractors and Other Real Estate Pros, come join us! We could be your next client!
The Onsite Renovation Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month. As always, there is no charge for Atlanta REIA members to attend. Guests & Non-Members can RSVP Online for Only $15 or pay $20 at the door. Come join us and RSVP Now!
Creative Dealmakers Meet for Lunch on February 21, 2018 in Midtown
Posted on February 13, 2018 byNEW WEEKLY EVENT!
Baraonda Ristorante & Bar in Midtown
710 Peachtree St, Atlanta, GA
*Park at 715 Peachtree St Parking Garage for Validated Parking
Currently No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests
Come have lunch and talk real estate with Roger Blankenship of Flipping America, Don DeRosa and many other like-minded real estate entreprenuers at the BRAND NEW Creative Dealmakers Lunch Meeting in Midtown! Come join us to find deals, sell deals, to get help structuring deals and putting deals together, get answers to your investing questions, meet other investors, and grow your real estate business.
Creative Dealmakers is your opportunity to learn more about real estate and creative deal structuring techniques such as subject-to, owner financing, lease options, wraps, all cash, split funding and much, much more. We can help you turn a “no deal” into a “deal!”
- Wholesalers, bring your deals! We want to buy.
- Fix and Flip Buyers and Landlords, come prepared to make offers.
- Realtors, come meet new contacts and sources for repeat business.
- New investors, bring your potential deals and questions and let us help along your way.
- Curious about real estate investing? Come check it out and see for yourself what it’s all about!
The Creative Dealmakers Lunch Meeting is a BRAND NEW subgroup of Atlanta REIA that will be meeting Every Wednesday at 11:30AM (except major holidays) at the Baraonda Ristorante & Bar located at 710 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA (map).
*Parking: If you park at the 715 Peachtree Street Garage (Just across street from Baraonda, behind the 715 Peachtree Bldg), Baraonda will validate you for 2 hours parking. If it is your first visit, be sure to arrive a little early so can find a place to park and arrive on time.
This group is all about making deals happen at the meeting which means Buying, Selling and Trading Wholesale Deals and Creative Real Estate Deals before, during and after the meeting! So bring your business cards, flyers, deals, haves, wants and questions about real estate investing, and meet us for lunch!
Learn to Structure Deals for Passive Income at BIG ONLINE on February 28, 2018
Posted on February 13, 2018 byPASSIVE INCOME
Like the Top 1% of Investors
with Paul Rossano on February 28th
@ 7PM on GoToWebinar
No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests Who
RSVP to Attend Online via
If you are a new or experienced investor who is looking for passive income, join us on Wednesday, February 28th at 7:00PM at the Beginning Investors Group Online.
Passive income is money that you only work for once and receive the benefits from regularly. Think of rents, notes and mortgages, song or book royalties, etc. Fast cash from flipping properties is great, but isn’t the REAL goal to generate passive income in amounts large enough to support you and your family for life and beyond…without you working all the time?
This month, our special guest presenter is Paul Rossano who is an expert at teaching normal folks how to think like the very wealthy and put together deals that create the maximum return with minimum risk.
On the webinar, Paul will share:
- The most closely guarded strategies of the TOP 1% of investors in the world
- How to STRUCTURE your real estate investments to MINIMIZE risk and maximize upside
- How to QUANTIFY risk and return, and how to adjust both METRICS to make deals work for you
- What key MISTAKES to avoid in order to earn CONSISTENT and dependable passive income
- Develop massive CONFIDENCE in your deals by structuring them with perfect precision like the best of the best
- How to live a dream LIFESTYLE with less work and less stress but more money and more FREEDOM!
- Answers to your questions and much more!
TO ATTEND ONLINE: 7:00PM Start Time. To attend the Beginning Investors Group Online via your PC, smart phone or tablet, Register Here for the Meeting on and you will be emailed login instructions for the event.
Once you get your Webinar Confirmation Email, you can login on about 5-10 minutes prior to the 7PM start time to reserve a spot using your PC, Mac, Tablet or Smart Phone. You can download the GoToWebinar App here on iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store.
Come Learn Why Fixing & Flipping is Better Than Wholesaling with Ramon Tookes on Feb 12, 2018
Posted on January 31, 2018 by& Vendor Trade Show
with Ramon Tookes on FEB 12, 2018
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge. This month,
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
As the market continues to get hotter and hotter, more investors are jumping in to take advantage of the trend. Some will be successful investors and others will not. That’s just the reality of the business.
Many are not successful because they don’t have the proper resources. Many are not successful because they don’t have the proper training or guidance. Many are not successful because they don’t have the right plan and/or exit strategy.
What’s your plan and/or exit strategy for your real estate investment business? Is it buying and holding? Is it wholesaling? Is it fixing and flipping? All three are very good strategies when the’re used properly, but there is a “myth” that wholesaling is the best way to start investing… but this month’s speaker, Ramon Tookes, strongly disagrees!
Please RSVP and join us at the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Meeting on Monday, February 12th starting from 5:00PM to 9:00PM at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA, and Ramon will show you why “Fixing and Flipping” is much better than wholesaling. If you don’t belive it, come out and see Ramon and he will show you why he strongly belives this is true and why you should too.
Join us and you will learn…
- Why most people feel like Wholesaling is the best place to begin in real estate investing… They ARE WRONG!
- Why Most people feel like Fixing and Flipping is too risky… They ARE WRONG!
- Why most people don’t know how to be truly be successful at either Wholesaling or Fixing and Flipping
- How Fixing and Flipping offers a much bigger profit spread
- How Fix & Flips offer more control of the entire deal
- How Fix & Flips allows you to work on a smaller number of properties and make more profit per year.
- Answers to your questions and much more!
Ramon Tookes is a real estate investor, coach, author, wealth builder, public speaker, radio celebrity and developer with 20+ years of experience in the industry. Ramon currently oversees the daily operations of The Tookes Group, a firm that he founded in 2005, specializing in real estate investment consulting.
Mark your calendar because all this is happening on Monday, February 12th at the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Event. RSVP NOW & DON”T MISS IT!
As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend the event at no charge and Non-Members can Register Online for $20 or pay $25.00 at the door. Be sure to bring your business cards and flyers and join us for an evening of real estate deals, vendors, networking, education and fun! See you there! RSVP Now!
*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.
For Your Deals
with Don DeRosa
In any business, having customers come through your door, calling you and placing orders on the phone, visiting and ordering from your website, is what put dollars in your business. How did all that happen? Marketing, of course! How do you market if you are looking to buy a house or sell one? What types of marketing can you do? How do you stretch those dollars set aside for marketing purposes so you can get the best “bang for your buck”?
There is no one better to teach you how to get your marketing together other than Don DeRosa. If you have the drive and desire to make 2018 your best year ever, then join us at the Meeting Before The Meeting at 5PM.
Join Don DeRosa every month at our High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup that meets one hour BEFORE the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Event at City Of Light. Don will teach you about the state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work – so you can work less and spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.
Its an amazing time to be a real estate investor. Don’t look back 5 years from now and wish you had acted. Learn how to plan right… Learn to Make More and Work Less, Right Now!
At 5:00 PM in the Main Lobby, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting. See a full list of our vendors and sponsors below as they are added.
Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Starting at 6:00 PM, Dustin Griffin kicks off the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Event with updates and announcements. Dustin covers what’s happening at Atlanta REIA in the upcoming weeks and months such as upcoming workshops, webcasts, special events, members benefits and much more! Be sure to be in the main meeting room at 6:15 PM for your chance to be one of the first to receive a printed copy of The Profit Newsletter while supplies last.
At approximately 6:30 PM, Joe Thompson will be hosting the Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session which gives our members the opportunity to quickly market deals they HAVE and to find deals they WANT. We also give our business members the opportunity to get up and say a few words about their businesses. Members who want to participate in the Haves & Wants Marketing Session must bring your flyers and get to the meeting early to get on Joe’s list of participants.
Door Prizes & Giveaways!*
All attendees who check in and attend the Atlanta REIA Meeting will be entered be into a drawing for a chance to win several Flat Screen LED TVs, a variety of Gift Cards (such as Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, Amazon, etc), Flashlights, Phone Chargers and all sorts of other miscellaneous items that vary from meeting to meeting each month. *You must be present and in the room during the drawing to win. Door prizes and giveaways can change at any time for any reason. Vendors are not eligible to win.
Three Dollar Cafe
After the conclusion of the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting, we will be reconvening at 9:30 PM at Three Dollar Cafe located at the 3537 Chamblee Tucker Rd in Atlanta, GA for the Late Nite Networking and the “Meeting-After-The-Meeting”! There is no charge for Atlanta REIA Members or guests to attend Late Nite Networking, so bring a friend and head on down to Late Nite Networking and have a cold brew with us! Just be sure you order food and beverages from the restaurant and please tip their wait staff generously.
American IRA – The American IRA mission is to provide the highest level of customer service in the self-directed retirement industry.
Read More>>
Secured Investment Lending – A licensed direct mortgage lender specializing in non-traditional hard money loans for non-owner occupied buy/fix sell properties or rental properties throughout the GA and FL. Read More>> – The nation’s leading online real estate marketplace, having sold over $34 billion in real estate assets.’s mission is to provide the most trusted online real estate marketplace, making transactions easier and more transparent. Read More>>
Goldmine Properties, Inc. – As Atlanta’s first full service real estate wholesaler, we offer wholesale property at 65% loan to value, with financing available. Purchase price and repairs are 65% of certified after repaired appraisal. Read More>>
Networth Realty of Atlanta, LLC – A licensed, full-service residential wholesale brokerage that specializes in finding quality wholesale properties and making them available to you. Read More>>
The Small Business Advisor – A full service small business consulting firm specializing in QuickBooks with a wide variety of specialized services, trainings and products for small businesses. Read More>>
Advanta IRA Administration – With the help of your local Advanta IRA staff, use your IRA to invest in assets you know, understand and control, such as real estate, notes & mortgages, private placements, and much more! Read More>>
New Western Acquisitions – A full service Real Estate Brokerage that specializes in helping investors in acquiring inventory, securing contractors and lenders, as well as aiding in the liquidation of these assets. Read More>>
CRS Data – We offer comps from the MLS & FSBO’s, custom searches, property tax records, interactive maps, sales & mortgage info, real estate valuations, mailing lists & more. Read More>>
Next Step Capital Funding
An Evening with the Godfather of Wholesaling at Flipping Atlanta
Posted on January 31, 2018 byNEW MONTHLY EVENT!
Godfather of Wholesaling
with Mike Cherwenka
of Goldmine Properties
Thursday, February 8th at 6:00PM
Roam Perimeter Center
1151 Hammond Dr NE #240, Dunwoody, GA
2nd Floor of Perimeter Expo Shopping Center
Admission is $5 for Atlanta REIA Members with membership card, $10 for Not-Yet-Members
Atlanta REIA is very excited to partner up with Flipping America to bring you Flipping Atlanta, an ALL NEW educational and networking experience hosted by Roger Blankenship of Flipping America.
Flipping Atlanta meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 6PM at Roam Perimeter Center located at 1151 Hammond Dr NE #240 in Dunwoody, GA on the 2nd floor of the Perimeter Expo Shopping Center which is just across the street from Perimeter Mall.
Flipping Atlanta is about your needs… deal flow, funding, contractors, resources, challenges, information, technology, and application. Each month hear a presentation from an industry leader. Occasionally the presentation is recorded for inclusion on the broadcast and attendees become part of the the live studio audience.
This month at Flipping Atlanta on Thursday, February 8th, at 6PM, Roger Blankenship will be here to lead the group and interview Mike Cherwenka, “The Godfather Of Wholesaling”, for the Flipping America Radio Show. Mike has been flipping houses since 1996 and has done more than 2100 deals! He specializes in wholesaling and fixing and “flipping in the hood”. He will tell you how he got started, what he’s doing now, and how he can help you grow your business (think deals – lots of them!)
Hey Fix and Flip Buyers, do you have enough deals coming in? Have you ever considered remote flipping? Wholesalers – are you finding enough deals, meeting enough buyers? Realtors, would you like a steady supply of repeat business? There’s something here for everyone in the real estate business. Lenders, contractors, wholesalers, trainers, vendors and others are present with a wide range of products and services. Light refreshments are served at the meeting.
Meeting Agenda (subject to change)
- 5:30PM: Flipping Atlanta Mentoring Program Training( PRIVATE)
- 6:00PM: Networking Begins in the “Garage” (Large Room)
- 7:00PM: Program Begins
- 8:30PM: Program Ends
RSVP NOW!! Atlanta REIA Members, remember to bring your membership card, business cards, wholesale deals and flyers!
Flipping Atlanta is the local networking chapter for Flipping America, a nationally syndicated radio show about real estate investing. The show originates in Atlanta, Georgia and the program host, Roger Blankenship is often on-hand to lead the group.
Learn How to Take Advantage of the New Tax Laws at Mountain REIA
Posted on January 31, 2018 bywith Roger Herring
$2 Charge for ALL Attendees
Tax laws. Sounds boring doesn’t it? Most of the time they are. Just before the New Year, the President signed into law quite a few tax changes that could benefit us as real estate investors.
Do you know about the new 20% deduction for real estate income and how that can benefit you? Not only are there are plenty of changes that you can take advantage of, but there are also things you cannot do anymore.
If you would like to learn about these changes and how they affect you, your business and your family, you should definitely come to Mountain REIA event on Tuesday, February 6th at 6:30PM, where our special guest speaker, Roger Herring, who is a tax strategies, will be showing us how to take advantage of our newest tax laws.
During this presentation, Roger will tell you all about:
- What tax laws have changed the most?
- What does this mean for you as a real estate investor?
- What are some of the loopholes that have opened or closed?
- What are some disadvantages to watch out for?
- Is it now better to rent a house as opposed to buying?
- Answers to your questions and much, much more!
Roger Herring, Founder and CEO of Investors Accounting, is a 1991 graduate of The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. After serving as an officer in the U.S. Army, he spent eleven years as a corporate accountant in positions ranging from associate management accountant to Chief Financial Officer.
Accounting for Real Estate Investors is something that is not taught in school. It is a unique field that requires specialized understanding in specific areas of the tax code that most practitioners do not even know exists. Roger works with investors year round, not just at tax time.
Roger is also an active member of the community, where serves his church, and supports multiple local charities. He is a devoted family man to his wife, Shelley, and his two children.
RSVP Now and join us for Mountain REIA at 6:30pm on Tuesday, February 6th at The Golden Corral in Cumming at 2025 Market Place Blvd. in Cumming. Come join us for this fun, informative event. See Y’all There!
Everyone can attend for $2.00. Show up at 6:30 PM to eat and network before the meeting officially starts at 7:00 PM. Buying your own meal is optional but highly recommended and greatly appreciated since Golden Corral allows us to use their meeting room.
There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the event.
New Creative Deal Makers Lunch Starts on Wed, February 7, 2018
Posted on January 31, 2018 byNEW WEEKLY EVENT!
Baraonda Ristorante & Bar in Midtown
710 Peachtree St, Atlanta, GA
*Park at 715 Peachtree St Parking Garage for Validated Parking
Currently No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests
Come have lunch and talk real estate with Roger Blankenship of Flipping America, Don DeRosa and many other like-minded real estate entreprenuers at the BRAND NEW Creative Deal Makers Lunch Meeting in Midtown!
Come join us to find deals, sell deals, get answers to your investing questions, meet other investors, and grow your real estate business. Here is your opportunity to learn more about real estate and creative deal structuring techniques such as subject-to, owner financing, lease options, wraps, all cash, split funding and much, much more!
- Wholesalers, bring your deals! We want to buy.
- Fix and Flip Buyers and Landlords, come prepared to make offers.
- Realtors, come meet new contacts and sources for repeat business.
- New investors, bring your potential deals and questions and let us help along your way.
- Curious about real estate investing? Come check it out and see for yourself what it’s all about!
The Creative Deal Makers Lunch Meeting is a BRAND NEW subgroup of Atlanta REIA that will be meeting Every Wednesday at 11:30AM (except major holidays) at the Baraonda Ristorante & Bar located at 710 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA (map).
*Parking: If you park at the 715 Peachtree Street Garage (Just across street from Baraonda, behind the 715 Peachtree Bldg), Baraonda will validate you for 2 hours parking. If it is your first visit, be sure to arrive a little early so can find a place to park and arrive on time.
This group is all about making deals happen at the meeting which means Buying, Selling and Trading Wholesale Deals and Creative Real Estate Deals before, during and after the meeting! So bring your business cards, flyers, deals, haves, wants and questions about real estate investing, and meet us for lunch!
Learn How to Take Advantage of the New Tax Laws at Atlanta REIA West
Posted on January 19, 2018 byLearn How to Take Advantage of the New Tax Laws
with Roger Herring
Monday, January 22nd @ 6:30PM,
Cherokee Cattle Company,
2710 Canton Rd, Marietta, GA
No Charge for Atlanta REIA Members, Guests $10 at the Door.
Tax laws. Sounds boring doesn’t it? Most of the time they are. Just before the New Year, the President signed into law quite a few tax changes that could benefit us as real estate investors.
Do you know about the new 20% deduction for real estate income and how that can benefit you? Not only are there are plenty of changes that you can take advantage of, but there are also things you cannot do anymore.
If you would like to learn about these changes and how they affect you, your business and your family, you should definitely come to Atlanta REIA West Event on Monday, January 22nd at 6:30PM, where our special guest speaker, Roger Herring, who is a tax strategies, will be showing us how to take advantage of our newest tax laws.
During this presentation, Roger will tell you all about:
- What tax laws have changed the most?
- What does this mean for you as a real estate investor?
- What are some of the loopholes that have opened or closed?
- What are some disadvantages to watch out for?
- Is it now better to rent a house as opposed to buying?
- Answers to your questions and much, much more!
Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on
Roger Herring, Founder and CEO of Investors Accounting, is a 1991 graduate of The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. After serving as an officer in the U.S. Army, he spent eleven years as a corporate accountant in positions ranging from associate management accountant to Chief Financial Officer. Accounting for Real Estate Investors is something that is not taught in school. It is a unique field that requires specialized understanding in specific areas of the tax code that most practitioners do not even know exists. Roger works with investors year round, not just at tax time. Roger is also an active member of the community, where serves his church, and supports multiple local charities. He is a devoted family man to his wife, Shelley, and his two children.
RSVP NOW and join us for this Atlanta REIA West Real Estate Event at 6:30pm on Monday, January 22nd at The Cherokee Cattle Company at 2710 Canton Rd. in Marietta. Come join us for this fun, informative event. See Y’all There!
Atlanta REIA Members can attend for no charge and Not-Yet Members for $10.00. Show up at 6:30 PM to eat and network before the meeting officially starts at 7:00 PM. Buying your own meal is optional but highly recommended and greatly appreciated since the Cherokee Cattle Company allows us to use their event room.
There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your Flyers, your deals, haves, wants and needs to the event.
BIGOnline on Tax Sales, Tax Liens & Tax Deeds with Tom DiAgostino on January 24, 2018
Posted on January 18, 2018 bywith Tom DiAgostino on January 24th
@ 7PM on GoToWebinar
No Charge to Attend for Members or Guests Who
RSVP to Attend Online via
You may or may not have heard about tax sales before, and if you have, you probably heard all the wrong things. Tom DiAgostino will set the record straight for you all on Wednesday, January 24th at 7:00PM at the Beginning Investors Group Online. Tom will be teaching us “How to Buy Property for as Little as 10 Cents on the Dollar with Tax Sales”, a real estate niche that most investors know nothing about.
Tom has been investing for over two decades now and has done it all. Tom’s training will change your financial life forever. Tom and his team are not just trainers. They are also your investment partners. Come watch, listen and learn how to build a foundation of wealth for generations.
Here is some of what you will learn from Tom:
- Why Tax Sales are the best real estate investment vehicle available
- Tax Sales vs. Other types of Real Estate Investment Strategies and their Challenges
- Why auctions are NOT the answer to buying houses at deep discounts
- Where to tap into the most motivated sellers on the planet with the least amount of competition
- How to make easy 18-36% returns without owning real estate, but enjoying its security
- Examine case studies of real life tax sales deals we have completed and made thousands of dollars and how you can do the same
- Learn about tools you can use to easily navigate the tens of thousands of tax liens/deeds available nationwide and find the ones that are perfect for you
- How to do all this Tax Free within your Self-Directed IRA
- How we make our staff available to DO IT FOR YOU if you want
- Answers to your questions and much more!
TO ATTEND ONLINE: 7:00PM Start Time. To attend the Beginning Investors Group Online via your PC, smart phone or tablet, Register Here for the Meeting on and you will be emailed login instructions for the event.
Once you get your Webinar Confirmation Email, you can login on about 5-10 minutes prior to the 7PM start time to reserve a spot using your PC, Mac, Tablet or Smart Phone. You can download the GoToWebinar App here on iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store.
Beginning Investors Group Meets on January 15, 2018 with Amy Ransdell
Posted on January 2, 2018 bywith Amy Ransdell
Investors, are you finding enough deals for your pipeline? Wholesalers, if you had more deals would your buyers still need more? Real estate agents, do you have enough listings or would a few more make your year even better? If you poll investors, wholesalers, or agents, one of the most common challenges they face is lead generation for acquisition.
We hear so many people complaining about this being a low-inventory market while others are bringing in deal after deal. So, how do we know which lead generation techniques work best? How do we decide where to spend our marketing dollars? How do we build systems that bring in a consistent flow of opportunities?
If you are an investor who is always looking for new, cutting edge ways to find more deals and make more money, please be sure to join us at the Beginning Investors Group on Monday, January 15th at 6:30PM at the Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs with our special guest speaker, Amy Ransdell.
At the meeting, Amy will be teaching you some of her favorite “Highly Effective Strategies for Finding Deals in Today’s Competitive Market”. Join us to talk mastermind style about the most effective strategies some of your largest volume investors are implementing in their businesses right now!
At the meeting, Amy will discuss…
- What the biggest names in the industry are doing to generate leads and how you can have the same million dollar results they are
- Whether or not direct mail is out-dated or still the best lead generation method out there
- How to optimize old-school methods using technology
- Social media and pay-per-click demystified so they can make money for you and not waste your time
- The best ways to brand and convert your network into net-worth that we know but forget to implement
- How to work together to close even more deals
- Answers to your questions and much more!
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can generate more leads for your real estate investing business with other local investors. RSVP Now!
The Beginning Investors Group (BIG) is an educational and networking group for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to get back in the game.
BIG is hosted by Dustin Griffin who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts to teach new investors how to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market.The entire purpose of the group is to help new investors get their first deal and help new again investors get their next deal.
This is a “dinner” group and we kindly request that you buy dinner and/or drinks since the Hudson Grille allows us to meet there. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the meeting for discussion.
As always, Atlanta REIA Member can attend the meeting at no charge and not-yet-members can RSVP Online for $15 or pay $20 at the door.