Atlanta REIA Meeting Updates

Tue, October 6th @ NOON in Atlanta, GA
PLEASE NOTE: For your safety and the safety of others, please bring a facemask to wear.

Onsite Renovation Group

The Onsite Renovation Group
Come See This ULTRA MODERN New Built Project
Tues, October 6th at NOON
1105 Faith Ave SE Atlanta, GA
Hands-On Learning “Onsite” at Real
Atlanta Area Renovation Projects
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge.
Guests Pay $15 Online or $20 at the Door. RSVP Now!

Onsite PropertyWE ARE MEETING LIVE AND IN PERSON FOR ONSITE! For your safety and the safety of others, please bring a face mask to wear.

Please join us on Tuesday, October 6th at NOON for the Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) to learn all about finding, funding, fixing and flipping houses for big profits right here in the metro Atlanta area.

Onsite PropertyThis month’s meeting will be held at ultra modern new build located at 1105 Faith Ave SE Atlanta, GA. This project was acquired as an incomplete new build. This project has 3 patios and a rooftop overlooking north west downtown Atlanta.

Come join us at to learn more about how this deal was found, funded and completed. RSVP Now!

This Onsite Renovation Group meeting is being sponsored by Bay Mountain Capital and Chip Cagle.


RSVP on Facebook

Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on

Onsite Renovation GroupDon DeRosaDustin GriffinThe Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) is an educational and networking group led by Dustin Griffin and Don DeRosa that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes. The purpose of the group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property.

  • Wholesalers, bring your deals! We could be your next buyer!

  • Lenders, bring your money! We could be your next borrower!

  • Agents, Contractors and Other Real Estate Pros, come join us! We could be your next client!

The Onsite Renovation Group meets TWICE A MONTH on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month. As always, there is no charge for Atlanta REIA members to attend. Guests & Non-Members can RSVP Online for Only $15 or pay $20 at the door. Come join us and RSVP Now!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Thu, September 24th @ 7PM – ONLINE WEBINAR

Marketing Madness

Thurs, September 24th at 7PM ET 
Your Not So Secret Weapon That You Must Maximize!
with Frank Iglesias
Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can Register for $5. Not-Yet-Members can Register for $25 or Join Atlanta REIA for $100/Year!

Frank IglesiasJoin us at the Marketing Madness Event on Thursday, September 24th at 7PM ET ONLINE via Zoom Webinar with Frank Iglesias who will be discussing “Networking – Your Not So Secret Weapon That You Must Maximize” to reach buyers, sellers, funders, partners and anyone else you need on your dream team.

Networking, simple right? Everyone knows how to talk to people right? Nothing could be further from the truth. Reality is we go to school for 13 years to get a high school degree and maybe another 4-10 to get one or numerous college degrees and still may not know how to network effectively. Yet networking is one of the most powerful tools at your fingertips every single day.

Yet, very few people know how to use it, much less use it effectively. This presentation is to talk about people and how networking with others effectively. This all too often unused form of marketing has the ability to change the impact your business can make every day.

Frank will discuss…

  • It’s all about the relationship
  • Stop asking for so much stuff all the time! Give instead!
  • Why referrals stink and introductions are great
  • Why taking someone out to lunch is the worst thing you could offer them.
  • Thinking long term in every deal conversation you have
  • Answers to your questions and a whole lot more!

You do not want to miss this session! Everyone talks about the house needs this much work and the ARV and the MAO, blah, blah, blah. Yet that only counts for no more than 20% of what matters in every transaction. 80%+ is about the people, the people, the people and if you know how to network, you can get a lot of people on your side. Isn’t that what you want?

Register Now and join us on the webinar and we’ll discuss how to do all of this and more!

Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Chattanooga REIA & Savannah REIA Members can currently Register for the Webinar at for $5. Not-Yet-Members can Register for the Webinar for $25 or Join Atlanta REIA for Only $100/year!

Register Now!

Frank IglesiasDustin GriffinMarketing Madness is hosted by Dustin Griffin & Frank Iglesias who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts and marketers each month to teach investors how to consistently market for deals in order to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market. The entire purpose of the group is to teach investors how to be Marketers, aka “Lead Generating Machines”, so they can have an unlimited source of leads and potential income.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, September 21st @ 7PM – ONLINE ONLY

Beginning Investors Group

Beginning Investors Group
Mon, September 21st at 7PM
An Evening with an Expert
on Short-Term Rentals
with Richard Munroe

Richard MunroeJoin us at the Beginning Investors Group (BIG) on Monday, September 21st at 7PM ONLINE at for an Evening with a Real Estate Expert with special guest, Richard Munroe who will be taking questions regarding Short-Term Rentals in the age of Covid and the “new normal” we are currently living through.

We’ve seen moratoriums on short-term renteals in both Georgia and Florida when Covid first hit. Corporate travel and tourism has been down for months as more and more people are working from home and traveling less. Many hotels are still at 10 – 20% occupancy.

You may know some fellow investors whose short-term rentals were wiped out by Covid while others while others are prospering and building their inventory as fast as they can.

Richard Munroe is a Short-Term Rental Investor and leader of our Short-Term Rental Owners Networking Group (STRONG), and he hasn’t missed a beat. He is actively picking up short-term rental properties as fast as he can.

Join us on Monday evening ONLINE at and learn the pros and cons and do’s and don’ts of controlling and/or owning short-term rentals. Find out what’s working and what’s not in the short-term rental market. Is it time to get in or get out? RSVP NOW and get your questions ready and come join us for the webinar!

As always, Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can attend this Online Meeting at no charge and not-yet-members can RSVP Online for $20.

Register Now!

The Beginning Investors Group (BIG) is an educational and networking group for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to get back in the game.

Dustin GriffinBIG is hosted by Dustin Griffin who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts to teach new investors how to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market.The entire purpose of the group is to help new investors get their first deal and help new again investors get their next deal.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, September 22nd @ 7PM – ONLINE ZOOM WEBINAR 

Hardcore Wholesaling


Hardcore Wholesaling

Tues, September 22nd at 7PM
Wholesaling is Competitive…
How to Handle It for Success!
with Anson Young
Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can Register for $10. Not-Yet-Members can Register for $25 or Join Atlanta REIA for $100/Year!

Anson YoungJoin us at the HARDCORE WHOLESALING Online Event for on Tuesday, September 22nd at 7PM ET  on Zoom Webinar with our special guest speaker Anson Young who will be discussing how to deal with your competition and come out on top.

Is your market getting more competitive? Are sellers are talking to more investors leaving you feeling the pinch? During this month’s Hardcore Wholesaling Event, we will talk about how to set yourself apart from the increased competition, stand out to sellers and get more deals under contract!

We will discuss…

  • The insane 2020 market
  • Setting yourself apart from your competitors
  • How sellers see you
  • Why should they go with your offer?
  • Answers to your questions and more!

Anson Young is the owner of Anson Property Group based in Denver, Colorado, which specializes in distressed property purchases. As a full-time real estate investor and agent for the past 14 years, he has completed over 120 wholesale deals and 90 flips.

Anson Property Group is committed to changing communities, helping homeowners and building long-term wealth. When not working, Anson can be found exploring the wilds of Colorado by hiking the Rocky Mountains with his family, reading favorite books with his son and attending loud rock concerts.

Join us for the Hardcore Wholesaling Webinar where we will will be going over real world strategies that are working today to help you crush your competition! RSVP NOW & DON’T MISS THIS EVENT!

Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Chattanooga REIA & Savannah REIA Members can currently Register for the Webinar at for $10. Not-Yet-Members can Register for the Webinar for $25 or Join Atlanta REIA for Only $100/year!

Register Now!

Dustin GriffinFrank IglesiasHardcore Wholesaling is hosted by Frank Iglesias & Dustin Griffin who will be bringing in local and national wholesale real estate experts each month to teach you how to take your wholesaling business to the next level so you too can become a Hardcore Six Figure Real Estate Wholesaler!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Thu, Sept 10th from 6PM-9PM Live & In Person or Online

Tampa REIA

Thurs, Sept 10th, 6PM-9PM
Live & In Person at
Doubletree on Tampa Bay
3050 North Rocky Point Dr West, Tampa, FL

& ONLINE for Those Who Can’t Attend In Person
How Has Real Estate Investing Changed During the Age of Covid-19?
with Panel of Local Experts including David Minor, Courtney Potter, Alex Ottewell & Don DeRosa
Tampa REIA, Atlanta REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can attend at NO CHARGE. Non-Members can attend for $20.
Register to Attend in Person at or
Register to Attend Online at

TAMPA REIA is BACK LIVE & IN PERSON on Thursday, September 10th from 6PM to 9PM at at the Doubletree Tampa Rockypoint Waterfront located at 3050 North Rocky Point Dr. West in Tampa, FL. We will also be doing our best to Broadcast Live to those that cannot attend in person.

There are two ways to attend…

  1. Register to Attend in Person at – For your safety and the safety of others, please bring a facemask to wear if you plan on attending in person.

  2. Register to Attend Online at – After you checkout using this link, be sure to immediately register for the Tampa REIA Webinar on Zoom.

This month, since it’s our first time to get together live and in person since Covid-19 struck back in March, we invited a few local experts in for a panel discussion on how the real estate market has changed over the past few months, what they are doing to adapt and overcome any obstacles they may be facing and their predictions for the near future.

The panel will consist of David Minor, a local rehabber; Courtney Potter, a local real estate agent; Alex Ottewell, a local creative investor; and Don DeRosa, an “all of the above” real estate investor.

The Local Expert Panel
David Minor Courtney Potter Alex Ottewell Don Derosa
David Minor
Courtney Potter
Real Estate Agent
Alex Ottewell
Creative Investor
Don DeRosa
Real Esate Investor

It’s been a LONG TIME since we’ve seen you. We’ve MISSED YOU! RSVP NOW and come out and network with us, bring your masks and bring your questions to ask the experts! We hope to see you again in person or online!

Register Now!
PLEASE NOTE: For your safety and the safety of others, please bring a facemask to wear.
Register Now!
*Meeting Day Agenda
6:00 pm: Meeting-Before-the-Meeting with Don DeRosa
6:00 pm: Networking in the Lobby with Members & Vendors
7:00 pm: Announcements + Haves & Wants
7:30 pm: Main Event with Local Expert Panel
9:00 pm: Meeting Wrap Up with Door Prizes & Giveaways
9:30 PM: Late Night Networking at Bahama Breeze

*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.

6:00 PM is the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting
The Meeting Before the Meeting
How to Create a Kick A$$ Vertical Marketing Machine!
with Don DeRosa

Don DeRosaJoin Don DeRosa every month at 6PM SHARP at our Meeting-Before-the-Meeting that we like to call the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup  that meets one hour BEFORE the Tampa REIA Main Monthly Event.

Join us at the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting each month where Don will teach you about different real estate investing purchase and sale strategies to put more money in your pocket as well as state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work. You’ll learn to work less and earn more so you can spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.

Mon, September 14th from 6PM-9PM ONLINE via Zoom Webinar

Atlanta REIA

Atlanta REIA Main Meeting
Mon, September 14th, 6PM-9PM
Register at
Turning Today’s Rising Mortgage Delinquencies Into Tomorrow’s Real Estate Fortunes
Learn the Secret to Buying REOs Before They Hit MLS, Flipping Some for Quick Cash & Goldmining Others with Rent Smart Lease Purchases
with Special Guest, Andy Heller
Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members Who RSVP Online Can Attend at NO CHARGE. Non-Members for $20.
Register at

Real Estate in this country can be purchased for PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR for investors who know how to find them, how to fund the purchases, and how to sell or lease the properties when purchased. Learn how to be one of those investors at Atlanta REIA!

Mortgage delinquencies are peaking now, just like they did back in 2007 and 2008. Remember how that led to a spike in REOs, and investors who were prepared made hundreds of thousands of dollars acquiring properties for pennies on the dollar in 2009 and 2010? We are seeing similar patterns once again today!

Over the next 12 – 24 months real estate investors who are prepared for this, who know where and how to find REOs, how to finance these purchases, how to flip and lease purchase them, will be in a position to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in a generational opportunity. If you can devote 2-4 hours per week to looking for properties, we can show you how to make it happen.

Andy HellerThe “Buy Low, Rent Smart, Sell High” investment strategy was featured by Fortune Magazine. Come and learn why at the upcoming Atlanta REIA Online Webinar on Monday, September 14th from 6PM – 9PM with Special Guest Speaker, Andy Heller!

Join us at Atlanta REIA and you will learn how to buy properties for pennies on the dollar and marketing strategies for wholesaling, flipping, and holding the properties once purchased.

  • What type of properties to buy, residential and commercial
  • How to find the foreclosures BEFORE they are listed by real estate agents (on MLS)
  • Marketing your properties to flip and create instant cash
  • Marketing your properties to hold and create a nest egg for your future
  • Selling your properties without discounting or using a real estate agent

A few examples of student success stories that Andy gives are:

  • Donald Kung made $15,000 on his first REO, wholesaling it without using any of his own money
  • John and Michelle Authement purchased their first bank-owned foreclosure, and had it lease/purchased 2 HOURS AFTER closing!
  • Hans van der Kolk made $168,000 in just 4 months buying REOs, flipping two properties and lease optioning a 3rd.
  • Jim Kincer is making $500/month on his first lease/purchase
  • Sophie Ravenel purchased her first foreclosure worth $118,000 for just $55,000, 50 cents on the dollar

Many experts, such as Andy, are predicting the real estate opportunity of a lifetime headed our way. Register to Attend Now and come learn from the nation’s leading expert on REOs and Lease Options! We hope to see you there!

Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members Who RSVP Online Can Attend at NO CHARGE. Non-Members for $20.
Register at
Register Now!
*Meeting Day Agenda
6:00 pm: Meeting-Before-the-Meeting with Don DeRosa on “How to Create a Kick A$$ Vertical Marketing Machine! Part 2”
7:00 pm: Updates & Announcements
7:30 pm: Main Event with Andy Heller on “Turning” Today’s Rising Mortgage Delinquencies Into Tomorrow’s Real Estate Fortunes”
9:00 pm: Meeting Wrap Up

*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.

As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend our Main Meeting event at no charge. Non-Members can attend for $20. Register at

6:00 PM is the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting
The Meeting Before the Meeting
How to Create a Kick A$$ Vertical Marketing Machine! Part 2
with Don DeRosa

Don DeRosaJoin Don DeRosa every month at 6PM SHARP at our Meeting-Before-the-Meeting that we like to call the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup  that meets one hour BEFORE the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Event.

Join us at the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting each month where Don will teach you about different real estate investing purchase and sale strategies to put more money in your pocket as well as state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work. You’ll learn to work less and earn more so you can spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.

Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members Who RSVP Online Can Attend at NO CHARGE. Non-Members for $20.
Register at
Register Now!
See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, September 15th @ NOON in Atlanta, GA
PLEASE NOTE: For your safety and the safety of others, please bring a facemask to wear.

Onsite Renovation Group

The Onsite Renovation Group
Come See Talat & Farzenna’s 1st Rehab Project in Atlanta
Tues, September 15th at NOON
275 Aurora Ave NW, Atlanta, GA
Hands-On Learning “Onsite” at Real
Atlanta Area Renovation Projects
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge.
Guests Pay $15 Online or $20 at the Door. RSVP Now!

Talat and Farzeena SolaimanWE ARE BACK LIVE AND IN PERSON AGAIN FOR ONSITE! For your safety and the safety of others, please bring a face mask to wear.

Please join us on Tuesday, September 15th at NOON for the Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) to learn all about finding, funding, fixing and flipping houses for big profits right here in the metro Atlanta area.

This month’s meeting will be held at a completed rehab project located at 275 Aurora Ave NW, Atlanta, GA being managed by Talat and Farzeena Solaiman.

Onsite PropertyThe property was initially built in the 1930’s as a 1035 sqft, 2 bedroom, 1 bath house. When Talat and Farzenna purchased it from the Godfather of Wholesaling, the house was full of mold, rotten wood everywhere including the floor. Walking in the house at the time wasn’t even safe.

Talat says “We had to do a full gut job down to the core (complete rehab) including a new subfloor. We also added approximately 300 sqft. We had to tear down walls to make open floor plan, got rid of the fire place which was in the middle of the house and converted it from a 2/1 to 3/2 with vaulted ceiling, a new deck, front porch, extended driveway and fence all the way around. Come check it out!”

Come join us at Onsite, learn all about rehabbing, the lessons learned on this project and take a walk through of Talat and Farzenna’s rehab!


RSVP on Facebook

Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on

Onsite Renovation GroupDon DeRosaDustin GriffinThe Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) is an educational and networking group led by Dustin Griffin and Don DeRosa that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes. The purpose of the group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property.

  • Wholesalers, bring your deals! We could be your next buyer!

  • Lenders, bring your money! We could be your next borrower!

  • Agents, Contractors and Other Real Estate Pros, come join us! We could be your next client!

The Onsite Renovation Group meets TWICE A MONTH on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month. As always, there is no charge for Atlanta REIA members to attend. Guests & Non-Members can RSVP Online for Only $15 or pay $20 at the door. Come join us and RSVP Now!

Onsite is sponsored by Bay Mountain Capital and Chip Cagle.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, September 1st @ NOON in Atlanta, GA
PLEASE NOTE: For your safety and the safety of others, please bring a facemask to wear.

Onsite Renovation Group

The Onsite Renovation Group
Come See Ceasar’s 1st Solo Rehab Project in Decatur
Tues, September 1st at NOON
3464 Glenwood Rd, Decatur, GA
Hands-On Learning “Onsite” at Real
Atlanta Area Renovation Projects
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend at No Charge.
Guests Pay $15 Online or $20 at the Door. RSVP Now!

Ceasar MarcondesWE ARE BACK LIVE AND IN PERSON AGAIN FOR ONSITE! For your safety and the safety of others, please bring a face mask to wear.

Please join us on Tuesday, September 1st at NOON for the Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) to learn all about finding, funding, fixing and flipping houses for big profits right here in the metro Atlanta area.

This month’s meeting will be held at a nearly completed rehab project located at 3464 Glenwood Rd, Decatur, GA being managed by Ceasar Marcondes.

Onsite PropertyThis property was a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1,400 sqft single family home built in 1958. A tree had fallen on the back room of the property and there was a lot of roof damage.

Ceasar says “When I purchased the house, it had a roof damage and I had an extra cost around $10k for the tree removal and to have the roof trusees and floor fixed. I only worked on the house when I did not have much work for my guys. I made a lot of mistakes having the wrong people doing some work there.”

Onsite Property“I added only 100sqft utilizing part of the carport and converting the carport into a 1 car garage. There is now an open floor plan with new everything including walls and ceiling spray foam insulatiion, new back deck, tankless water heater and a huge kitchen island.”

“I made a lot of mistakes on this house and have plenty of stories to share. I paid $90K, spent around $130K and plan on selling between $300K – $310K.”

Come join us at Onsite, learn all about rehabbing, the lessons learned on this project and take a walk through Ceasar’s rehab!


RSVP on Facebook

Atlanta REIA Members Please RSVP on

Onsite Renovation GroupDon DeRosaDustin GriffinThe Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG) is an educational and networking group led by Dustin Griffin and Don DeRosa that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes. The purpose of the group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property.

  • Wholesalers, bring your deals! We could be your next buyer!

  • Lenders, bring your money! We could be your next borrower!

  • Agents, Contractors and Other Real Estate Pros, come join us! We could be your next client!

The Onsite Renovation Group meets TWICE A MONTH on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month. As always, there is no charge for Atlanta REIA members to attend. Guests & Non-Members can RSVP Online for Only $15 or pay $20 at the door. Come join us and RSVP Now!

Onsite is sponsored by Bay Mountain Capital and Chip Cagle.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, August 24th @ 7PM Online Only
Atlanta REIA West Group
Hosted by Gordon Catts & Darlene Coquerel
Mon, August 24th at 7PM
Forecasting the Future During Times of Uncertainty
with Darlene Coquerel, the Queen of Foreclosures

Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can Register at No Charge. Not-Yet-Members can Register for $10 or Join Atlanta REIA for $100/Year!

Kimberly KesterkeForeclosures are getting a lot of media attention, causing real estate investors to ask when will the Foreclosure Tsunami hit again? Is there going to be a repeat of the Recession of 2008?

Join us online at Atlanta REIA West, Monday, August 24th @ 7PM ONLINE on ZOOM WEBINAR. Darlene Coquerel, Queen of Foreclosures, Creator of the Ultimate Foreclosure Formula, will lead us in discussions on the history of foreclosures and what’s to come during this time of uncertainty. She will share notes to compare the current economic conditions vs the conditions during the 2008 recession.

Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can attend for NO CHARGE and Not-Yet Members for $10.00 or Join Atlanta REIA for Only $100/year!

Register Now!

ALSO, starting again in September, we will be back LIVE and IN PERSON at the Golden Corral on Barrett Parkway in Kennesaw. Join us on the 4th Monday every month, starting in September, at the Golden Corral in Kennesaw: 700 W Barrett Pkwy NW.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Tue, August 25th @ 7PM – ONLINE ZOOM WEBINAR 

Hardcore Wholesaling


Hardcore Wholesaling

Tues, August 25th at 7PM
Why Wholesaling is Maybe the Best Exit Strategy for Real Estate in the Current Environment
with Dewayne Murray
Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can Register for $10. Not-Yet-Members can Register for $25 or Join Atlanta REIA for $100/Year!

Dewayne MurrayJoin us at the HARDCORE WHOLESALING Online Event for on Tuesday, August 25th at 7PM ET  on Zoom Webinar with our special guest speaker Dewayne Murray who will be discussing why wholesaling is maybe the best exit strategy for real estate in the current environment. The world is volatile.  But your exit strategies do not have to be.  Join us to learn how to make the most of the current chaos.

Dewayne says… I’ve been investing in Real Estate since 2010. I’ve wholelsaled cash deals and subject to deals as well. I’ve purchased and sold properties in 6 different states. Most of the out of state deals, I’ve never seen before. I’ve also rehabbed numerous homes in the Atlanta area. I’m currently wholesaling, own long and short term rentals, and selling properties on a lease option contract.

Join me at the Hardcore Wholesaling Online Event on Tuesday where we will discuss why wholesaling might be the best exit strategy for real estate in the current environment plus…

  • What have I changed in my marketing
  • Why I changed my marketing
  • What list am I targeting
  • What do I see coming in the near future
  • The world is volatile. But your exit strategies do not have to be
  • Answers to your questions and more!

Join us to make this most of the current turbulent environment that we are all living through and learn how to Market, Market, Market and ultimately Profit from your Wholesale Deals! RSVP NOW & DON’T MISS THIS EVENT!

Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Chattanooga REIA & Savannah REIA Members can currently Register for the Webinar at for $10. Not-Yet-Members can Register for the Webinar for $25 or Join Atlanta REIA for Only $100/year!

Register Now!

Dustin GriffinFrank IglesiasHardcore Wholesaling is hosted by Frank Iglesias & Dustin Griffin who will be bringing in local and national wholesale real estate experts each month to teach you how to take your wholesaling business to the next level so you too can become a Hardcore Six Figure Real Estate Wholesaler!

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Thu, August 27th @ 7PM – ONLINE WEBINAR

Marketing Madness

Thurs, August 27th at 7PM ET 
Using Ringless Voicemail to Reach Potential Sellers
with Don DeRosa
Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can Register for $5. Not-Yet-Members can Register for $25 or Join Atlanta REIA for $100/Year!

Don DeRosaJoin us at the Marketing Madness Event on Thursday, August 27th at 7PM ET ONLINE via Zoom Webinar with Don DeRosa who will be discussing how to reach potential seller with ringless voicemails.

Have you ever wondered what the best, most affordable method is to reach sellers? Is it direct mail? Text messaging? Ringless voicemails? Well on Thursday, Don is going to compare all of them and answer your burning questions.

Don will explain what ringless voicemails are and how to use them. He will answer your questions such as…

  • What is RVM?
  • How does RVM work?
  • What is the cost of it?
  • How effective is it compared to my traditional methods of marketing?
  • Is it legal in my state?
  • If so, Is there a way around it?
  • Answers to your questions and a whole lot more!

We will also discuss the cost of the tools to send it out and how effective it really is, so Register Now and join us on the Marketing Madness Webinar to learn everything you need to know to get started using Ringless Voicemails or an effective alternative!

Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Chattanooga REIA & Savannah REIA Members can currently Register for the Webinar at for $5. Not-Yet-Members can Register for the Webinar for $25 or Join Atlanta REIA for Only $100/year!

Register Now!

Frank IglesiasDustin GriffinMarketing Madness is hosted by Dustin Griffin & Frank Iglesias who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts and marketers each month to teach investors how to consistently market for deals in order to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market. The entire purpose of the group is to teach investors how to be Marketers, aka “Lead Generating Machines”, so they can have an unlimited source of leads and potential income.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!
Mon, August 17th @ 7PM – ONLINE ONLY

Beginning Investors Group

Beginning Investors Group
Mon, August 17th at 7PM
An Evening with a Real Estate Expert on REO & Lease-Purchase Fortunes
with Andy Heller

Andy HellerJoin us at the Beginning Investors Group (BIG) on Monday, August 17th at 7PM ONLINE at for an Evening with a Real Estate Expert with special guest, Andy Heller who will be taking questions regarding REOs and Lease/Purchase deals in the age of Covid and the “new normal” we are currently experiencing.

Imagine if it was 2007 again and you had insight into what would happen to the real estate market in the coming months, and how to turn this window of opportunity into a lifetime of riches! Well today we are seeing drastic increases in mortgage delinquencies, 90 day lates, divorces, bankruptcies, etc.

What does that mean to you as an investor and how do you capitalize on the flood of REOs that will likely follow? Many economists are comparing today to 2007, a window of time before a real estate reset. The signs today resemble what we saw in 2007, but obviously for different reasons.

Investors may be looking at the opportunity of a lifetime in the coming months and years. Arguably, the top two real estate investing strategies that follow rises in mortgage delinquencies are REOs and Lease/Purchases.

You will learn about BOTH these strategies at BIG and have a chance to grill real estate author and investor Andy Heller. 2020 could be your 2007, so investors buckle up and prepare and start by joining us on Monday night at ONLINE at RSVP NOW, get your questions ready and come join us for the webinar!

As always, Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can attend this Online Meeting at no charge and not-yet-members can RSVP Online for $20.

Register Now!

Andy was born in Canada, raised in Florida, has lived for many years in Georgia and California, and has studied real estate markets throughout North America. He has helped countless people in their efforts to realize their dreams, and he is ready to share his knowledge to simply and easily put you on the road to financial freedom.

Andy Heller’s primary market for investing is Atlanta GA, so we will have BOTH a nationally respected expert in REOs and Lease Options, and one who is intimately familiar with our home market

Andy Heller grew up in Tampa Bay, and other than Atlanta, Andy knows Tampa Bay better than any other market in the United States and has watched first hand as Tampa has grown the past 40 years.

The Beginning Investors Group (BIG) is an educational and networking group for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to get back in the game.

Dustin GriffinBIG is hosted by Dustin Griffin who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts to teach new investors how to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market.The entire purpose of the group is to help new investors get their first deal and help new again investors get their next deal.

See Atlanta REIA Events Calendar for More Events!