Atlanta Real Estate Investors Alliance Blog
Join us at the ALL NEW HARDCORE WHOLESALING Event for our next meeting on Tuesday, April 28th at 7PM ET Online via Zoom Webinar with our special guest speaker Frank McGovern.
The market has changed. How has wholesaling changed? Learn what kind of changes have to be made to be successful in our current environment to keep the deals flowing.
Join us on the Hardcore Wholesaling to discuss “Wholesaling Virtually in the New World of Real Estate” with Frank McGovern.
Frank will cover…
- Wholesaling virtually in your own market or others
- Effective team communication matters more than ever
- The importance of being lean in your business without cutting essentials
- Hard 75 – How to take commitment to the max personally and professionally
- Answers to your questions and more!
If you want to know what’s changed and what the future might hold, RSVP NOW & DON’T MISS THIS NEW EVENT!
Atlanta REIA Members can RSVP Online for $10. Not-yet-members can RSVP Online for $20.
Hardcore Wholesaling is hosted by Frank Iglesias & Dustin Griffin who will be bringing in local and national wholesale real estate experts each month to teach you how to take your wholesaling business to the next level so you too can become a Hardcore Six Figure Real Estate Wholesaler!
Public Record Case Studies for Large Profits with Dave Dey
Posted on April 27, 2020 byPart 2 Encore Presentation
Public Record Case Studies for Large Profits
Join us at the Marketing Madness Event on Thursday, April 30th at 7PM ET ONLINE via Zoom Webinar with Special Guest, Dave Dey, who will be doing an follow presentation to the one he did last week on “Profiting from Public Records”.
Think about this for a moment… Imagine spending ZERO DOLLARS marketing for deals and getting an endless supply of potentially highly profitable leads.
David Dey be back with us for an Encore Presentation of Marketing Madness and will be showing us how to do very profitable deals with ZERO in marketing.
Here are some of the case studies he will share:
- How we bought a house in the Tampabay area for $1K and sold it for $224K.
- How we bought a 32 unit complex for $800K and by just doing some simple paperwork, sold it for $1.6M.
- How we bought a whole condo complex $200K, and by one single loophole, was able to flip it for nearly $550K and then sell it again for another $100K profit.
- Bought a mega mansion for under $50 per sqft.
- Dave will also answer your questions about this topic and these deals!
All this sound crazy, huh? These are the kind of deals you can find in public records with the right skills every single day. Join us Thursday at the Marketing Madness Encore Meeting to learn more. Be there! Register for the Webinar NOW!
After 20 plus years in the business and after being a part of over 2000 deals, you would think Dave Dey has seen it all. He has done single family, multi family, commercial, industrial and even development.
Some of the deals you will hear will definitely blow you away. His entire business is based through public records and outbound cold calling.
This Marketing Madness Encore Webinar will be a real game changer for your real estate investing business. Come learn how to use public records as a permanent resource to find leads and get more deals. Register for the Webinar NOW & DON’T MISS THIS EVENT!
Marketing Madness is hosted by Dustin Griffin & Frank Iglesias who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts and marketers each month to teach investors how to consistently market for deals in order to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market. The entire purpose of the group is to teach investors how to be Marketers, aka “Lead Generating Machines”, so they can have an unlimited source of leads and potential income.
Atlanta REIA Members can currently Register for the Webinar at No Charge and not-yet-members can Register for the Webinar for $20.
Flip Chicks on Selling Your Rehabs FAST NOW or Anytime
Posted on April 27, 2020 byWhat’s Changed, What’s Working
& What Will Always Work?
with the Don DeRosa, Aaron Cotteral, Christine Griffin & Maria Rosenswike
Join us at the The Real Flip Chicks of Atlanta Meeting on Friday, May 1st at 7PM on Zoom Webinar where we will be having a Panel Discussion on “How to Sell Your Rehabs FAST Now During the Pandemic or Anytime”.
Our panel will consist of Don DeRosa, Aaron Cotteral, Christine Griffin & Maria Rosenswike. We will be discussing how selling homes has changed due to the pandemic, what’s working now, what’s not working and what will always work to sell houss fast now or in the future.
Anyone can attend this month online at NO CHARGE. Register at
Our Expert Panel
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Don DeRosa | Aaron Cotteral | Christine Griffin | Maria Rosenswike |
The Real Flips Chicks of Atlanta is a new group of like-minded, entrepreneurial women striving to achieve financial freedom through real estate investing, who come together to support and empower each other. Flip Chicks is led by Christine Griffin and Maria Rosenswike and hosted by Dustin Griffin.
This group is for women who wholesale houses, fix and flip homes and/or buy and hold rentals or vacation properties.
Whether you have been investing in real estate for years or are just getting started, consider joining our Facebook group at and sharing your knowledge and experience with others.
The purpose of our group is to build a strong community of successful Flip Chicks through networking, education, support and encouragement.
You can participate by getting involved, asking lots of questions, sharing your knowledge and resources, sharing your latest flips, sharing lessons learned (good or bad) and encouraging others.
Men who wish to support and empower our Flip Chicks are welcome to join and participate in our group as well.
Submit Your Deals to the Sharks to Review & Possibly Buy Fast!
Posted on April 27, 2020 bySHARK TANK ONLINE
Register Online at
& Possibly Buy Fast!
with Special Guest Sharks
Don DeRosa, David Minor
& Scott Sekulow
Due to the pandemic, SHARK TANK is meeting ONLINE this month.
Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can attend at no-charge. Non-members pay $10. Register at
Since we’re meeting online, you must submit your deals for the Sharks to review in advance of the webinar.
Just so you know, during this pandemic, the Sharks are looking for “Steals”, not marginal pre-pandemic “Deals” from a month ago. Regardless, as time permits, the Sharks will quickly review your deals and give you their honest, unvarnished opinions. The more information you provide to the Sharks, the better.
If the Sharks like your deal, one of them may buy your deal immediately. If not, you will get three honest opionions of why they don’t like it and what you can do to make it a better deal for yourself and your potential, future buyers. Follow the instructions below to submit your deals.
Send your Deals for the Sharks to review to with the subject line “SHARK TANK DEALS“. Please submit enough info and photos for them to make a more informed decision.
If you have deals you would live EVERYONE to see, post them on our Shark Tank Deals Facebook Group at:
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Don DeRosa | David Minor | Scott Sekulow |
If you are wondering how to survive and thrive and make offers in this every changing environment we are living through, register now and come here what three local, full time investors are doing to adapt to the pandemic. Don’t miss this! Register at Now!
How to Profit from Mining Public Records at Marketing Madness with Dave Dey
Posted on April 23, 2020 byA Mysterious Place Full of Nearly Endless Resources for Your Real Estate Investing Business
Join us at the Atlanta REIA Marketing Madness Event on Thursday, April 23rd at 7PM ET ONLINE via Zoom Webinar with Special Guest, Dave Dey, who will teach you “The Goldmine Opportunity – Leveraging Public Records to Find Great Deals!”
After 20 plus years in the business and after being a part of over 2000 deals, you would think Dave Dey has seen it all. He has done single family, multi family, commercial, industrial and even development.
Some of the deals you will hear will definitely blow you away, and here is the amazing thing… Dave Spends ZERO dollars on marketing. His entire business is based through public records and outbound cold calling.
His innovative yet common sense approach will have you doing deals you never thought possible. Don’t miss your opportunity to hear from the guru’s guru.
Join us on the Marketing Madness Webinar where you will learn:
- Doing deals with ZERO marketing costs
- The four D’s that will get you as many deals you want
- Have business in a box – Public records gets you Deals, Buyers and The money to put it together
- Super ninja lead source to get one deal a month with zero marketing, zero cold calls, zero texting and zero mailing
- A public record source that is a ‘yellow pages’ of private and hard money lenders and private money brokers to present deals to today
- Answers to your questions and more!
This month’s Marketing Madness will be a real game changer for your real estate investing business. Come learn how to use public records as a permanent resource to find leads and get more deals. Register for the Webinar NOW & DON’T MISS THIS EVENT!
Marketing Madness is hosted by Dustin Griffin & Frank Iglesias who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts and marketers each month to teach investors how to consistently market for deals in order to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market. The entire purpose of the group is to teach investors how to be Marketers, aka “Lead Generating Machines”, so they can have an unlimited source of leads and potential income.
Atlanta REIA Members can currently Register for the Webinar at No Charge and not-yet-members can Register for the Webinar for $20.
COVID-19 Market Update Webinar – Making the Best of a Bad Situation
Posted on April 14, 2020 byMAKING THE BEST OF A BAD SITUATION
Please Register at and join us on Thursday, April 16th @ 7:30PM for this special townhall style panel discussion on the State of the Market During COVID-19 and beyond. We wil be talking about how to make the best of a bad situation if the economy continues to decline for many more months.
Our Panel will consist of Alan Conner of NovaPoint Capital, Amy Ransdell of Powerhoue Real Estate, Todd Burkhalter of Drive Planning, Roger Herring the Investors Accountant, Kenneth Igwe of Baker Collins and David Bradford of Drive Planning. Dustin Griffin will be your moderator.
Our panel will bring wisdom and insight from multiple disciplines to help explain what is happening in the current and post COVID-19 economy and how people and business owners can find ways to survive and even thrive in this challenging time.
As the conversation of the economy bouncing back like a “V” shape is now being replaced by a more realistic appraisal, it is clear that people need to understand how to adapt their playbook to a new game that will take them through not a few weeks but months and months of instability.
What will an extended decline of the economy mean for real estate investors in terms of lending practices and getting access to money? How will the real estate market respond if the economy continues in decline for months to come? What tools and leverage is available from the government and from business law that can allow your business and real estate investments to weather a prolonged storm?
This panel seeks to be a town hall environment where you will learn how to plan for the worst — for a prolonged declined economy, take advantage of the economic stimulus legislation while still hoping for the best.
Finally we will hear on how to create a bulletproof strategy for wealth building that will make you immune to such a challenging time should it ever happen again.
Join us to learn…
- How could people have been better prepared to weather this storm financially?
- What does this crisis teach us about diversification and asset protection?
- What are the big assists that the stimulus legislation offer business owners and real estate investors?
- How can the stimulus create unforeseen opportunities for businesses?
- What can you do to position yourself for the opportunities that will be there when the pandemic is resolved?
- If Wall Street was strong, how did it crash so abruptly?
- Is now the time to be buying or selling?
You haven’t been given a full picture of how to survive a prolonged economic crash. Do not be uninformed. What you learn here can be the difference between surviving and thriving or being crushed by the crash. Register Now to Join Us!
Find Out Why Wholesaling Will Still Work at BIG with Glen Glasper
Posted on April 14, 2020 bywith Glen Glasper
Join us at the Beginning Investors Group (BIG) on Monday, April 20th at 7PM ONLINE at with our special guest speaker, Glen Glasper, who is going to be talking about “Why Wholesaling Will Still Work” despite the pandemic we’re in right now.
Despite what you may be hearing social media, wholesaling and flipping houses is NOT dead! Wholesaling (if done properly) has been and always will be a great strategy in real estate investing regardless of the market cycle.
Primarily, because real estate will always be bought, sold, rented and or traded on some level. The goal of a real estate investor that practices the strategy of wholesaling is to get in between those transactions.
In these stressful times, it is important to stay educated about the best practices of wholesaling and to be sure that everything is done with the highest of integrity and to always create win, win-win situations for all parties involved in the transaction.
Join me on the BIG Webinar and Glen will teach you…
- Why wholesaling still works
- Wholesaling best practices
- Types of deals that can be wholesale
- Virtual Wholesaling
- JV Wholesaling
Register for the BIG Webinar NOW and join us to learn how to wholesale houses the right way, now during this pandemic and beyond!
As always, Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can attend the meeting at no charge and not-yet-members can RSVP Online for $15.
Glen Glasper, affectionately known as, “MrDollarOutofaDime”, is a real estate entrepreneur, mentor, and coach with over 21+ years of experience involved in real estate investing.
Glen is the Founder of #RealLifeRealEstateInvesting. The organization birthed in 2016 with the purpose to educate people on the true ins and outs of the real estate business; “NOT as seen on TV”, as well as, inspire individuals to believe that they can be successful despite the very REAL obstacles.
He hosts a real estate investing show every Wednesday at noon. You can catch it on on Facebook and Instagram Live, where he speaks to real estate investors from around the country on various topics of real estate investing.
The Beginning Investors Group (BIG) is an educational and networking group for new investors who are just getting started in real estate investing as well as “new again” real estate investors who’ve taken a few years off and are looking to get back in the game.
BIG is hosted by Dustin Griffin who will be bringing in local and national real estate experts to teach new investors how to survive and thrive in our ever changing economy and real estate market.The entire purpose of the group is to help new investors get their first deal and help new again investors get their next deal.
This is a “dinner” group and we kindly request that you buy dinner and/or drinks since the Hudson Grille allows us to meet there. There will be lots of learning and lots of networking. Bring your deals and your haves, wants and needs to the meeting for discussion.
Brian Lauchner
Posted on March 31, 2020 byBrian purchased his first piece of real estate in 2008. Making the leap out of the financial software industry, he jumped full time into real estate as a wholesaler and rehabber.
Gaining traction as a wholesaler, Brian expanded into other strategies including land trades, private lending, rentals, and buying/selling on terms through owner finance. He’s seen first-hand how becoming a deal architect is required to get deals done at today’s seller’s “kitchen table”.
Brian also realized the reality of wealth building using real estate secured assets which inspired him to dream of connecting people and educating others so they too can build wealth using real estate. Brian has been teaching and consulting investors since 2017 and is very excited to bring his passion and experience to the NoteSchool team.
Brian is a family man first, he’s married to his high school sweet-heart Chelsea, and has two amazing kids that drive him to be a change-agent in the world.
Learn How to Get Your Deals Funded During the Pandemic & Beyond at FLIP CHICKS
Posted on March 30, 2020 byWho’s Still Lending & What’s Changed?
with the Karen Hall, Stephanie Langford, Kenneth Igwe & Nate Wolosiewicz
Join us at the The Real Flip Chicks of Atlanta Meeting on Friday, April 3rd at 7PM on Zoom Webinar where we will be having a Panel Discussion on “Funding Your Deals During the Age of Covid19 & Beyond”.
Our panel will consist of lending experts Karen Hall with Ameris, Stephanie Langford with DFW Hardmoney, Kenneth Igwe with Baker Collins & Nate Wolosiewicz with Civic. We will be discussing what lending requirements have changed due to the pandemic and how it will affect getting your deals funded now and in the near future.
Atlanta REIA Members & Guests can attend this month at No Charge. Register at
The Lender Panel
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Karen Hall | Stephanie Langford | Kenneth Igwe | Nate Wolosiewicz |
The Real Flips Chicks of Atlanta is a new group of like-minded, entrepreneurial women striving to achieve financial freedom through real estate investing, who come together to support and empower each other. Flip Chicks is led by Christine Griffin and Maria Rosenswike and hosted by Dustin Griffin.
This group is for women who wholesale houses, fix and flip homes and/or buy and hold rentals or vacation properties.
Whether you have been investing in real estate for years or are just getting started, consider joining our Facebook group at and sharing your knowledge and experience with others.
The purpose of our group is to build a strong community of successful Flip Chicks through networking, education, support and encouragement.
You can participate by getting involved, asking lots of questions, sharing your knowledge and resources, sharing your latest flips, sharing lessons learned (good or bad) and encouraging others.
Men who wish to support and empower our Flip Chicks are welcome to join and participate in our group as well.
Shark Tank Online on How to Make Offers on Houses During Quarantine
Posted on March 30, 2020 bySHARK TANK ONLINE
Register Online at
with Special Guest Sharks
Don DeRosa, Roger Blankenship
& Scott Sekulow
Due to the pandemic, SHARK TANK is meeting ONLINE this month.
Atlanta REIA, Tampa REIA, Savannah REIA & Chattanooga REIA Members can attend at no-charge. Non-members pay $10. Register at
Since we’re meeting online, instead of having our Guest Sharks review deals that attendees bring in like we normally do, we’re going to discuss how the Sharks are making offers on deals during the pandemic quarantine with everyone under stay at home orders.
This month, the topic of this meeting will be “How to Make Offers on Houses During Quarantine”. We will talk to the Sharks about whether or not they have changed their buying strategies, their buying criteria, their buying forumulas and their offers. We will also discuss how they determine ARV in this new environment and how they are funding their deals.
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Don DeRosa | Roger Blankenship | Scott Sekulow |
If you are wondering how to survive and thrive and make offers in this every changing environment we are living through, register now and come here what three local, full time investors are doing to adapt to the pandemic. Don’t miss this! Register at Now!
Investor Summit Online Workshop with Bill & Dwan Twyford on April 11, 2020
Posted on March 30, 2020 byBill Twyford & Dwan Bent-Twyford
Register for Investor Summit Online
Register today for the All Day Investor Summit Online on Saturday, April 11th from 9AM-5PM being taught by Bill, Dwan & Will Twyford, the Real Estate Rockstars! They are the Nation’s leading experts in Short Sales, Foreclosures, Flipping and Negotiating!
Register Now Since We Only Have 100 Spots on Zoom!
The Tywfords have personally bought and sold over 2,000 properties, bought millions of dollars in commercial property, coached 1,000’s of students through successful real estate deals, and have been making millionaires all over North America for almost twenty years.
The Foreclosure Summit will be an exciting, LIVE action packed ALL DAY TRAINING EVENT. There are no outside speakers at this event, just the Twyfords who will show you how to run an ethical, fair, duplicatable and PROFITABLE real estate investing business that can and will make you millions if you take action!
Here is a small sample of some of the topics that will be taught at the LIVE All Day Investor Summit Online:
- No-Equity Strategies
- Rental Road to Riches
- Finding Off-Grid Properties
- What are the Six Triggers that are Changing Your Market?
- Creating-Performing Notes
- Millionaire Marketing Techniques
- People Before Profits
- Building a $500,000 a Year Business
- Working a Market No One Else is Working
- All This …PLUS Answers to Your Questions & Much More!
As you can see this will be a knowledge-packed day of excitement and education with no outside speakers.
Register Now! We look forward to seeing you at this great event on Saturday, April 11th, 2020!
- This event is LIVE
- We will have a Q & A during lunch
- A second Q & A at the end of the day
- Tried and True methods that have worked since the beginning of real estate investing
- Updates on what to expect after Corona
PLEASE NOTE: If you attended the Twyford’s Live Training in 2020 in Atlanta, Chattanooga or Tampa and would like to repeat this event, Register at using coupon code REPEAT at checkout.
If you don’t know Bill & Dwan Twyford, that’s okay – You will get to know them very soon. They come from a place of ethics, hold themselves to the highest standards, and they make millionaires! They are the real deal! In fact, their business moto is – People Before Profits!
They have written FOUR BEST SELLERS! Most recently, Bill co-wrote a book with Dan Kennedy and Dwan co-wrote a book with Steve Forbes. Why did these two mega-stars choose Bill and Dwan to co-write a book with – BECAUSE THEY ARE THE BEST IN THEIR FIELD! Register Now & Join Us at the Online Summit!
Atlanta REIA Online Webinar with Brian Lauchner on the Note Business
Posted on March 30, 2020 byRegister at
How to Double Your Profits Without Having to Spend an Extra Dollar on Marketing
with Brian Lauchner
Due to the ongoing pandemic, Atlanta REIA is meeting Online via Zoom Webinar on Monday, April 13th at 6PM-9PM with Brian Lauchner on “How to Double Your Profits Without Having to Spend an Extra Dollar on Marketing!”
At this online meeting you will learn:
- How to “Double Your Profits Without Having to Spend an Extra Dollar on Marketing”
- How to fix the elephant in the room, inventory
- How to wholesale a real estate note for an “assignment fee”
- Why it’s much easier to “wholesale/flip” a note than it is a house
- How to create multiple streams of passive cash flow that fuel your lifestyle all through retirement (I’m not talking about being a landlord… this is true ‘set it and forget it’ income.)
- Answers to your questions
- All this much more!
REGISTER NOW and join Brian at Atlanta REIA. We hope to see you there!
*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.
As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend our Main Meeting event at no charge. This month, Non-Members can attend at no charge as well!
with Don DeRosa
Join Don DeRosa every month at 6PM SHARP at our Meeting-Before-the-Meeting that we like to call the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup that meets one hour BEFORE the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Event.
This month… the big question on everyone’s mind right now is WTF…. No, not “Wow That’s Fantastic!” What does all of this quarantine stuff really mean and how is it going to affect the real estate market going forward? Who will be able to buy? What will we be able to buy? When will we be able to buy? Where will we be able to buy and most importantly, HOW?
Well I can answer that in two words… OWNER FINANCE. Owner finance will be the go to buying method in my opinion in the foreseeable future. If you want to thrive in the coming market instead of just limping by then you will undoubtedly need to learn how to buy Real Estate creatively through techniques such as Subject To, Wrap Around Mortgages and Leasing with Options to buy. These will be the most important techniques that you can learn going forward.
At the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting I will discuss the WHO, WHAT, WHEN and HOW we will need to be buying in the coming months.
We will discuss how to buy and how to sell creatively to open up the opportunities without having tons of cash to do it.. We will discuss how to buy using other peoples money and them how to turn around and sell it without traditional financing and how you can make even more money than you thought possible. Join me as we talk about SUBJECT TO, WRAP AROUND MORTGAGES and LEASE OPTIONS. Don’t miss it.
Join us at the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting each month where Don will teach you about different real estate investing purchase and sale strategies to put more money in your pocket as as well as state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work. You’ll learn to work less and earn more so you can spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.