The Key to Your Profit

Posted on January 31, 2016 by

People from all over the world have a common trait. No matter what the product, the word SALE always draws our attention.

When it comes to real estate, that same line of thinking stands. The phrase “you make money when you buy, you realize that money when you sell” continues to ring true. The challenge is being able to spot that awesome deal amongst many poor or inadequate deals. I cannot stress enough proper real estate investing education should be your goal. Using REIA comps to analyze every new deal you do is the avenue that will help you make such a distinction.

There are many people venturing out and searching for additional ways to make additional income.   Investing requires knowledge of different techniques which can be used when trying to buy, sell, negotiate or repair a house. Having proper investing education to stand on can mean the difference between success and failure.

Knowledge is what separates those who invest in real estate and those who talk about investing in real estate. Taking the necessary steps to ensure you will be successful is key. REIA comps are a welcomed compliment to proper training and experience.

Who should learn more about real estate investing? Anyone that is considering buying property as an investment should become educated before doing so. Rentals, foreclosures, rehabs, lease options and various other techniques are used everyday by real estate investors. In most cases however, only the investors who have taken the time to educate themselves will see a profit.

There are many different types of educational opportunities. One can always work with an investment coach or mentor to guide them through a few deals, sort of on-the-job training. Others may consider purchasing an online e-book or training program. Some of these sites will sell home study courses that give a thorough, explanation, training and education on various real estate investing topics. A simple method to get started is buying Cheap Govt House. Check out a free training at and see how easy it is to get started.

It is never too early to start the educational process. Real estate investing can be a very lucrative business. A proper education in real estate investing is a great way to minimize risk and start one on a path of financial freedom. The path you take is your choice to make.

Always use REIAComps to determine the best acquisition and ARV for every deal you look at. Don’t for one moment let someone tell you the value of a deal. Let REIAComps show you for yourself. Now you know how it’s done, so try it on your own home or an example to get into it.

Mark JacksonMark Jackson is an appraiser, real estate investor and property valuation specialist who teaches others to get more out of their real estate investing business. In 1999, Mark founded an appraisal company and soon found his true gift was analyzing property values for real estate investors. Since 2000, has closed millions of dollars’ worth of his own domestic and international real estate transactions. Mark’s passions are: faith, family, golf and real estate.

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