Finding Buyers for REO Properties

Posted on May 1, 2013 by

The process is a long one after a home is foreclosed by the bank. These days banks take weeks if not months or a year after foreclosure to get their paperwork together, do evictions, minor clean up and make the assignments to the real estate brokers who they have hired to handle their properties. But the time of clean up and eviction is not a problem for the savvy investor, it is an opportunity to round up buyers so that these properties sell almost immediately as you get them under contract.

I suggest as an investor gets a property under contract to start the process of rounding up buyers. Videos, photos and massive email lists are several ways to attract your potential buyers.

Whenever you advertise your properties use photos or better yet video. I’ll get to more video in a minute. This tends to get the buyer serious before they visit the property. Even for buyers of a 100K home, they like to see pictures and it helps the buyer make an emotional connection. Investors and the individual buyer now search the internet to find homes that they can get serious about buying. It is very important to give them enough information to make a decision.

Another effective tool I suggest is videoing the property. Taking video has expanded on the process for buyers when they are searching the internet. If you can show the buyer the home in detail by exposing the floor plan that photos can not, then the buyer can make a more qualified opinion on what they need to look for when they visit the home to make the decision process of a yes or no quicker. Video on the internet is the newest, latest and greatest process of advertising your properties for sale.

Finally, gathering a list of potential buyers is also another must in the world of bank owned homes. Creating the action before the home sits on the market for long is powerful for the REO investor. If you think about 10 years ago in real estate, buyers came to real estate agents to see what they had listed. Many buyers still do the same thing even though they have access to the internet and the inventory. But, if you have a list already developed of potential buyers it will help your property sell much faster.

Atlanta REIA and Tampa REIA not only offers the comps necessary to determine property values (See, but also the training necessary to learn how to get your properties sold as quickly as possible.

Mark JacksonMark Jackson is an appraiser, real estate investor and property valuation specialist who teaches others to get more out of their real estate investing business. In 1999, Mark founded an appraisal company and soon found his true gift was analyzing property values for real estate investors. Since 2000, has closed millions of dollars’ worth of his own domestic and international real estate transactions. Mark’s passions are: faith, family, golf and real estate.

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