Finally, an Answer to Fraudulent Actions by the Banksters!

Posted on October 1, 2014 by

In the last four months alone we have negotiated 28 1st mortgages and have successfully negotiated at least a 35% discount in the mortgage balance on all 28! In addition, we have eliminated all of the 2nd and 3rd mortgages. We have been saying for years that the lenders have perpetrated significant fraud in virtually every mortgage written in the last 20 years. The media has led us to believe that the foreclosure disaster is coming to an end. They have even blamed the homeowners for causing the mortgage implosion.

It was almost eight years ago that the foreclosure crisis began. More than 5 million homes were lost to foreclosure during those eight years, many of them belonging to real estate investors who are no longer in business. But things are looking up, right? According to CoreLogic the national foreclosure rate is at 1.7%, down from 2.5% last year. The rate of foreclosure starts is at 2006 levels, and the number of foreclosed homes being sold is back to 2008 levels. So why are many analysts now preparing for those numbers to shoot back up in the next year?

The answer is simple. The government created a bunch of temporary relief programs to try to stop the onslaught of foreclosures without actually fixing the problem. Instead of focusing on principal reduction, they focused on temporarily reducing payments. Over 300,000 homeowners’ HAMP payments will increase next year alone, with 2 million set to increase over the next few years. 40% of those 2 million homes are still underwater.

Another source of trouble is the fact that Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) that were taken out during the bubble years will begin to have increased payments. According to the LA Times, this increase will hurt the areas whose economies are the most affected by the housing bust because that is where the most lending took place.

The foreclosures might already be starting to hit as the foreclosure rate did increase 2% from June to July, with activity increasing by 66% in Houston and 10% in Los Angeles. Foreclosure starts in Nevada, one of the hardest hit states during the housing bust, increased by 128% year over year.

The most appalling thing about this is the fact that a huge percentage of these loans were fraudulently created by the banks that are now stealing the homes back at foreclosure. If you’ve been following my articles, you are well aware of the disgusting fraud the mortgage banks pulled on the American people. Long story very short, the banks took money from their investors, lied about what they did with it, lied about who was lending the money to homeowners, and created a maze of transactions and paperwork in order to get away with foreclosing on the homes. Fortunately the courts are catching onto the fraud and are siding with homeowners.

So how can you be sure your real estate investing business survives and even thrives during whatever crises might come your way? By purchasing homes at deep discounts, keeping the ones that cash flow, rehabbing some with potential, and flipping the rest. The way to get homes at deep discounts in today’s market? By negotiating with banks to dramatically reduce the outstanding balance of the mortgage.

By dramatically reducing the outstanding balance of the mortgage, real estate investors are able to help underwater homeowners move on from a horrible situation without having to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on expensive lawsuits. The homeowner can walk away from a boat-anchor property, and you pick up a home at a deep discount with virtually every exit strategy available to you.

If you know of anyone who wants to leave their home and has a current market value of at least $500,000, you need to get in contact with my office immediately at (706)-485-0162. I have spent the last three years building up a team of experienced attorneys and fraud examiners who specialize in exposing fraud committed in the mortgage process and using that fraud as leverage to negotiate the sale of notes.

In the last four months alone we have submitted 28 1st mortgages and have successfully negotiated at least a 35% discount on all of the 28 mortgages! In addition, we have eliminated all of the 2nd and 3rd mortgages that were written in 2009 or earlier.

We have a huge opportunity to help homeowners and do some great deals with multiple exit strategies. We finally have the leverage we need to get the banks negotiating on our terms. It doesn’t even matter if the homeowner has already been foreclosed on, we might be able to help.

Bob MasseyBob Massey is a recovering corporate executive who is now living the dream running his own successful real estate investing business and teaching others how to do the same. In the process he has become the nation’s leading educator on the foreclosure investing process.

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