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What a difference three years can make!  At the May 2010 foreclosure auction, there were only 5 real estate investors on the courthouse steps bidding on 186 foreclosures advertised for sale in the legal section of the newspaper.  Two days ago, at the May 2013 auction, there were over sixty investors bidding on less than forty properties!  Good golly, Miss Molly!

Here’s just one example of how ridiculously high the bidders are pushing sale prices on the steps: A house at 15 Waters Edge in Acworth, Georgia had an opening bid of $57,500.  A house a few doors away sold at auction last summer for around $85,000.  The two houses are similar to each other. 

Our maximum bid price for 15 Waters Edge was $70,000.  The house needed a shave and haircut rehab – about $12,000 to bring it into perfect condition.  As the property was cried, the top-bid price quickly zoomed north of $100,000 – then climbed to $125,000!  When someone bid $150,000, my jaw hit the ground.  The winning bid on the property was an astronomical $168,000 – $30,000 more than the property’s current fair market value! Read More→

What’s Old Is What’s New

Posted on May 28, 2013 by

April’s foreclosure auction put Kim and me on a quest: To discover where the best real estate investing deals can be found.  Due to a huge increase in the number of bidders, a significant decrease in the number of foreclosures and rapidly shrinking profit margins, the most profitable deals are no longer happening on the courthouse steps.

To solve the mystery: “Where to find the best deals now?” Kim and I made a goal on April 5th to knock on doors and talk to 60 sellers by the end of the month.  We started by knocking on every homeowner’s door whose home was slated to be sold at the May 7th foreclosure auction.  In addition, every time we saw a For Sale sign in a yard, we knocked on that door, too.  (NOTE: You can read about our daily door-knocking results by going to North Georgia REIA’s Facebook page.)

What is the result of April’s door knocking?  We bought one house last week, we’re closing on a second this week (it’s a subject-to deal), and we have two short sale offers pending on properties that were due to be cried at May’s foreclosure auction.

To be clear: At the April 2nd foreclosure auction, Kim and I got outbid – and outbid by a lot – on every one of our target properties.  In other words, we got our teeth kicked in and walked away with no deals and had none in the pipeline.  Knocking on doors immediately turned on the spicket and caused deals to gushed forth…and best of all, we had little competition! Read More→

If you’ve been following our real estate investing column, you know that since the beginning of April, Kim and I have been on a quest to find out where the cheese moved. 

At April’s foreclosure auction, we noticed a sudden and dramatic shift in the real estate market.  For reasons pointed out in earlier columns, the foreclosure auction is no longer the best place to find deals.  The low-hanging fruit is G-O-N-E!  (You can find our earlier columns here.)

We think the best way to find out where the cheese moved is to go to the frontlines.  For this reason, April’s goal is to meet face-to-face with 60 sellers.

I’m writing this on April 17, 2013.  Here are our results so far this month:  I’ve met with 35 sellers; we’ve found and bought a house on Green Acre Lane in Cartersville; we have a second house under contract (it’s a short sale deal); and we’re working to buy a third property before it’s sold at May’s foreclosure auction (it’s a subject-to deal.)

It’s astonishing how much and how fast the market has changed.  Since 2009, the foreclosure auction was THE place to buy.  Now, because of a huge increase in competition and a dramatic decrease in the number of foreclosure properties, the prices people are paying for foreclosures are increasing, while profit margins are tanking.  Scary stuff! Read More→

Where Did The Cheese Go?

Posted on May 26, 2013 by

Last week’s column – The Cheese Has Moved – was about the dramatic change Kim and I witnessed at April’s foreclosure auction.  We watched investors pay a lot more for properties.  Higher purchase prices ensure thinner profit margins, and thinner profit margins mean greater risk – it reminded us a bit of 2005 and 2006.

Since the fattest deals will no longer be found on the courthouse steps, we’re forced to ask, “Where did the cheese go?”  In other words: Now where will we find the best real estate investing deals?

To answer this question, I’m on a quest to spend April knocking on sellers’ doors.  The goal is to meet face-to-face with 60 sellers.  On the front line is most often the best place to find out where the market is going.  (By the way, I’m posting the daily results from my door knocking on North Georgia REIA’s Facebook page.)

What am I seeing out there?  Real estate is experiencing an incredible shift. Read More→

The Cheese Has Moved!

Posted on May 25, 2013 by

If you haven’t read Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, it’s time to – especially if you’re a real estate investor – because folks, when it comes to buying property at the foreclosure auction, the cheese has definitely M-O-V-E-D!

From December through March, Kim and I took some time down and didn’t work foreclosures.  We got back at it last month and went to April’s foreclosure auction loaded for bear.  There were six properties on our target list.  With this many targets, we were confident of being the high bidder on at least two of them.  Imagine our disappointment when we left the auction without buying anything!

At the auction, Kim and I quickly noticed that things had definitely changed – and changed in a BIG way.  From 2007 through 2012, buying at the foreclosure auction was like shooting fish in a barrel – it was a target-rich environment.  Each month, there were 170 or more properties advertised for foreclosure, but only a couple of able investors on the steps to bid.

This is no longer the case.  This month, there were only 80 properties advertised for foreclosure.  And on the steps, the number of investors bidding on properties has dramatically increased.  In little ol’ Bartow County, we even have hedge-fund buyers and online bidders.  Crazy stuff!

So here’s the question: With a lot fewer properties advertised for sale and many more folks bidding, what do you think is happening to the sale prices of foreclosure properties – they’re climbing, right?  And what do you think is happening to investors’ profit margins – shrinking, aren’t they? Read More→

Get Theory or Just Do It

Posted on May 24, 2013 by

Recently, I spoke with a real estate investor who’s having a tough time moving up to the next level of investing.  She’s very smart – she has a college degree and is working on her masters.  She isn’t the least bit afraid of hard work.  She and her husband have already done a couple of deals.

Here’s the thing: She feels she needs to know everything about real estate investing before doing her next deal.  I think this has a lot to do with her level of education.  For years, she’s been taught that to succeed, you must first go to school and learn lots of stuff before stepping out into the real world. 

This just isn’t so.  I’m not anti-education – far from it!  Each year, Kim and I invest 5% of our net income into our education.  At the same time, we’ve never let a lack of education keep us from meeting with sellers.  Never forget, meeting face-to-face with sellers and asking Pete Fortunato’s famous question, “Why are you selling such a nice house like this?” is the Alpha and Omega of real estate investing.  Never find a reason to NOT meet with sellers – even if you don’t know what you’re doing! Read More→

We’ve all heard that too much of a good thing can be bad.  Let’s look at two examples and see if this theory holds water: rental property and chicken poop.

I have a long-time friend who owns more than 100 single-family rental houses.  Most people look at this guy with awe.  Sadly, I’m forced to look at him with pure pity.

We talked this morning.  I invited him to join me, and five of our investor friends, on a 5-day trip to California in April.  The purpose of the trip is to get together and discuss creative deal structuring and financing. I’m pretty sure lots of golfing and boating will be thrown in for good measure.

He really wanted to go but was forced to weakly admit, “I can’t be away from my rentals for that long.  Something is bound to go wrong, and when it does, I need to be here to fix any problems.”

He and I got into real estate investing around the same time.  We had similar goals: to own enough rental properties to produce enough mailbox money so we no longer would have to labor for a living.  This would allow us to travel, spend more quality time with family and friends, plus give us the means to help others. 

Today, we’ve both reached our goal…sort of.  The problem is, my buddy doesn’t know his number.  When asked how many rental properties he wants to own, he answers, “More.”  More?  Why more?  When is enough, enough?  When does enough become too much? Read More→

Attending Gary Johnston’s Financial Freedom Principals seminar last year ( caused us to make a radical change in what we teach.

Since 1997, Kim and I have taught people how to successfully invest in real estate.  Gary’s seminar was the springboard that shifted our teaching from just real estate investing, to how to gain financial freedom.  It just so happens that real estate – for reasons like high yields, solid cash flows, huge tax advantages, etc. – is our primary investment vehicle of choice.    

What is financial freedom?  It’s when the net income from your INVESTMENT assets is greater than your expenses.  Think of it this way: On March 1, you have $30,000 in the bank.  Because of an illness, you don’t work all month and don’t get a paycheck.  You are the sole breadwinner.  After paying all of your March bills – expenses never stop – how much money do you have in the bank at the end of March? 

If your answer was less than $30,000, then you’re thinking like a wage slave.  If your answer is more than $30,000, then congratulations – you understand the concept of financial freedom!  Your investment income covered your expenses…and then some!

Here’s the thing: Your goal should be to create a gap between what you earn and what you spend, and then invest this difference in an appreciating capital asset that produces cash flow – you know, mailbox money! Read More→

Download The Profit Newsletter for May 2013 (PDF)
The May 2013 Edition of
The Profit is Ready for Download!

The Profit - May 2013 - High Quality PDFThe May 2013 edition of The Profit Newsletter is now ready for download as a High Quality PDF or Low Res PDF format. The Profit is the official newsletter of Atlanta REIA ( the Atlanta Real Estate Investors Alliance) and is a digitally delivered, interactive newsletter for new and seasoned real estate investors delivered as an Adobe PDF file to read on your PC, Mac, Smart Phone, iPad or other mobile ready devices with a PDF reader. Many of the articles and ads in The Profit contain many hyperlinks you can click or tap to visit websites, watch videos, listen to audios, download content, send emails, comment on articles, share socially and much more! And yes, The Profit is “print ready” for those who still like a paper newsletter. Be sure to Subscribe to The Profit Here so you don’t miss a single monthly issue.

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The process is a long one after a home is foreclosed by the bank. These days banks take weeks if not months or a year after foreclosure to get their paperwork together, do evictions, minor clean up and make the assignments to the real estate brokers who they have hired to handle their properties. But the time of clean up and eviction is not a problem for the savvy investor, it is an opportunity to round up buyers so that these properties sell almost immediately as you get them under contract.

I suggest as an investor gets a property under contract to start the process of rounding up buyers. Videos, photos and massive email lists are several ways to attract your potential buyers.

Whenever you advertise your properties use photos or better yet video. I’ll get to more video in a minute. This tends to get the buyer serious before they visit the property. Even for buyers of a 100K home, they like to see pictures and it helps the buyer make an emotional connection. Investors and the individual buyer now search the internet to find homes that they can get serious about buying. It is very important to give them enough information to make a decision. Read More→

Branding is the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates your business, product or service from any and all other competitors. Put another way… your brand is your business’s promise to your customer.

Your brand tells your customer what they can expect from your company, products and services. Your brand should uniquely differentiate your business and what you are offering from that of all your competitors. Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who you’re your prospects and customers perceive you to be.

Homevestors Bug & One Hour Homebuyers HummerIn the real estate investing industry, Homevestors® is the number one home buying brand in America. They have embraced the “ugly home buyer” concept and made “We Buy Ugly Houses®” their registered trademark, identity and brand. Their mascot is “Ug” the ugly little caveman that helps owners of “ugly houses” out of “ugly situations”. Homevestors® is a great example of the power of branding for any real estate investing company, large or small.

Like Homevestors, I too appreciate the power of branding and have attempted to do some branding of my own at a local level with my real estate investment company, One Hour Homebuyers. We have embraced the “pretty home buyer” concept and have made “We Buy Pretty Houses®”, “Sell Your Houses in One Hour®” and “We Can Buy Your House in One Hour or Less, Guaranteed™” part of our trademarks, identity and brand. Our mascot is the “One Hour Man”, a handsome “super homebuyer” hero who “rescues” home owners from “unwanted houses” and “unwanted situations” fast, one hour fast. Read More→

Nine Pillars of Success

Posted on May 1, 2013 by

A civic group asked if I would speak to its members about success.  After being in “the game” for nearly 40 years and achieving much success – along with experiencing a ton of failures – I’ve whittled my list of attributes needed for success down to nine. 

First, let’s acknowledge that each person’s definition of “success” is different.  More importantly, it’s a mistake to make my definition your definition.  You must decide what success means to you!

Sadly, lots of folks never take the time or make the effort to write down what success means to them.  This is like getting in the car to go on vacation without having a destination in mind.  How will you know if you’re on the right road, or whether you ever arrived?

Here are my Nine Pillars of Success: Action, Persistence, Sacrifice, Belief, Integrity, Associations, Life-long Learning, Loving What You Do and Giving Back.  Let’s briefly look at each attribute.  Read More→