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What is ACTS?

Posted on March 21, 2014 by

It’s New! It’s Hot! It’s Very Profitable! It’s ACTS!

Ron LeGrandWe now have a simple program called ACTS, which stands for “Assignment of Contract & Terms System”, that’s almost instantly doubling the revenue of my students and my own house business. It’s an amazing, instant exit for sellers who are over financed and upside down as well as free and clear houses and those with a mortgage with equity, and it’s a huge public service for all those millions of buyers who can’t qualify for a loan.

  • You will never own the home.
  • You have no cost.
  • You can do three or four a month and make a minimum of $5,000 on each, and my friend, that’s not an exaggeration… if anything, an understatement. (We’re doing 2 a week here in Jacksonville). Last week we collected a $32,000 and a $30,000 paycheck on two houses we’ll never own…both within 30 days.

When you see ACTS, you won’t sleep for three days when you see how quickly you can get a check with no loans, no banks, no repairs, no credit, no delays and very little work!

Join me at the Fast Track to Wealth Seminar on Saturday, March 22, 2014 and I will personally show you how to make $5,000 or more per house and never own them and easily do 4 per month part time! This is all new and you better learn it before your competition does!

As you know, the Atlanta Homebuyers Society, which is modeled after my Jacksonville Homebuyers Society, is forming in Atlanta right now. You must know this technique to be eligible to participate. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn ACTS from me and then implement the strategy with your local Atlanta Homebuyers Society. I won’t be back to teach you this powerful strategy for another year unless you attend my 4 Day Quick Start Real Estate School in April, so Register for the Fast Track Seminar Now! Atlanta REIA is offering it to you at an insanely low rate.

So what exactly is ACTS? Read More→

Presenting Offers – Part 2

Posted on February 28, 2014 by

Okay, now we are out at the house. Next step is to ask the seller if you can take a quick look around, and do just that. I don’t spend more than three minutes walking through the house, taking a look at it. Please do not make any com­ments if you see anything wrong with the house. You’re not there to downgrade the house. You’re there to either buy it or lease option it, and you don’t do that by upset­ting the seller. I’m sure that most sellers are clearly aware that their walls need painted or whatever you see, they can see as well.

Once you’ve looked around, the next step is to ask them if they have any questions. You’d be surprised what happens when you let them do the talking and you not doing the seminaring. Simply ask them if they have any questions. If they do, answer them shortly, to the point, but simply enough so that anyone can understand them.

If they don’t, then the worst thing you can do is start rambling off at the mouth and create questions by trying to deliver a real estate seminar. If they don’t have the questions, don’t answer the ques­tions. If they have the questions, answer the questions. Read More→

Presenting Offers – Part 1

Posted on January 24, 2014 by

In our last article, we talked about Constructing Offers, so now we have to decide how to present them. The first step is to decide what your offer’s going to be. If you’ll remember, you can either lease option the property from the seller, you can buy it with owner financing, you can take it subject-to the underlying debt or sometimes you can pay all cash when you’re dealing with FSBOs.

You make this call by looking at the math on the property information worksheets as we discussed last month and deciding what your exit strategy is going to be. Are you going to stay in the deal or get out of the deal by flipping it on an ACTS?

Your next step, when you can get a YES on the property information sheets, is either: I will sell for what I owe, I will lease purchase, or I will con­sider monthly payments. Then it’s time for you to pick up the phone and call the seller to verify the facts you have are correct and to have a preliminary negotiation of what the seller has in mind. This is where scripts are very important, and you must get to the bottom line as to the seller’s true intent before you can make an appoint­ment. Many people who are new in the business go ahead and make the appointment without being clear about whether the seller’s really motivated or not. And, even if they were sometimes, it’s not clear what we’re going to do when we get there even if the seller is motivated. So, before I go any further, let me back track just a hair. Read More→

Constructing Offers

Posted on December 30, 2013 by

Last month, we discussed Prescreening Prospects, so this month we’re going to talk about constructing offers to sellers.

Once the seller is called by either you or your virtual assistant using our property information sheet, the prospects will come at you in one of four categories: 

  1. they’ll be free and clear
  2. there’ll be a mortgage with lots of equity
  3. there’ll be a mortgage with a small amount of equity, or
  4. they’ll be over-leveraged

All prospects will fall into one of these categories.

So, now our job is to look at the property information sheet and figure out what to do next after we receive this information.  In this lesson, I will go through each of these and provide the script for you to make the call with the information sheet in your hand.

Let’s start with free and clear houses.  You’ll know they’re free and clear because the seller will tell you that when you ask, “How much do you owe?” Once you have this information, you have a prospect that will either give you a “yes” answer or a “no” answer to the owner financing question on the right side of the property information sheet.  If it’s a yes answer, it’s a prospect.  If it’s a no answer, it’s a suspect.  If the seller will not take their equity in monthly installments, this is a dead deal unless they answer yes to the lease purchase question.  If they do say yes to monthly installments, it’s now just a matter of calling them and verifying the facts you have on the property information sheets, assuming you weren’t the first to talk to them in collecting the information.  When you make that call, there’s a script you can use to determine which of the two categories they fall into: Read More→

Prescreening Prospects

Posted on November 26, 2013 by

In our last issue, I dealt with Locating Prospects by using a virtual assistant to call FSBO ads.  I said that’s pretty much all we do here and can’t keep up with the leads they generate.  This month we’ll discuss how to determine if it’s a suspect or a prospect and quickly determine which need to be called and which need to be trashed.

It all begins with my Property Information Sheet.  It’s also located in my courses.  This form is the heart of the pretty house business.  It’s as important to an investor as food is to a restaurant.  (Nope, I couldn’t write this without a restaurant reference.)

There are several things you must know before you can prescreen a prospect.  Until you get these facts, you can’t tell if it’s a deal or a dud.  Many try and wonder why they are confused.  You’ll always be confused without the critical facts. Read More→

Locating Prospects

Posted on October 30, 2013 by

Last month, I said we were going to spend the next few issues going through an ACTS or Sandwich Lease Option deal. The first step is locating prospects, and that’s what we’re going to cover here.

Actually, this is one of the easiest steps in the multiple steps of getting through a deal and getting your first check. Today, my team does nothing but call FSBOs to get more leads than we can handle, and in fact, recently have added more manpower because we can’t cover all the leads we get from calling the ads that sellers run online and from some off line sources as well.

Now, when I say my team, that’s actually one virtual assistant (VA) calling For Sale By Owner ads she finds online on a handful of websites. She does the research to find the websites like Craigslist and a few other sites where For Sale By Owner ads are run in our city. Then she calls them and fills out the property information sheet located on the Gold Club under Resources/Forms and Agreements. And in fact, you’ll also find a 17 minute video there under Training/Residential Real Estate/Lesson 74 where I went through the property information sheet with the purpose of you sending it to your virtual assistant to train them on how to properly fill out the form. Read More→

Several members have asked me to lay out the steps required to get your first check with a detailed description of each.  That’s exactly what you’ll get, but it’ll take several editions to get it done.  You may want to copy these lessons and build your own manual as we go.

Here are the steps all in one place to do a simple ACTS or sandwich lease option deal, which is the fastest way to get a check for $5,000 or more.  But, before I go there, you may want to take the shortcut and order my Control Without Ownership course where it’s all in one place with everything you need from beginning to end.  It sells for $997, but if you call 800-567-6128 and ask for the Mentor discount, you’ll get $200 off. The hard truth is, if you don’t, it’ll cost you many times that amount.

Okay, here we go… Read More→

(This article is continued from Part 2 in the August 2013 Edition of The Profit Newsletter.)

  1. Lack of action. There’s an old saying that goes “Even a turtle won’t get anywhere until he sticks his neck out.” Another old saying (that I made up) is “You’re never going to get rich sitting on your behind and waiting for it to come to you.” You have to make it happen. You have to get things started. You have to put the wheels in motion. And if they get stopped, guess who has to get them started again. You guessed right.

    Movement, action, activity, progress… they’re essential in any successful business. Without activity on your part, nothing positive will happen for you. It starts with that first call, that first conversation with a seller, even the first visit to a Realtor. But your ship can’t come in if it never gets launched.

    By action, I don’t mean running in place. Sure, you can go to the seminars and listen to the tapes so often you memorize everything I’ve ever said. You can acquire all the tools you need to do this business. But then the time comes to fish or cut bait and you find yourself standing by the creek bank watching the water flow by. My friend, all the education in the world is worthless until you put it into practice.

    The best time to start is now. And I mean right now. I want you to get up after you’ve finished reading this newsletter and do something that will get you going on your first deal. Call a Realtor for leads. Call a couple of sellers in the classifieds. Drive around looking for FSBO signs, or place your own “I Buy Houses” ad in the paper. Just Do It. You’ll be surprised how taking a tiny step will propel you forward towards your goals. You see, any one action on your part can produce a result. Of course the more actions you take, the more results you’ll get. Read More→

(This article is continued from Part 1 in the July 2013 Edition of The Profit Newsletter.)

  1. Listening to poor advice. This is something you probably already know. As you go through life, there will never be a shortage of people who want to give you advice. Your parents, your spouse, friends, in-laws, kids, they all have opinions about what you’re doing and what they think you should be doing. Very often, the value of their advice is worth exactly what you paid for it . . . nothing!

    I’m not saying these do-gooders aren’t honest, intelligent and well-intentioned. However, you must ask yourself, are these folks qualified to give you advice? Have they had any experience in what you’re doing? It seems to be human nature for people to offer advice on subjects they know nothing about. What baffles me is how often the recipients of this so-called wisdom will listen to it and even act upon it without ever questioning the credentials of those giving it.

    Through many painful experiences, I’ve learned that when you take advice from people who don’t know any more about the subject matter than you do, the quality of that advice is, at best, suspect. Plus, very often, listening to unqualified advice can have a negative impact on your focus (see roadblock #1).

    So, who should you be listening to? I believe in taking advice only from people who are: Read More→

Over the last 23+ years, I’ve known many investors and entrepreneurs. I’ve seen every possible scenario, from overnight success to plodding, sit-on-your-butt-and-do-nothing failure. I’ve known people who would get off to a great start, and then fade away, and some who would piddle around and never seem to get anywhere. I’ve known those who made a very successful living and even a few who became super wealthy.

Is there a magic formula for success? I wish I could tell you there was. It could have saved me a whole lot of headaches over the years. And having the copyright on that formula would have made me an awful lot of money. Unfortunately, there’s no more magic in being successful than there is in anything else worthwhile in life.

However, from years of experiencing my own successes and failures, as well as witnessing those of others, I have identified a few mistakes that can short-circuit an entrepreneur’s rise to fortune. I’ve compiled a list of the most common roadblocks you’ll face on the road to becoming a successful real estate entrepreneur.

Now, you may be one of the fortunate few, and never find yourself faced with any of these problems, and that’s great. More likely, you’ll recognize parallels in your own situation in what I’m about to discuss. My goal here is to put you in a position where you can identify these pitfalls. Then, when you encounter them (and you will), you’ll be armed with the ability to direct yourself around them and get back on track . . . immediately. You won’t have to worry about these things hindering you from achieving your goals. So, let’s dive in and go down the list. Read More→


Posted on May 31, 2013 by

It amazes me how some people, most in fact, who have the same amount of hours in a day, get so little done. I’ve always had a hard time understanding why people intentionally waste time and live an unproductive life. Most people are just hanging around waiting to die. Every day is the same, more or less, and a whole lifetime is spent doing or accomplishing not one darn thing worth remembering.

Not me brother. The older I get the more valuable each of those days becomes and I’m fully aware none of us are getting out of this life alive.

If you’re reading this, I hope you’re not one of those folks I’ve just described, but I bet you could make a list of those who are. Some will have your last name perhaps. If you get this week’s lesson, you paid for it, which by itself tells me you’re looking for a more active and productive lifestyle. Kudos on that decision.

It’s hard for me to understand why some people can’t get one productive thing done in a whole day. Personally, I’d rather be snowed under than bored. Never could understand how people can lay on a beach all day and do nothing. Not me bubba!

Okay, Ron, what’s the secret to getting so much done? Are you superman? Nope! Not even close. I’m a 65 year old, overweight auto-mechanic. I’m no genius. I barely got out of high school, no college, just 45 years of working for myself and making the same stupid mistakes I see people make everywhere I look. Read More→

Method Number Three: Call Ads

I know this doesn’t sound appealing but if you’ll do it my way, you’ll probably grow to love it. You see, I don’t want you to call ads, I want you to get someone else to do it for you. Someone who will do it every night because it’s their job and you’re paying them. Here’s how it works. It’s so simple.

Get the Property Information Sheet out of my course or one of my Boot Camp manuals and have someone call all of the Sunday FSBO ads every Monday night between 6-9 p.m. Have them fill out the basic information you need to determine if you want to call the seller back.

Frankly all I need is the asking price, the estimated value, and the loan balance, condition of the property, name, and phone number, address and whether or not it’s listed with a Realtor. With this information, I can prescreen the prospect sheet in 5 seconds and make my decision to follow up or not. I can’t get into prescreening here so if you don’t know how to do this, I’d suggest you fix that before getting real serious about generating leads on houses when you can’t spot a deal when it appears. Read More→