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Taking the Plunge to Go Full Time

Posted on September 2, 2013 by

If someone would have told me one year ago that I would be a full time real estate investor together with my husband and flipping houses for a living, I would have laughed at them! To be totally honest, real estate was never a passion of mine and I hadn’t given it much thought until I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” That got the wheels turning and when Matt (the hubby) discovered the niche of real estate we now love best…. Wholesaling… it seemed too good to be true! I was a total skeptic, but in the end, there were a few things that changed my mind and made me want to take the Plunge! In less than one year, we’ve flipped 44 properties totaling over $1,000,000. We’ve attended meetings almost nightly during the week, networked our rear ends off, attended classes, and met a lot of people. What we’ve discovered is that “taking the plunge” is often the hardest part for people even though they despise their jobs and know that real estate could be their vehicle out of the rat race.

So, what changed for me you might ask? How did I go from skeptic to believer and what does it REALLY take to make the plunge and ramp up a full time real estate career? It may not be for everyone, but for those who really want it… continue to read because I’m going to share my tips for “Making the Plunge!”

In the beginning, something that got me motivated to take charge was thinking about my financial future and looking at the statistics of the average American at retirement. We were barely making ends meet as it was, despite the fact that we were both working full time. The average American retires at 62 years of age and 95% of them are either dead broke or DEAD by that age! I couldn’t tolerate the thought of being a work horse for the remainder of my life only to pass on debt to my children and be a bother to them during the last years of my life. I didn’t know HOW this would all work out, but I was ready to look at some “other options!” Read More→