What’s Happening at Atlanta REIA – May 22, 2022
Posted on May 22, 2022 byAtlanta's HOTTEST LIVE, In Person
& Online REIA Club! See For Yourself…
Monday, May 23rd @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR) Short-Term Rental Investors Group (STRONG) meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
This month's meeting for STRONG is on aquiring Short-Term Rentals Creatively with seller financing techniques such as Owner Financing, Subject-To and Split Funding. Don DeRosa will be our special guest teaching us these techniques of how you can acquire Short-Term Rentals without using your own cash or cred.
If you want to get started acquiring Short Term Rentals, or want to acquire more, but have run out of your own personal funds, be sure to join us on Monday, May 22nd as we discover several different techniques you use not to amass more STRs of your own. RSVP Now!
STRONG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you're an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at http://REIA.us/STRONGZ. Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at http://REIA.us/STRONG and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at http://REIA.us/STRONGZ.
Come join us monthly to learn everything you need to know about the short-term rental business!
Be sure to join our STRONG Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/strong.us.
EVERY THURSDAY at 1:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Sandy Springs): Haves & Wants Meeting is LIVE and IN PERSON with Joe Thompson at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs. Bring Your Deals, Business Cards, Flyers & Come Network and Make Deals Happen with us once again!
Post Your Deals or Find Deals on Our Facebook Groups (Full List). Be sure to join 1) Atlanta Real Estate Investors Network, 2) Georgia Real Estate Investors Network, 3) Atlanta Wholesale Real Estate Deals & 4) Georgia Wholesale Real Estate Deals.