Atlanta REIA Webcast Replays
Atlanta REIA Members get 24/7/365 access to all of our Webcast Replays. Members can Login and watch any of our Webcast Replays below.
Atlanta REIA Members get 24/7/365 access to all of our Webcast Replays. Members can Login and watch any of our Webcast Replays below.
Due to a scheduling conflict, Marco Kozlowski filled in for Linda Baumgarten on the Beginning Investors Group Online (BIGO) last night. Linda was supposed to be be teaching us about investing in Condos, Townhouses and Planned Urban Developments (PUDs) but had to reschedule.
Linda will be back with us live and in-person on the same topic at Atlanta REIA and Tampa REIA in January 2025.
On this BIG Webinar Replay, Marco talked about “Infinite Wholetailing” and how to invest once and get paid forever! Watch the Replay Now!
Tangie Cousins, the Hot Lead Chick, was our special guest at the Beginning Investors Group Online that we recorded live on Wednesday, March 28th.
On the webinar replay, Tangie will be teaching us about the “Hottest Leads in Today’s Market” and her Unique Marketing Strategies for targeting these hot leads.
She will be teaching you a lot of different marketing techniques and strategies such as… How to write your letter if you are an Investor verses a Realtor. How often you should mail and how many times. What to say and what not to say in your letter.
Watch the BIGO Webinar Replay 24/7/365 and be sure to register for next month’s Beginning Investors Group Online Webinar at!
Don DeRosa will helped us kick off our first meeting of the New Year yesterday on how to jump-start your real estate investing business in 2017. If you missed the webinar or couldn’t get on because the webinar was full, now is your chance to watch the webinar 24/7 whenever you get a chance to watch the webinar below.
Don is a full-time, active real estate investor, coach and trainer who had done all types of real estate deals such as wholesaling, creative financing on pretty house deals, rehabbing and retailing, rentals, short sales, foreclosures, new construction, private lending and much, much more. This year, Don is focusing on fixing and flipping and doing creative deals with his coaching students.
Watch the BIG Online Replay we recorded Live with Don DeRosa on January 25, 2017 and he will teach you the quickest and easiest way to get started in the real estate investing business with limited time and funds. He will also talk about his upcoming training workshops and boot camps for 2017 that he is doing in conjunction with our REIA as well as the Property Protege Group and Coaching Program. Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
Have you ever wondered how successful investors are continually finding and doing profitable deal after deal? Did you ever ask yourself what seasoned investors look for and what they think about before they ever make an offer on any property? Have you ever thought about what makes a good deal and what is missing from the deals that you don’t want?
If you would like to get the answers to these questions and more, join us on the webinar we recorded live with Larry Harbolt on July 27, 2016 and he will teach you 6 secrets of how successful investors think through every deal they do and how they structure offers in multiple ways to buy any property. He will also show you why “CASH” isn’t always the best solution for every seller and why they may not want All CASH for their property.
You will learn:
New Investors, if you want to learn how to become a transaction engineer, be sure to watch this Beginning Investors Group Online Webinar Replay with Larry and learn how to structure deals like a real pro! Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
Yes, it’s wonderful to have motivated sellers calling you and giving you all of the details about their situation. But do you know what to say to them? Do you know how to control the conversation? Do you know the right questions to ask to reveal their TRUE motivation? Do you know how to make them feel comfortable enough to open up to you and reveal their problems to you in hopes that you will have a solution?
Watch the BIG Online Replay we recorded Live with Frank Iglesias on August 24, 2016 where he will give you many tips and share his know-how on what he says to sellers to negotiate and close deals.
During the meeting, you will learn:
Frank Iglesias is one of the Founders and Managing Partners of Working With Houses, LLC, an Atlanta area Real Estate Investment Company that primarily works in the residential renovation industry, repairing and updating properties to bring value back to neighborhoods that have been devalued by the recent housing crisis. Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
New investors often have lots of questions when it comes to evaluating a property and doing their due diligence. Questions like…How do I know if a property is a good deal or not? Should I do my due diligence before or after I get a property under contract? How do I determine the property’s value before and after repairs are made? How do I determine how much repairs will cost? How do I check title? How much valuable information can I pull from public records?
If you would like to get the answers to these questions and more, this is definitely a webinar replay you don’t want to miss!!
You Will Learn:
If you are really serious about upping your investing game and want to learn what “buyer beware” really means, be sure to watch this webcast that we recorded live with Russ Hiner on June 22, 2016 at the Beginning Investors Group Online. Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
Here’s the big picture: You must let everyone know who you are and what you do. The goal is to have all the folks in your area call you if they are considering selling their property. Your next task is to separate the folks who WANT to sell from the folks who NEED to sell. And finally, when you find a motivated seller, you must be able to creatively structure a win-win deal, as well as be willing to pull the trigger quickly – ’cause great deals don’t hang around long!
By far, the MOST effective thing we do to accomplish the above goals is knocking on sellers’ doors and asking Pete Fortunato’s famous question: “Why are you selling such a nice house like this?” Nothing, nothing, nothing works better than knocking on sellers’ doors!
I know that, in this day of iPads, websites and high-tech gadgetry, many will disagree with me. That’s fine. But realize that, for the most part, the ones who disagree with me have NEVER gone out knocking on sellers’ doors. Think about it: What’s the point of websites, direct mail campaigns, squeeze pages, dialing for dollars, etc.? Isn’t it to get you face-to-face with a seller?
If you want to learn more about how to get face-time with 8 out of every 10 sellers you meet, be sure to watch this Webinar Replay we recorded live with Bill Cook on May 25, 2016 at the Beginning Investors Group Online where he taught us the “Quickest, Easiest & Most Affordable Way To Get In Front Of Sellers!” Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
Don DeRosa helped us kick off our first meeting of the Beginning Investors Group Online (BIGO) on Wednesday, April 27th, 2016. Don is a full-time active real estate investor, mentor and trainer who specializes in all types of real estate investing such as wholesaling, creative financing pretty house deals, rehabbing and retailing, rentals, short sales, foreclosures, new construction and much more.
If you want to learn the quickest and easiest way to get started in the real estate investing business with limited time and funds, Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
Don DeRosa is a part time real estate investor trainer and mentor and full-time real estate investor who actively buys, sells and holds properties each month for fun, profit and long term cash flow.
The topic of our next webinar is “Wholesaling Houses” which is the business of buying houses in need of major repairs at really low prices and selling them to other “fix and flip” or “buy and hold” investors at wholesale prices. In other words, finding bargains for bargain hunters.
Wholesaling is a great strategy for making quick cash with very low risk and without using any of your own cash, income or credit. Because of this, wholesaling real estate is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started investing in real estate because anyone can do it with a little training and effort.
If you want to learn more about Wholesaling, watch this Webinar Replay we recorded live with Don DeRosa on April 13th, 2016 where he shared the Wholesaling Strategies you need to succeed and take you step-by-step through the entire wholesale process. Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
Don DeRosa is a part time real estate investor trainer and mentor and full-time real estate investor who actively buys, sells and holds properties each month for fun, profit and long term cash flow. One of Don’s favorite purchase strategies is to buy houses “Subject-To” the seller’s existing financing on the home instead of having to go to a bank or a hard money lender for funding.
Using this strategy allows Don to buy multiple properties fast, without coming up with all the purchase funds on the front end. This is the perfect purchase strategy for active investors who what to buy, sell and hold pretty houses without having to use their own cash or credit.
Watch this Webinar Replay we recorded live with Don DeRosa on April 6th, 2016 where he shared many of his subject-to strategies, tools and techniques he uses every day to create winning deals for himself as well as his buyers and sellers. Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→
Hey folks, Don DeRosa here. I’d like to personally invite you to watch the replay of the Creative Deal Structuring webinar that I had with Atlanta REIA on Tuesday, March 22, 2016. On this webinar I will show you how to become a transaction engineer and how to do something with every single lead you get.
Have you ever had a lead that you didn’t know what to do with, or a lead that you wish you had more options? Having multiple option on every deal could make all the difference in the world. The age old saying “the more you know, the more you make” really does apply in real estate investing.
Watch the webinar where we discuss, multiple offer strategies, negotiating and creative offer making. I will also show you how to use my patented “Easy Offer Maker” to make profitable offers every time, using multiple strategies like, owner finance, subject to, options and lease options. If you want to learn how to make money at everything you get your hands on then Watch the Webinar Replay Now! Read More→