The Profit Newsletter – September 2013
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Check Out These Great Authors & Articles In
The Profit Newsletter for September 2013
Real Estate Investor Profits $68,000 Because of Her Mentor!
By Kimberlee Frank Don’t Question Having a Mentor… JUST HAVE ONE! I remember when I decided to quit my job as a legal secretary and become a millionaire in real estate! I started with Carleton Sheets’ course. Once it arrived, I was to read it and take action. Yeah, right! I found that between my J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and taking care of my children, I was busy and distracted, so the course sat on my shelf collecting dust. About 6 months later… Read More>>
Marketing to Owners of Vacant Houses
By Dustin Griffin Last month’s article was on “Driving for Dollars and Farming with Flyers”. As you are out driving neighborhoods in search of houses to buy, you will soon discover that there are many vacant houses out there. Some of these houses are obviously for sale or rent as indicated by a sign in the yard, but many are not so obvious. These houses are just sitting empty, often deteriorating, waiting for someone like you to come along and buy them. Many of these houses appear to have been abandoned and unkept. Read More>>
How to Get a FREE Phone Number to Use in Your Business – Part 2
By Tony Pearl Here’s What We’re Going to Cover in THIS Article: A quick & easy shortcut to get to your GV options. This makes it really easy. A few secrets. You’ll need these. How to get SEVERAL Google Voice Numbers. Use ‘em for home or office! Some limitations (and how to overcome them). And finally… How to get a FREE home phone LINE (and number). Yes, it’s true! Read More>>
Coach’s Response: What Are Your Four Answers?
By Russ Hiner As the market improves, I have more and more people coming to me for coaching. I am excited about this because it means that you are taking responsibility for your success. You are reading my articles, and you are talking with me to achieve what you want in your life. Read More>>
7 Deadly Mistakes You Can Avoid – Part 3
By Ron LeGrand There’s an old saying that goes “Even a turtle won’t get anywhere until he sticks his neck out.” Another old saying (that I made up) is “You’re never going to get rich sitting on your behind and waiting for it to come to you.” You have to make it happen. You have to get things started. You have to put the wheels in motion. And if they get stopped, guess who has to get them started again. You guessed right. Read More>>
What Is Securitization and Why Is It Fraudulent? Part 1
By Bob Massey By now you have heard in the news about robo-signing, MERS, etc. and how the economy was brought down by Mortgage Backed Securities. But what, specifically, does that mean and how does it affect us as homeowners and real estate investors? As can be expected, the greatest financial fraud every pulled over in the history of the world began with taking away responsibility from banks and brokers… Read More>>
Case Study: Owner Carryback Financing
By Dyches Boddiford With the real estate markets slowing in many areas of the country, we are seeing a resurgence of owner carryback financing. Most of you are aware of the basics of such financing, but you may not have been exposed to some of the more creative approaches. Read More>>
What is Creative Deal Structuring and Financing?
By Bill Cook I’ve written a weekly real estate investing newspaper column for more than ten years. During this time, we’ve looked at all kinds of creative deal structures and financing…but what exactly are these? The easiest way to tell you what creative deal structuring is, is to tell you what it’s NOT. It’s not finding a house to buy at fair market value and then going to an institutional lender to get a traditional mortgage. Read More>>
Too-Cool Tools: Embracing Tomorrow
By Don DeRosa Remember last month, when I talked about how amazing it is that one little smartphone or tablet can do so many useful things? Well, not everyone has much use for smartphones. Take my Uncle Milt: He’s convinced that true happiness lies in a phone that’s just a phone. And he’s pretty sure iPads are, well, evil. Every time I see him, he grumbles about the latest new-fangled technology. Bad enough they invented the fax machine, he says… Read More>>
Always Do A Little Thinking Before Making Every Offer
By Larry Harbolt If I could wave a magic wand and re-live my early real estate investing career from the beginning, I think I would first try to learn more about what seller’s needs and thoughts are. I would also want to better understand the thoughts and logic that run through a seller’s mind when they are motivated and want to sell their house. Read More>>
How to Find Motivated Sellers with Almost No Money
By Kathy Kennebrook You can locate motivated sellers even if you have little or no money to work with. Way back in the early days of my business I used some very inexpensive techniques to locate very motivated sellers, since we only had a limited budget to work with like many people who are just starting out in the real estate business. Read More>>
Got Funding? Get Creative!
By Bill Ham Funding can be one of the largest barriers to entry in the real estate business. I remember the very first time I walked into a lenders office and tried to discuss funding for my first apartment complex I wanted to buy. My experience (or lack of) was immediately brought to my attention not to mention my complete lack of liquid assets (NO CASH!) Read More>>
Using Your Self-Directed IRA to Invest in Hard-Money Lending – Part 1
By Jim Hitt When a real estate developer runs into a snag, and needs additional money to complete a project, or he wants a shorter-term loan of, say, six months to six years, he frequently turns to the “hard-money” market. In a nutshell, these are lenders who are looking to get a decent return on their money, with a margin of safety. They usually do this by holding a lien on the property, or on another property the borrower owns, in a practice called “cross-collateralization.” Read More>>
How to Talk to Sellers and Buyers If You’re Just Getting Started in Real Estate
By Courtney Larsen If someone would have told me one year ago that I would be a full time real estate investor together with my husband and flipping houses for a living, I would have laughed at them! To be totally honest, real estate was never a passion of mine and I hadn’t given it much thought until I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” That got the wheels turning and when Matt (the hubby) discovered the niche of real estate we now love best… Wholesaling… Read More>>
Terminating Contracts
By Michael Vazquez As investors, we all hope and wish that all of our contracts go smoothly. As much as we hate to admit it, the truth is that some things are out of our control. Appraisals, hidden renovation cost, weather and financing are just a few examples of what we have little to no control over. How one handles these obstacles is going to be what differentiates you from all the other real estate investors. Read More>>
Some Easy Real Estate Markets Around Atlanta
By Mark Jackson Though recent signs have pointed to a lessening of the ongoing housing inventory crunch, many markets in the Atlanta metro area are still experiencing shortages of homes for sale. With consistent reports of inventory overall declining in the metro area, we found some bright spots. Using REIAComps helps to quickly see the number of sales and the best prices to buy year over year. Read More>>
Answers to Your QuickBooks Queries
By Karen Bershad Q: I need to segment my balance sheet AND income statement into three departments (classes). Which version of QuickBooks can provide me with this capability? A: The lowest edition you can use to have classes on both the balance sheet and the income statement is the QuickBooks Premier. Read More>>
Atlanta REIA Welcomes the Sign Mafia!
By Jeff Nix If you’ve been around the real estate investing community for a while, you already know the Sign Mafia. They have been serving our community of interest since 2002. They are best known for their bandit signs and property marketing packages. What are bandit signs? They are any signage placed in highly visible spots, designed to generate leads for buyers and sellers. Read More>>