Movers, Shakers & Deal Makers Meeting is Starting on October 10, 2016
Posted on July 15, 2016 byAtlanta REIA Members & Guests Who RSVP
Below Can Attend at No Charge!
Movers, Shakers and Deal Makers (MSDM) is a BRAND NEW Atlanta REIA networking, deal making, vendor trade show and educational subgroup whose purpose is to provide an open forum for real estate investors and industry professionals to network, exchange information and ideas, have direct access to hot, off market real estate opportunities and to make deals happen!
Our first MSDM Meeting will be on Monday, Oct. 10th at 6:30PM at Hudson Grille located at 6317 Roswell Rd in Sandy Springs. Atlanta REIA Members and Guests who RSVP on can attend at No Charge! Atlanta REIA Gold Business Members can RSVP for a Vendor Table at No Charge as well.
MSDM is all about networking, transacting, learning something new and doing deals. You will have the opportunity to pitch your properties, products and services; voice your real estate haves & wants; and participate in open discussions of real estate questions, concerns and transactions.
MSDM is really 3 Meetings in one, all happening simultaneously!
Vendor Trade Show & Networking – The Vendor Tradeshow, being led by Barry Beers, will be for networking with local real estate professionals and building your dream team. High Top cocktail table and booths are available for vendors who RSVP on a first come, first serve basis. Talk to Barry for details.
Haves & Wants – There will be a full length Haves & Wants and Question and Answers session with Joe Thompson and all who attend. Be sure to bring your property lists and your property flyers, so we can put them up on the big screens. Also be sure to bring lots of business cards to circulate and make many new real estate connections.
Deal Makers Bar – This deal making session, led Don DeRosa and Lynn Overall, along with local, active real estate investors, will be for getting together and transacting with other fellow real estate investors. Unlike Haves & Wants where you simply pitch your deals, this event will be for discussing potential deals in greater detail and making deals happen. Be sure to bring your deals, your questions and your contracts.
Atlanta REIA Members & Guests, Please RSVP on
MSDM is intended to be a “Who’s Who” for local real estate investors and professionals. Will you be there? If so, RSVP Now and be sure to bring plenty of business cards, flyers and contracts.
PLEASE NOTE: All attendees are expected to order food and beverages and to tip the wait staff generously.