Crappy House Webinar Replay with Don DeRosa

Posted on April 14, 2016 by
Webinar Replay – Watch 24/7
Webinar Replay
How to Make a Flipping Fortune Wholesaling Crappy Houses
Watch the Webinar Replay
with Don DeRosa

Don DeRosaDon DeRosa is a part time real estate investor trainer and mentor and full-time real estate investor who actively buys, sells and holds properties each month for fun, profit and long term cash flow.

The topic of our next webinar is “Wholesaling Houses” which is the business of buying houses in need of major repairs at really low prices and selling them to other “fix and flip” or “buy and hold” investors at wholesale prices. In other words, finding bargains for bargain hunters.

Wholesaling is a great strategy for making quick cash with very low risk and without using any of your own cash, income or credit. Because of this, wholesaling real estate is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started investing in real estate because anyone can do it with a little training and effort.

If you want to learn more about Wholesaling, watch this Webinar Replay we recorded live with Don DeRosa on April 13th, 2016 where he shared the Wholesaling Strategies you need to succeed and take you step-by-step through the entire wholesale process. Watch the Webinar Replay Now!

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