3 Rules For Success

Posted on January 4, 2016 by

As this year comes to an end, I am reflecting on what went right and what areas in my life do I need to focus on, to make some improvements to reach my highest level of success?

Part of having a very successful business, involves 3 basic principles; purpose, attitude and action.  Let’s look at these 3 basic principles. The good news is the chances of us getting it right is because the change is within us and we don’t need to depend on anyone else for this success. Did you hear me! The bad news is the change is within us, which means we have to take responsibility and action to get it right.

Number 1 – What is your Purpose?

When we have an outrageous WHY, the opportunity for success goes up dramatically.

SO ask yourselves…. why do you think real estate is the right vehicle for you?  What problems can this vehicle help to solve in your life?  How is this new wealth vehicle different from the current work you are doing? This is not a get rich quick scheme. 

If these are some of your answers to getting involved in real estate; then you are on the right track:

  • Because more millionaires have been made in real estate than any other industry.
  • I want to pay off my debit and credit cards
  • I want to leave a legacy for my family.
  • I want to be the first person in my family to own a home.
  • I want to provide housing to veterans.
  • I want to be a land Barron for a profit,
  • I want to retire before I am 50 years old.
  • I want to be financially free.
  • I want to have flexibility in my time and lifestyle
  • I want to have the boat, motorcycle, house on the lake, house in the mountains, car, or other toys.
  • I have always dreamed of being able to support others in their dreams.
  • I want to travel and see all 7 continents.

This means you might have to make a life style change. Why would someone want to change? Are you prepared to learn and get more education? What are you willing to give up to get what you want? Can one quit the safety of a pay check? What is the top priority/ pain that we absolutely MUST Change in our life and HAVE now? Can you give up living paycheck to paycheck, can you give up the working in an emotional/ physically unhealthy environment? 

My why is, I was down sized and needed to get some income. The real estate market at the time was at 18% interest rates. I found my why. You MUST find yours. 

Number 2 – Attitude is everything!

Having the right attitude is very important. There needs to be a belief system which will allow us to win. We must set ourselves up to win with solid systems and policies. We go to work and we are dedicated to be there 8 hours. We have an idea of what is to be accomplished. We need to have a group of people who will support us. This business is a relationship driven business. Our attitude must be one that “I can do this simply and easily”. Read the book “E-myth” by Gerber.

GET a system which will fit your personality. If you are a person who hates people then you will need a partner who will cover the gap. If a person is not good with numbers then they will want to get a series of spreadsheets that will do the calculations for them. If one hates paperwork then they will need to get a person on their team who will handle those tasks for them. By having and implementing a solid plan, you will believe that all things are possible and start seeing results. Yes, if one sees that they can do it, then the chances of success will go up dramatically.

Number 3 – Action is Key!

We must take action. What will be your first step? Education, building relationships, partnership, marketing, or making offers?

The most successful entrepreneurs use this philosophy …Ready, FIRE, then aim… this is not intuitive. We need to throw out the old ideas of running a business and start ours with a system and a mentor. The reason this formula works is there is constant change in this business. We will always be learning whether we like it or not because there are constant changes.

If you have been married and have children you learned this lesson quickly. There is never a great time to get married we “just do it”.  There is never a good time to have children we “just do it”.   Build your confidence, you can do it, then take the first step toward the success you have always wanted. I know for some of us the dream is better than taking the risk. I know there will be people who will always dream and it doesn’t take much risk to do that except time. I say now is the time to take action. If you don’t have a clue then start by watching a few you tube videos. When one adapts and grows, success will follow.

When we dream we can taste the end result. By sitting on the fence we waste our time and energy when we could be learning and building the skills necessary to build a business that could provide us financial freedom.      

About Me

MY story is simple. I wanted to grow up and be wealthy. There was a time and place a long time ago in a faraway land where a person could work for 30 years retire and have money in the bank and a good retirement. The company would have a retirement plan and social security would be there as fun money. That ended the day I was down sized. I had been working for the company for one year and they drained the pool and I was left with little to show. The industry I was educated for was flooded with applicants just like me competing for a job. I decided to become an entrepreneur. I had zero self discipline, zero organizational skills and a weak plan. 29 years later I am still here doing what I love and financially independent. If I can do it you can too.  I do coaching and mentoring.   I want to and will work with motivated people who have a strong “WHY”, have a winning attitude, and are willing to do what it takes and invest in themselves on a regular consistent basis to be successful.  Good Luck and God Speed.

Russ HinerRuss Hiner is an active real estate investor, coach and mentor. Russ is currently the leader of the Atlanta REIA Creative Deal Structuring Group and co-leader of the Atlanta REIA Mastermind Group. Russ also teaches several Atlanta REIA Workshops throughout the year on a variety of real estate investing topics such as Negotiations, Wholesaling 101, Wholesaling 401, Real Estate 101, Property Management and more.

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