The Secret Weapon in Real Estate Marketing is Now… (Part 2)

Posted on May 31, 2014 by

Welcome back! So if you read last month’s issue, you know by now that there’s a “New Sheriff in town,” when it comes to marketing your real estate business. This somewhat-new solution is quickly proving to be just as, and in some cases, more effective than the old, familiar forms of marketing we’re used to using.  This new method is: Video Marketing!

We had also discussed how nearly everyone is not only online these days, but they’re also watching more and more videos all the time. Even on their smartphones.  And the more YOUR sales messages can get to these people, the more effective you’ll be. And the more money you’ll make.  Simple.

Finally, I’d given you an example of one way you can use video marketing to sell houses: By taking some video of a house you want to sell and talking about it as you go. Remember?

All caught up?  Good! Let’s continue…

In this article, I’ll go over a few other ways you can create videos that you can use to sell anything you want, any time you want, to whomever you want to sell! So strap in and get ready.

How To Create Videos

The first step in video marketing (other than doing your research) is creating a video.  This is actually what trips a lot of people up and prevents them from getting started in the first place.  The reason? They think that they have to physically stand in front of the camera and talk.  That makes them uncomfortable, so they don’t even bother. 

We already know that most peoples’ #1 fear is public speaking, because they don’t want to look bad in front of others.  I get that. But guess what? If that’s you, I have some good news for you: You DON’T have to be on the screen to make a very effective marketing video!

Are you ugly (on screen)? Do you talk funny? Or are you just shy? Doesn’t matter. You can still do marketing videos.  Here’s a few ways how…

Different Types of Videos

Here are a few different types of videos that you can make and use for marketing…

1. Slideshows.  One of the easiest ways of making a video.  Here’s how: You get a few pictures together, add some copywritten text and (optionally) some music. Put it together in a proper, logical sequence, and BAM! You’ve got a video. 

Where can you do something like that?  That’s easy, because there’s a LOT of ways you can do this.  There are software programs you can use and also online websites that will virtually do it FOR you. If you use a PC, you already have a FREE program called “Windows Movie Maker” installed. I don’t have a Mac, but I’ve heard that it’s actually easier to use for this sort of thing. One program you can use is called “iMovie.”

You’re going to love me for this next one, in case you haven’t heard of it. There’s a fantastic and simple website called Animoto ( where you can easily make this type of video.  You can even try it out for free, because they’ll let you make up to a 30-second video.  Make as many of these as you like for free, just as long as you keep their logo at the end.  Their cheapest paid option is a lousy $5/month. Check it out!

2. Talking Heads.  No, not the popular musical group from the 80’s. These are the videos where  someone appears from the torso up and talks. This person often looks at the camera while they read a sales script (but sound like they’re talking).  You can either HIRE or BE the spokesperson yourself. 

3. Animated. These are great videos that look like cartoons. Highly effective.

4. Characters. These are animated videos that feature characters. They typically tell a story to get the point across in a powerful way. For example: “This is Frank. He runs a business. But Frank is unhappy, because…”  You get the idea. These work incredibly well!

5. Video Typography. These videos have words that fly across the screen one at a time, often as someone reads, and appear in chunks before moving to the next slide.

6. Powerpoint Style. This is where a block of words appears on the screen just long enough for you to read it, or have the narrator read it to you.

7. Whiteboard. These are some of the most powerful videos you can use today. They usually have a plain white background and have an artist’s hand “draw” either a picture or write the text (or both), while either someone talks over it or music is played (or both). UPS used this as a Superbowl ad not long ago, and it worked like crazy!

These type of videos can be a lot more challenging to do yourself, unless you’re already very familiar with this sort of thing.  But if you’re not, I highly recommend hiring someone to make your video FOR you. It will save you a TON of time and hassle.

What to Say In Your Videos

Here’s another potentially confusing point for most people.  There’s a million things you can say in your videos, but if you want a proven, workable, yet simple blueprint, here’s what I recommend:  Use this powerful, 4-point outline:

1. Problem. What’s the problem? What’s wrong now?

2. Significance.  How significant would the problem be if it continues? (the worse, the better)

3. Solution. What should they DO to fix the problem(s)? What’s the solution?

4. Results. What can they expect if they actually take the recommended actions?

Here’s another, simpler framework you can use for your overall script:

1. WHO you are.

2. WHAT you have.

3. WHY they need it. And

4. HOW to get it!

For example, you could say, “Hi! My name is Tony, and I buy houses right here in the (CITY) area. If you have a house that you’d like to sell but are having some challenges selling for whatever reason, we can help.  We have several incredible programs to buy houses that are designed for people just like you. Any one of these programs can help you accomplish your goal of selling your house quickly and easily. Many times, we’re able to get you the same amount of money for your equity that you’d get if you followed the traditional process of selling with an agent, only we’re able to do it faster and simpler than anyone else! If you’d like to get more information about how We can buy YOUR house today, simply give us a call at…”

Did you see how that follows the outline above? Simple!

Ok, now that you know HOW to create your video and WHAT to SAY in the video, you have plenty of things to do before you’re ready for the next step: Uploading and Optimizing your video!

Guess what? That’s exactly what will be covered in next month’s issue!  Don’t take this next step lightly. It’s absolutely VITAL that it be done right!

So… We’ll see you right here next month!

To Your Success,

Tony Pearl

Tony PearlTony Pearl is an entrepreneur, copywriter, proud father, mentor, marketing consultant and talented teacher who resides in the Washington, DC area. He has traveled to over 26 countries, speaks 4 languages, and continues to travel extensively. He has been a professional Ballroom and Latin dance instructor, competitor, and exhibitor for over 19 years. As a Real Estate Investor, Tony has bought and sold over Ten Million dollars worth of real estate, and has been educated by and associates with the best.

Contact Tony Pearl

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