The Decision

Posted on September 16, 2015 by

It was March 12th, 1982, when I had a decision to make, and it didn’t seem like a very big one. You see, there was a seminar coming to town called “How to Buy Real Estate with No Money Down,” and it caught my attention because I certainly had none and didn’t want to continue doing what I had been doing for most of my life. I believe I saw the commercial on television, and after about the third time it aired I got to thinking about it and said, “Well, gosh, what have I got to lose. I know it’s a scam, I know they’re full of crap, but I might as well go down and check it out. Maybe there is something there, maybe I can find a way to get out of this mechanic job and make a little money for a change that lasts more than 15 minutes.”

Now, this was not an easy decision because I was going to miss my favorite television show “Dallas” with J.R. Ewing. For me to miss J.R. in order to go to the seminar was a big, big deal. We laugh about it now, but it wasn’t so funny back then because J.R. was the guy that gave me hope. He’s the first exposure I had to see what it was like to be very rich. I couldn’t really see myself as J.R. at that time, but I certainly wanted to be like him. I’m not sure I wanted to be as mean as he was. Of course, some people will say I am. I certainly wanted to have his money and his power.

So here I was, faced with going to a seminar or watching J.R., and I might remind you there was no way to record it back then. TIVO did not exist. So, if I missed it, it was gone for good. I’d like to tell you it was an easy decision back then, but I’d be lying. It was really a very tough decision, and I went back and forth several times before I finally decided to go to the seminar.

Of course, you know the rest of the story. That seminar for two hours, one Thursday evening, put me into a Saturday all-day event for $450 back then, which I had to borrow. That one day event was the turning point for me and my family. As I look back, I often wonder how many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives have been touched because of that one very small decision I made on March 12th, 1982, which could have easily gone either way. What if I hadn’t gone to that seminar? What if I hadn’t decided to take action after I went to the seminar? What if I decided J.R. was more important? What if, what if, what if. The sad part is, I never would’ve known what it cost me. Isn’t that the way it is with all the decisions we make? We never know what it cost us to make the decision one way or another. I wonder how many people in prison wish they had the opportunity to make that split-second decision again. I’m guessing all of them.

Since that time, I’ve made thousands of decisions. Some turned out well, some didn’t. I’m accustomed to making decisions because I make them every single day. Sometimes I make more decisions in a day than most people make in a month. I’m fully aware that my decision might be wrong, however, I make them anyway because I’ve learned that if the decision isn’t made, a bottleneck appears and nothing happens. The whole organization becomes stagnant. Somebody has to make the decision, and I promise you, once that decision is made there’s another one that’s coming up right behind it that also has to be made. The more you let them pile up, the harder it is to make any of them. I will confess sometimes I make them too fast, but nevertheless, I make them.

You have a big decision to make, assuming you haven’t already made it. That is whether to attend the Great American Real Estate Summit in February with hundreds of other real estate investors. Right now, that decision may seem rather insignificant to you. Go, or don’t go, the world is not going to change regardless of your decision. That’s what I thought back in 1982. But, I was wrong. My world changed drastically, and so did so many others because I made that one, tiny little decision. I’m suggesting to you that making the wrong decision not to go to this event could have just as devastating effect on your future as it would’ve had on mine if I’d have just watched J.R.

Never mind the fact that this event is absolutely jam-packed with value for you, like the deal structuring session where we will literally create several hundred live deals while our attendees watch. Or, The Soaring Eagles Club that we have formed where movers and shakers get together, receiving awards for their efforts. Or the banquet, show or other multiple special classes that I’m teaching and preparing for this special event. Ignore the fact that you will miss the “Day With The Legends”, where I’ll have Robert Allen, Russ Whitney, Al Lowry and myself all on the stage for the first and the last time ever. And, you get a chance to hear from and ask questions to the real masters and godfathers of our industry. You can ignore the shark tank that we’re having the next day, with Loral Langemeier as one of the sharks, along with Kevin Harrington from the real “Shark Tank” TV show, myself and one or two more experts that I may invite between now and then. Forget the fact that I’m going to have two of the owners of two different IRA companies teaching IRA usage with me on stage. Or, the big prize giveaways, the charity for the military wounded warriors and the multiple sessions that we’re having taught by our own students who are working their way to become speakers. Forget all of that and the other 50 reasons why you should come.

Now let me give you the best reason why I think you should be there. It’s simple…

It’s The People.

The people are why you should be there. You’ll learn as much from the other students as you will from the teachers. You’ll create a nationwide network of movers and shakers that you can work with on projects anywhere you want to be, anywhere in the country, at any time. It’s the inspiration you’ll get from the success stories. It’s the answers you’ll get from the people who have been where you are and have conquered all of the fears and road blocks that face you. It is the ability to give back, to help others who need your assistance. To pull them up so they can take the ride with you. It’s the feeling of accomplishment you’ll get when you’re in a group of other people who are on the same upwardly mobile track and see that you’re doing the right thing despite all the dream stealers that will try and pull you down. It’s the confidence that you’ll create by having conversations during the breaks and at dinner with people that have actually experienced the same setbacks that you have had. Add this to all the new tools and techniques that you will acquire from the best of the best with state of the art information, and, in my opinion, it will be an extremely foolish business decision not to join us in Orlando February 24-28th at The Great American Real Estate Summit. There is no event like this, and no two of them are the same. You may consider this our family reunion because we are one great big family.

As of right now you can register for this event with a guest at such a ridiculously low price that I am ashamed to publish it here. Get ahold of my office immediately and see if our very special deal is still available and has not expired. In fact, it is so cheap that it won’t even cover the cost of the prizes and food that we are feeding you while you are there.

Warning: If you intend to stay in the hotel where the Summit is being held, you must certainly reserve a room right now. If you have already registered for the Summit and haven’t done so, I would strongly suggest you stop reading this article right this minute and get on the telephone and make those reservations. Last year we filled up the Hotel two months ahead of the event, and we filled up the two hotels next to it. The 2016 Summit will be three times larger than the 2014 Summit. Consider yourself warned when you are sleeping at the Motel 6 down the road with the cockroaches.

It’s just one more decision to make in addition to those you have made today. It doesn’t seem like a very large decision right this minute, but take it from me, it could be the most important financial decision you will make in your entire life, just like mine was on March 12th 1982.

Do It Before It’s Too Late!

Ron LeGrandRon LeGrand is the world’s leading expert in residential quick turn real estate and a prominent commercial property developer. Ron has bought and sold over 2,000 single family homes over the past 30 years, and currently owns commercial developments in nine states ranging from retail, office, warehouse, residential subdivisions and resorts.

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