Cash Cow Commercial Real Estate Group Lunch Meeting on March 24, 2011
Posted on March 22, 2011 byThursday, March 24th, 11:30 AM @ 5 Seasons Brewing in Sandy Springs
The Cash Cow Commercial Real Estate Group is a new educational and networking subgroup led by Steve Brown for new, intermediate and advanced investors with a serious interest in purchasing commercial real estate. The group meets on Thursday, March 24th at 11:30 AM at 5 Seasons Brewing located at 5600 Roswell Rd (map).
Steve is having two great guests at this month’s meeting… SBA/USDA Lender, Melanie Brown, and Commercial Broker, Tom Hogan. Melanie is going to talk about SBA & USDA loans available for commercial properties. Tom is also going to talk about some different loan programs available for commercial properties as well as some apartment building that are currently on the market. Steve is also going to talk about how to make the transition from single family homebuyer to becoming a commercial real estate investor. He will also talk about how to option commercial properties for huge profits.
The group meets on the on March 24th and the 4th Thursday of every month at 11:30 AM at 5 Seasons Brewing located at 5600 Roswell Rd (map) just prior to the Haves & Wants Meeting. Atlanta REIA members can attend at no charge and non-members for $5.00. Read more→