Archive for August, 2022
What’s Happening at Atlanta REIA – August 15, 2022
Posted on August 15, 2022 byAtlanta’s HOTTEST LIVE, In Person
& Online REIA Club! See For Yourself…
Monday, August 15th @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR): The Beginning Investors Group Online (BIGO) is now meeting ONLINE ONLY on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
This month, our special guest speaker will be Dwan Twyford who will be teaching you “15 Unique Ways to Find Deal No One Else is Teaching”. RSVP below now to learn how to find MORE DEALS!
BIG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at If you join Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA, you can avoid paying this cover charge.
Come join us to learn how to get your first deal or your next deal at the Beginning Investors Group Online!
Tuesday, August 16th @ NOON: Onsite Renovation Group with Don DeRosa, Chrissy Griffin and Chip Cagle at Charlie Wilson’s rehab located at 570 Grant St SW, Atlanta, GA. RSVP Now and come join us to learn to fix and flip houses like a pro.
Atlanta REIA Members can attend at no charge. Non-Members for $15. RSVP at
The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group is sponsored by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital. Thanks Chip!
Monday, August 22nd @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR) Short-Term Rental Investors Group (STRONG) meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
STRONG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at
Come join us monthly to learn everything you need to know about the short-term rental business!
Be sure to join our STRONG Facebook Group at
Monday, August 22nd @ 6:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Kennesaw): The Atlanta REIA West Meeting with Gordon Catts & Darlene Coquerel meets at the Golden Corral located at 700 Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW in Kennesaw, GA.
This is an “In-Person Event!” It’s time to come out and prepare for the next real estate season!
Saturday, September 3rd, 10AM-NOON (ONLINE WORKSHOP): Short-Term Rentals 401 Online Workshop is a half day Online Workshop with Richard Munroe. More details will be posted soon. RSVP Now!
If you did not attend the three prerequisite workshops (STR 101, 201 & 301), you can purchase the replays for an additional fee when you register for STR 401 at
During the early registration period, Atlanta REIA and Tampa REIA Members can attend for $199 and Non-Members can attend for $249. After early registration expires, Members can attend for $249 and Non-Members can attend for $299. Register Now & Save!
Sat & Sun, September 17th & 18th, 9AM-5PM (LIVE & IN PERSON ONLY): Cash in a Flash Real Estate Investor Summit, a 2 Day Workshop with Bill, Dwan & Will Twyford in Atlanta at a location to be determined. Here is some of what you will learn. Register Now & Save!
Day 1
- The Ultimate Finding and Prospecting Training
- Fed Up Training – Order of Operations
- Rehab Riches
- How to become a High Producing Investor. Bad Debt Vs Good Debt
- BONUS SESSION! The Market is Changing! Are you prepared?
Day 2
- Market Indexing your Local Areas by Zip Codes
- Working the Numbers Backwards with the Bank when negotiating with them.
- “How to build a 7 figure Creative Finance Business by Creating Notes” with No Equity Foreclosures
- High-Equity Foreclosures to beat out CASH BUYERS on all of the deals
Register Now & Save! Only $29 for members and $49 for Non-Members.
Sat, September 24th, 9AM-6PM (LIVE IN PERSON & Online Too): Selling Houses Fast – Even in a Recession is Full Day Workshop with Don DeRosa at the 1960 Satellite Blvd, Ste 1600, Duluth, GA and Online via Zoom Webinar. Register Today & Save!
If you are someone that likes to be ahead of the curve and wants to be able to capitalize on the inevitable declining market, then this full day Selling Houses Fast in a Declining Market is a must. I will teach you…
- What are the 9 reasons houses don’t sell so you can avoid them
- How to sell houses without using realtors
- How to owner finance, lease purchase or rent properties for max profits
- How to add 20% more profit to every deal and sell it in days not weeks
- What you need to do to get your house ready to sell in a declining market
- How to market your property for maximum exposure when everything else is sitting
- How to renovate in a stale or declining market
- How to automate your selling process
- Why staging is a complete game changer and what it NEEDS to look like
- How to work with mortgage brokers
- How to prescreen you buyer
- How to negotiate the sale without an agent
- How to choose the right exit strategy for maximum profit
- Answers to your questions and much more…
Register Today and join us to learn how to sell in an up or down market, on your own or with an agent.
EVERY THURSDAY at 1:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Sandy Springs): Haves & Wants Meeting is LIVE and IN PERSON with Joe Thompson at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs. Bring Your Deals, Business Cards, Flyers & Come Network and Make Deals Happen with us once again!
Post Your Deals or Find Deals on Our Facebook Groups (Full List). Be sure to join 1) Atlanta Real Estate Investors Network, 2) Georgia Real Estate Investors Network, 3) Atlanta Wholesale Real Estate Deals & 4) Georgia Wholesale Real Estate Deals.
What’s Happening at Atlanta REIA – August 13, 2022
Posted on August 13, 2022 byAtlanta’s HOTTEST LIVE, In Person
& Online REIA Club! See For Yourself…
Monday, August 15th @ 11:30AM (LIVE in Dunwoody): The Atlanta Landlord Luncheon meets at HOBNOB Neighborhood Tavern located at 1221 Ashford Crossing, Atlanta, GA.
The Atlanta Landlord Luncheon is hosted by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital and Chris Littleton of PMI Atlanta and meets on the 3rd Monday of each month for lunch at 11:30AM.
Monday, August 15th @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR): The Beginning Investors Group Online (BIGO) is now meeting ONLINE ONLY on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
This month, our special guest speaker will be Dwan Twyford who will be teaching you “15 Unique Ways to Find Deal No One Else is Teaching”. RSVP below now to learn how to find MORE DEALS!
BIG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at If you join Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA, you can avoid paying this cover charge.
Come join us to learn how to get your first deal or your next deal at the Beginning Investors Group Online!
Tuesday, August 16th @ NOON: Onsite Renovation Group with Don DeRosa and Chrissy Griffin at locations to be determined. More details coming soon. RSVP Now and come join us to learn to fix and flip houses like a pro.
Atlanta REIA Members can attend at no charge. Non-Members for $15. RSVP at
The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group is sponsored by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital. Thanks Chip!
Monday, August 22nd @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR) Short-Term Rental Investors Group (STRONG) meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
STRONG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at
Come join us monthly to learn everything you need to know about the short-term rental business!
Be sure to join our STRONG Facebook Group at
Monday, August 22nd @ 6:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Kennesaw): The Atlanta REIA West Meeting with Gordon Catts & Darlene Coquerel meets at the Golden Corral located at 700 Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW in Kennesaw, GA.
This is an “In-Person Event!” It’s time to come out and prepare for the next real estate season!
Saturday, September 3rd, 10AM-NOON (ONLINE WORKSHOP): Short-Term Rentals 401 Online Workshop is a half day Online Workshop with Richard Munroe. More details will be posted soon. RSVP Now!
If you did not attend the three prerequisite workshops (STR 101, 201 & 301), you can purchase the replays for an additional fee when you register for STR 401 at
During the early registration period, Atlanta REIA and Tampa REIA Members can attend for $199 and Non-Members can attend for $249. After early registration expires, Members can attend for $249 and Non-Members can attend for $299. Register Now & Save!
EVERY THURSDAY at 1:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Sandy Springs): Haves & Wants Meeting is LIVE and IN PERSON with Joe Thompson at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs. Bring Your Deals, Business Cards, Flyers & Come Network and Make Deals Happen with us once again!
Post Your Deals or Find Deals on Our Facebook Groups (Full List). Be sure to join 1) Atlanta Real Estate Investors Network, 2) Georgia Real Estate Investors Network, 3) Atlanta Wholesale Real Estate Deals & 4) Georgia Wholesale Real Estate Deals.
What’s Happening at Atlanta REIA – August 10, 2022
Posted on August 10, 2022 byAtlanta’s HOTTEST LIVE, In Person
& Online REIA Club! See For Yourself…
Meeting & Vendor Tradeshow
Learn How to Ethically Turn Panic into Profits
with Marco Kozlowski
TAMPA REIA meets on Thursday, August 11th from 6PM to 9PM with special guest speaker Marco Kozlowski at the Doubletree Westshore, 4500 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL with special guest speaker, Marco Kozlowski, who is going to talk about how the new rich build wealth ethically in chaotic times, buying the right real estate with minimal risk… and how anyone can copy their strategy, without using your own money or cred.
Here is a message from Marco about what you’ll learn at the upcoming event at Tampa REIA…
Look, the Fed will never let you get ahead. Their mandate is literally to limit wage growth. Even though wages haven’t even come CLOSE to keeping up with inflation over the years…
What I show folks…
Is how to make AS MUCH MONEY as you want…
With ZERO daily commute…
No knucklehead boss…
Working WHEN you want… WHERE you want… and HOW OFTEN you want…
Or NOT WORKING at all…
It’s your choice.
And I’m telling you… Right now… this market cycle with all it’s craziness is THE TIME to get into the real estate buying game…
We have a window of opportunity coming to buy absolutely life-changing assets…
It’s been more difficult to find great deals in the seller’s market we’ve had for a while (though Brett recently closed a deal, pocketing 6-figures at closing and 400k+ for life)…
But what’s coming?
It’ll be like a money-tree raining down cash-flowing deals all day long…
All you need is a big bucket (held together with knowledge and skills and NONE of your own moneyyy) to catch em.
Recessions are where the big moneyyyy is made, my friend. Don’t miss out on this.
Because not only can regular folks like us do it with ZERO money or cred…
And no previous experience…
But… I’m showing you a PROVEN METHOD…
So you can use real estate as a ‘vehicle’…
To generate INFINITE monthly passive income forever.
Many folks said this training changed their life…
Like Louis, who told me…
“I was skeptical but life is about taking chances. I’m not happy working, so I’m here to make a change – and this isn’t that hard.”
You see, once they realized how SIMPLE it is to make passive income from real estate…
By purchasing their first property…
Which will net them between $600 – $1000 per month FOREVER…
AND they can pull out $3000 cash at closing…
It woke something up inside them.
Because now they know…
Once they get that first property out of the way…
They can just repeat the process…
And eventually their J.O.B. becomes obsolete.
Pretty amazing, right?!
In fact, here’s some of what we covered…
The wealth secret that gets money working for YOU (instead of you working for money)…
How to get in front of THOUSANDS of motivated sellers by using “The 5 D’s”…
The lending secret where you can lock in financing for 5, 6 or even 7-figure properties… with zero credit or money down…
My step-by-step buying process that makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to fail (I’ve perfected this method myself over the last 22+ years)…
So I’m giving you the opportunity to participate in this training at Tampa REIA on Thursday, August 11th from 6PM-9PM at the Doubletree Westshore, 4500 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL.
And you can get started on TRANSFORMING your future right now… Come join me!
If you are struggling with inconsistent deal flow and sellers wanting too much for their home, then JOIN US at Tamp REIA with Marco Kozlowski as this is THE PRESENTATION that will save your business. RSVP Now below…
RSVP to Attend in Person at – This link is to attend in person at the Doubletree Hotel in Westshore.
RSVP to Attend Online at – After you checkout using this link, be sure to immediately register for the Tampa REIA Webinar on Zoom. The webinar portion of the meeting starts at 6:30PM.
Business members can RSVP for a Vendor Table here at
Monday, August 15th @ 11:30AM (LIVE in Dunwoody): The Atlanta Landlord Luncheon meets at HOBNOB Neighborhood Tavern located at 1221 Ashford Crossing, Atlanta, GA.
The Atlanta Landlord Luncheon is hosted by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital and Chris Littleton of PMI Atlanta and meets on the 3rd Monday of each month for lunch at 11:30AM.
Monday, August 15th @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR): The Beginning Investors Group Online (BIGO) is now meeting ONLINE ONLY on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
BIG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at If you join Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA, you can avoid paying this cover charge.
Come join us to learn how to get your first deal or your next deal at the Beginning Investors Group Online!
Tuesday, August 16th @ NOON: Onsite Renovation Group with Don DeRosa and Chrissy Griffin at locations to be determined. More details coming soon. RSVP Now and come join us to learn to fix and flip houses like a pro.
Atlanta REIA Members can attend at no charge. Non-Members for $15. RSVP at
The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group is sponsored by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital. Thanks Chip!
Monday, August 22nd @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR) Short-Term Rental Investors Group (STRONG) meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
STRONG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at
Come join us monthly to learn everything you need to know about the short-term rental business!
Be sure to join our STRONG Facebook Group at
Monday, August 22nd @ 6:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Kennesaw): The Atlanta REIA West Meeting with Gordon Catts & Darlene Coquerel meets at the Golden Corral located at 700 Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW in Kennesaw, GA.
This is an “In-Person Event!” It’s time to come out and prepare for the next real estate season!
Saturday, September 3rd, 10AM-NOON (ONLINE WORKSHOP): Short-Term Rentals 401 Online Workshop is a half day Online Workshop with Richard Munroe. More details will be posted soon. RSVP Now!
If you did not attend the three prerequisite workshops (STR 101, 201 & 301), you can purchase the replays for an additional fee when you register for STR 401 at
During the early registration period, Atlanta REIA and Tampa REIA Members can attend for $199 and Non-Members can attend for $249. After early registration expires, Members can attend for $249 and Non-Members can attend for $299. Register Now & Save!
EVERY THURSDAY at 1:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Sandy Springs): Haves & Wants Meeting is LIVE and IN PERSON with Joe Thompson at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs. Bring Your Deals, Business Cards, Flyers & Come Network and Make Deals Happen with us once again!
Post Your Deals or Find Deals on Our Facebook Groups (Full List). Be sure to join 1) Atlanta Real Estate Investors Network, 2) Georgia Real Estate Investors Network, 3) Atlanta Wholesale Real Estate Deals & 4) Georgia Wholesale Real Estate Deals.
What’s Happening at Atlanta REIA – August 8, 2022
Posted on August 8, 2022 byAtlanta’s HOTTEST LIVE, In Person
& Online REIA Club! See For Yourself…
& Vendor Trade Show
3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA
Learn How to Ethically Turn Panic into Profits
with Marco Kozlowski
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
Join us at the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting & Vendor Tradeshow on Monday, August 8th from 6PM-9PM at the City of Light located at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA with our special guest speaker, Marco Kozlowski, is going to talk about how the new rich build wealth ethically in chaotic times, buying the right real estate with minimal risk… and how anyone can copy their strategy, without using your own money or cred.
Here is a message from Marco about what you’ll learn at the upcoming event at Atlanta REIA…
Look, the Fed will never let you get ahead. Their mandate is literally to limit wage growth. Even though wages haven’t even come CLOSE to keeping up with inflation over the years…
What I show folks…
Is how to make AS MUCH MONEY as you want…
With ZERO daily commute…
No knucklehead boss…
Working WHEN you want… WHERE you want… and HOW OFTEN you want…
Or NOT WORKING at all…
It’s your choice.
And I’m telling you… Right now… this market cycle with all it’s craziness is THE TIME to get into the real estate buying game…
We have a window of opportunity coming to buy absolutely life-changing assets…
It’s been more difficult to find great deals in the seller’s market we’ve had for a while (though Brett recently closed a deal, pocketing 6-figures at closing and 400k+ for life)…
But what’s coming?
It’ll be like a money-tree raining down cash-flowing deals all day long…
All you need is a big bucket (held together with knowledge and skills and NONE of your own moneyyy) to catch em.
Recessions are where the big moneyyyy is made, my friend. Don’t miss out on this.
Because not only can regular folks like us do it with ZERO money or cred…
And no previous experience…
But… I’m showing you a PROVEN METHOD…
So you can use real estate as a ‘vehicle’…
To generate INFINITE monthly passive income forever.
Many folks said this training changed their life…
Like Louis, who told me…
“I was skeptical but life is about taking chances. I’m not happy working, so I’m here to make a change – and this isn’t that hard.”
You see, once they realized how SIMPLE it is to make passive income from real estate…
By purchasing their first property…
Which will net them between $600 – $1000 per month FOREVER…
AND they can pull out $3000 cash at closing…
It woke something up inside them.
Because now they know…
Once they get that first property out of the way…
They can just repeat the process…
And eventually their J.O.B. becomes obsolete.
Pretty amazing, right?!
In fact, here’s some of what we covered…
The wealth secret that gets money working for YOU (instead of you working for money)…
How to get in front of THOUSANDS of motivated sellers by using “The 5 D’s”…
The lending secret where you can lock in financing for 5, 6 or even 7-figure properties… with zero credit or money down…
My step-by-step buying process that makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to fail (I’ve perfected this method myself over the last 22+ years)…
So I’m giving you the opportunity to participate in this training at Atlanta REIA on Monday, August 8th from 6PM-9PM at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA.
And you can get started on TRANSFORMING your future right now… Come join me!
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.
As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend our Main Meeting event at no charge. Non-Members can attend for $20 by registering in advance at or pay $25 at the door.
with Don DeRosa on
Wrap Around Mortgages – The Alternative to Buying “Subject To”
Join Don DeRosa every month at 5:30PM SHARP at our Meeting-Before-the-Meeting that we like to call the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup that meets one hour BEFORE the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Event.
With the recession on the horizon (or already here according to traditional definitions), home owners will be needing alternatives to an all cash offer due to the fact that they may be over leveraged. In most cases the recommended method to help them would be buying the property “Subject To” the existing mortgage. That is where the home owner simple just gives you the warranty deed (Ownership) but the note and mortgage (lien) stay in their name.
However, sometimes the homeowner doesn’t feel comfortable with just handing over the deed to their home without any security that you are going to make their payments. That’s where “Wrap Around” mortgages come into play. During this session, I will go over all the basics of wrap around mortgages.
I will show you:
- Who should use this technique
- What is an actual Wrap Around Mortgage
- Why is it extremely important to have this technique in your toolbox
- When you should use it
- How you should use it
Join me at 5:30PM SHARP at the Atlanta REIA Meeting-Before-the-Meeting and learn another valuable tool to have in your investor toolbox.
You don’t want to miss this meeting! Join us at the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting each month where Don will teach you about different real estate investing purchase and sale strategies to put more money in your pocket as as well as state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work. You’ll learn to work less and earn more so you can spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
At 5:00 PM in the Main Lobby, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting.
Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Monday, August 15th @ 11:30AM (LIVE in Dunwoody): The Atlanta Landlord Luncheon meets at HOBNOB Neighborhood Tavern located at 1221 Ashford Crossing, Atlanta, GA.
The Atlanta Landlord Luncheon is hosted by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital and Chris Littleton of PMI Atlanta and meets on the 3rd Monday of each month for lunch at 11:30AM.
Monday, August 15th @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR): The Beginning Investors Group Online (BIGO) is now meeting ONLINE ONLY on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
BIG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at If you join Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA, you can avoid paying this cover charge.
Come join us to learn how to get your first deal or your next deal at the Beginning Investors Group Online!
Tuesday, August 9th (Special Date) & 16th (3rd Tues) @ NOON: Onsite Renovation Group with Don DeRosa and Chrissy Griffin at locations to be determined. More details coming soon. RSVP Now and come join us to learn to fix and flip houses like a pro.
Atlanta REIA Members can attend at no charge. Non-Members for $15. RSVP at
The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group is sponsored by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital. Thanks Chip!
Monday, August 22nd @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR) Short-Term Rental Investors Group (STRONG) meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
STRONG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at
Come join us monthly to learn everything you need to know about the short-term rental business!
Be sure to join our STRONG Facebook Group at
Monday, August 22nd @ 6:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Kennesaw): The Atlanta REIA West Meeting with Gordon Catts & Darlene Coquerel meets at the Golden Corral located at 700 Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW in Kennesaw, GA.
This is an “In-Person Event!” It’s time to come out and prepare for the next real estate season!
Saturday, September 3rd, 10AM-NOON (ONLINE WORKSHOP): Short-Term Rentals 401 Online Workshop is a half day Online Workshop with Richard Munroe. More details will be posted soon. RSVP Now!
If you did not attend the three prerequisite workshops (STR 101, 201 & 301), you can purchase the replays for an additional fee when you register for STR 401 at
During the early registration period, Atlanta REIA and Tampa REIA Members can attend for $199 and Non-Members can attend for $249. After early registration expires, Members can attend for $249 and Non-Members can attend for $299. Register Now & Save!
EVERY THURSDAY at 1:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Sandy Springs): Haves & Wants Meeting is LIVE and IN PERSON with Joe Thompson at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs. Bring Your Deals, Business Cards, Flyers & Come Network and Make Deals Happen with us once again!
Post Your Deals or Find Deals on Our Facebook Groups (Full List). Be sure to join 1) Atlanta Real Estate Investors Network, 2) Georgia Real Estate Investors Network, 3) Atlanta Wholesale Real Estate Deals & 4) Georgia Wholesale Real Estate Deals.
What’s Happening at Atlanta REIA – August 3, 2022
Posted on August 3, 2022 byAtlanta’s HOTTEST LIVE, In Person
& Online REIA Club! See For Yourself…
& Vendor Trade Show
3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA
Learn How to Ethically Turn Panic into Profits
with Marco Kozlowski
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
Join us at the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting & Vendor Tradeshow on Monday, August 8th from 6PM-9PM at the City of Light located at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA with our special guest speaker, Marco Kozlowski, is going to talk about how the new rich build wealth ethically in chaotic times, buying the right real estate with minimal risk… and how anyone can copy their strategy, without using your own money or cred.
Here is a message from Marco…
Look, the Fed will never let you get ahead. Their mandate is literally to limit wage growth. Even though wages haven’t even come CLOSE to keeping up with inflation over the years…
What I show folks…
Is how to make AS MUCH MONEY as you want…
With ZERO daily commute…
No knucklehead boss…
Working WHEN you want… WHERE you want… and HOW OFTEN you want…
Or NOT WORKING at all…
It’s your choice.
And I’m telling you… Right now… this market cycle with all it’s craziness is THE TIME to get into the real estate buying game…
We have a window of opportunity coming to buy absolutely life-changing assets…
It’s been more difficult to find great deals in the seller’s market we’ve had for a while (though Brett recently closed a deal, pocketing 6-figures at closing and 400k+ for life)…
But what’s coming?
It’ll be like a money-tree raining down cash-flowing deals all day long…
All you need is a big bucket (held together with knowledge and skills and NONE of your own moneyyy) to catch em.
Recessions are where the big moneyyyy is made, my friend. Don’t miss out on this.
Because not only can regular folks like us do it with ZERO money or cred…
And no previous experience…
But… I’m showing you a PROVEN METHOD…
So you can use real estate as a ‘vehicle’…
To generate INFINITE monthly passive income forever.
Many folks said this training changed their life…
Like Louis, who told me…
“I was skeptical but life is about taking chances. I’m not happy working, so I’m here to make a change – and this isn’t that hard.”
You see, once they realized how SIMPLE it is to make passive income from real estate…
By purchasing their first property…
Which will net them between $600 – $1000 per month FOREVER…
AND they can pull out $3000 cash at closing…
It woke something up inside them.
Because now they know…
Once they get that first property out of the way…
They can just repeat the process…
And eventually their J.O.B. becomes obsolete.
Pretty amazing, right?!
In fact, here’s some of what we covered…
The wealth secret that gets money working for YOU (instead of you working for money)…
How to get in front of THOUSANDS of motivated sellers by using “The 5 D’s”…
The lending secret where you can lock in financing for 5, 6 or even 7-figure properties… with zero credit or money down…
My step-by-step buying process that makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to fail (I’ve perfected this method myself over the last 22+ years)…
So I’m giving you the opportunity to participate in this training at Atlanta REIA on Monday, August 8th from 6PM-9PM at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA.
And you can get started on TRANSFORMING your future right now… Come join me!
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.
As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend our Main Meeting event at no charge. Non-Members can attend for $20 by registering in advance at or pay $25 at the door.
with Don DeRosa
Join Don DeRosa every month at 5:30PM SHARP at our Meeting-Before-the-Meeting that we like to call the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup that meets one hour BEFORE the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Event.
You don’t want to miss this meeting! Join us at the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting each month where Don will teach you about different real estate investing purchase and sale strategies to put more money in your pocket as as well as state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work. You’ll learn to work less and earn more so you can spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
At 5:00 PM in the Main Lobby, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting.
Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Monday, August 15th @ 11:30AM (LIVE in Dunwoody): The Atlanta Landlord Luncheon meets at HOBNOB Neighborhood Tavern located at 1221 Ashford Crossing, Atlanta, GA.
The Atlanta Landlord Luncheon is hosted by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital and Chris Littleton of PMI Atlanta and meets on the 3rd Monday of each month for lunch at 11:30AM.
Monday, August 15th @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR): The Beginning Investors Group Online (BIGO) is now meeting ONLINE ONLY on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
BIG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at If you join Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA, you can avoid paying this cover charge.
Come join us to learn how to get your first deal or your next deal at the Beginning Investors Group Online!
Tuesday, August 9th (Special Date) & 16th (3rd Tues) @ NOON: Onsite Renovation Group with Don DeRosa and Chrissy Griffin at locations to be determined. More details coming soon. RSVP Now and come join us to learn to fix and flip houses like a pro.
Atlanta REIA Members can attend at no charge. Non-Members for $15. RSVP at
The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group is sponsored by Chip Cagle of Bay Mountain Capital. Thanks Chip!
Monday, August 22nd @ 7PM (ONLINE WEBINAR) Short-Term Rental Investors Group (STRONG) meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7PM on Zoom Webinar.
STRONG Online Webinar Registration Instructions For Members & Guests- For Members: If you’re an Atlanta REIA or Tampa REIA Member, you can attend the webinar at NO CHARGE by Registering on Zoom at Your membership must be current and not expired. If you need to renew, contact Chrissy at 330-607-6839.
- For Non-Members: Guests can 1) Pay the $20 Guest Fee to Attend at and then, 2) Register for the Webinar on Zoom at
Come join us monthly to learn everything you need to know about the short-term rental business!
Be sure to join our STRONG Facebook Group at
Monday, August 22nd @ 6:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Kennesaw): The Atlanta REIA West Meeting with Gordon Catts & Darlene Coquerel meets at the Golden Corral located at 700 Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW in Kennesaw, GA.
This is an “In-Person Event!” It’s time to come out and prepare for the 2022 real estate season!
Saturday, September 3rd, 10AM-NOON (ONLINE WORKSHOP): Short-Term Rentals 401 Online Workshop is a half day Online Workshop with Richard Munroe. More details will be posted soon. RSVP Now!
If you did not attend the three prerequisite workshops (STR 101, 201 & 301), you can purchase the replays for an additional fee when you register for STR 401 at
During the early registration period, Atlanta REIA and Tampa REIA Members can attend for $199 and Non-Members can attend for $249. After early registration expires, Members can attend for $249 and Non-Members can attend for $299. Register Now & Save!
EVERY THURSDAY at 1:30PM (LIVE & IN-PERSON in Sandy Springs): Haves & Wants Meeting is LIVE and IN PERSON with Joe Thompson at Hudson Grille in Sandy Springs. Bring Your Deals, Business Cards, Flyers & Come Network and Make Deals Happen with us once again!
Post Your Deals or Find Deals on Our Facebook Groups (Full List). Be sure to join 1) Atlanta Real Estate Investors Network, 2) Georgia Real Estate Investors Network, 3) Atlanta Wholesale Real Estate Deals & 4) Georgia Wholesale Real Estate Deals.
Atlanta REIA on The Perfect Storm is Back – How to Ethically Turn Panic into Profits with Marco Kozlowski
Posted on August 3, 2022 by& Vendor Trade Show
3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA
Learn How to Ethically Turn Panic into Profits
with Marco Kozlowski
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
Join us at the Atlanta REIA Main Meeting & Vendor Tradeshow on Monday, August 8th from 6PM-9PM at the City of Light located at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA with our special guest speaker, Marco Kozlowski, is going to talk about how the new rich build wealth ethically in chaotic times, buying the right real estate with minimal risk… and how anyone can copy their strategy, without using your own money or cred.
Here is a message from Marco about what you’ll learn at the upcoming event at Atlanta REIA…
Look, the Fed will never let you get ahead. Their mandate is literally to limit wage growth. Even though wages haven’t even come CLOSE to keeping up with inflation over the years…
What I show folks…
Is how to make AS MUCH MONEY as you want…
With ZERO daily commute…
No knucklehead boss…
Working WHEN you want… WHERE you want… and HOW OFTEN you want…
Or NOT WORKING at all…
It’s your choice.
And I’m telling you… Right now… this market cycle with all it’s craziness is THE TIME to get into the real estate buying game…
We have a window of opportunity coming to buy absolutely life-changing assets…
It’s been more difficult to find great deals in the seller’s market we’ve had for a while (though Brett recently closed a deal, pocketing 6-figures at closing and 400k+ for life)…
But what’s coming?
It’ll be like a money-tree raining down cash-flowing deals all day long…
All you need is a big bucket (held together with knowledge and skills and NONE of your own moneyyy) to catch em.
Recessions are where the big moneyyyy is made, my friend. Don’t miss out on this.
Because not only can regular folks like us do it with ZERO money or cred…
And no previous experience…
But… I’m showing you a PROVEN METHOD…
So you can use real estate as a ‘vehicle’…
To generate INFINITE monthly passive income forever.
Many folks said this training changed their life…
Like Louis, who told me…
“I was skeptical but life is about taking chances. I’m not happy working, so I’m here to make a change – and this isn’t that hard.”
You see, once they realized how SIMPLE it is to make passive income from real estate…
By purchasing their first property…
Which will net them between $600 – $1000 per month FOREVER…
AND they can pull out $3000 cash at closing…
It woke something up inside them.
Because now they know…
Once they get that first property out of the way…
They can just repeat the process…
And eventually their J.O.B. becomes obsolete.
Pretty amazing, right?!
In fact, here’s some of what we covered…
The wealth secret that gets money working for YOU (instead of you working for money)…
How to get in front of THOUSANDS of motivated sellers by using “The 5 D’s”…
The lending secret where you can lock in financing for 5, 6 or even 7-figure properties… with zero credit or money down…
My step-by-step buying process that makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to fail (I’ve perfected this method myself over the last 22+ years)…
So I’m giving you the opportunity to participate in this training yourself at Atlanta REIA on Monday, August 8th from 6PM-9PM at 3125 Presidential Pkwy, Atlanta, GA.
And you can get started on TRANSFORMING your future right now… Come join me!
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
*Please Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change.
As always, Atlanta REIA Members can attend our Main Meeting event at no charge. Non-Members can attend for $20 by registering in advance at or pay $25 at the door.
with Don DeRosa
Join Don DeRosa every month at 5:30PM SHARP at our Meeting-Before-the-Meeting that we like to call the High Tech Home Buying Creative Deal Structuring Subgroup that meets one hour BEFORE the Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Event.
You don’t want to miss this meeting! Join us at the Meeting-Before-the-Meeting each month where Don will teach you about different real estate investing purchase and sale strategies to put more money in your pocket as as well as state-of-the-art tools and techniques you’ll use to evaluate deals and figure out how to make them work. You’ll learn to work less and earn more so you can spend more time where you want, when you want and with whom you want.
Atlanta REIA Members Can Attend for no charge.
Guests Can RSVP Online Now for $20 or Pay $25 at the Door.
At 5:00 PM in the Main Lobby, we have a Vendor Trade Show that lasts throughout the meeting where you can come out and meet many of our participating Business Members and Vendor Guests who help sponsor our meeting.
Vendor tables are limited, so any vendors wanting to reserve a table for the meeting can RSVP for a Vendor Table here. Vendor tables are reserved and setup on a first-come, first-serve basis.